Forum Discussion

Peter_Baumann_5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 15, 2018

APM not ready for HTTP/2 ?

Hi all,

I have a config here with APM and users are login to a full webtop.

Version used is v13.1.0.1.

Now, for a test I changed the VS to support HTTP/2 and added a http/2 profile to the VS.

When we connect we get the following error in /var/log/ltm:

Jan 15 14:14:19 bigip1 err tmm1[12276]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/_sys_APM_VDI_Helper  - can't read "tmm_apm_client_type": no such variable     while executing "if { ($tmm_apm_uri_path equals "/broker/xml") || ($tmm_apm_user_agent equals "VMware-client") } {             set tmm_apm_client_type "view-xml"      ..."

So is APM not HTTP/2 ready yet?

Thanks for a reply, Peter

  • Hello Peter,


    are you using the full-proxy settings?


    If yes and based on, you'll find some configuration constraints: - An HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration works with BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) only. The configuration is not supported on any optional BIG-IP modules.


    • The OneConnect and HTTP Cache features are not supported.
    • The HTTP/2 protocol is incompatible with NTLM protocols.
    • For session persistence, only the Cookie persistence method is available.
    • In high-availability configurations, connection mirroring is not supported.
    • The iRule commands session and table are not supported.

    At the moment, full-proxy http/2 support is only available for LTM!


  • mnagel_63130's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hello Peter,


    are you using the full-proxy settings?


    If yes and based on, you'll find some configuration constraints: - An HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration works with BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) only. The configuration is not supported on any optional BIG-IP modules.


    • The OneConnect and HTTP Cache features are not supported.
    • The HTTP/2 protocol is incompatible with NTLM protocols.
    • For session persistence, only the Cookie persistence method is available.
    • In high-availability configurations, connection mirroring is not supported.
    • The iRule commands session and table are not supported.

    At the moment, full-proxy http/2 support is only available for LTM!


    • Peter_Baumann_5's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Michael,


      Yes, full proxy settings.


      Thanks for the update with the v14.1 :-)