Forum Discussion

Mattias_Anderss's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 09, 2015

APM Create SAML Idp from META-data fails. MCP Error: 01070734:3



im running into a wierd problem. Im trying to import an external Idp connector from META-data. But im getting an error that i don't understand. I have tried to search in the forum and on the web for an answer but it seems like no one ever had this problem:


"MCP Error: 01070734:3: Configuration error: apm aaa saml-idp-connector /Common/etj-ver : Signature verification failed. File contents changed"


Anyone know what it means? Im guessing there is something wrong in the META-data but its quite hard to make anything out of this error message. The Idp have a wildcard certificate in it, could that be a problem for APM?


Cheers // Mattias


  • Is it a signed Metadata? It might be an invalid Cert with which you validate it? Try importing without signature.


  • Hi again,


    sorry for the late reply. When we removed the DS:Signature from the meta-data it worked like a charm. So as you said something must have been wrong with the signing. Thanks for the help!


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    If not signed it will simplify the import process and no need to import certificate. The error comes when signed option is selected and APM cannot validate it. It could be the cert imported is invalid or the metaData is not signed correctly.


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Is it a signed Metadata? It might be an invalid Cert with which you validate it? Try importing without signature.


    • Mattias_Anderss's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Yes its signed. But how could i import this without signature? I just got the file from a provider, i need to ask them to not sign the METADATA-file then? Then i need to import the certificate?
  • Is it a signed Metadata? It might be an invalid Cert with which you validate it? Try importing without signature.


    • Mattias_Anderss's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Yes its signed. But how could i import this without signature? I just got the file from a provider, i need to ask them to not sign the METADATA-file then? Then i need to import the certificate?