Forum Discussion

Kevin_Thomas_29's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 29, 2018

APM app tunnel - Client application requires multiple remote IP resources

I have set up an APM App Tunnel for SAP GUI client to be used remotely. This requires a resource item using hostname and port 3670 and application path.(this works fine)


After the initial connection the client app then attempts to make a connection to a different IP in the same subnet on port 3270. Apparently adding this as another resource item doesn't work. Is it possible to have the app tunnel configured to connect more than a single IP/hostname for a single application?


  • Hi Kevin,


    Yes of course you can have one apptunnel with more that on IP and port!!!


    I deployed it for skype, exchange. crm in the same app tunnel.




  • Successfully setup app tunnel. multiple resources using hostnames and ports. A preinstall of edge components required because of the need for DNS relay (that sucks)


  • Also... I do notice that when using hostnames for resource items... the entries are added to the local host file. and they are all ping-able. one part of the client app uses hostname...then it uses IP and port. the IP's do not work.


    The issue is when using IP address as the resource. No communication with that IP and nothing in the local route table to help troubleshoot.