Forum Discussion

Dietmar_Moltner's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 15, 2014

APM 11.6 - Restart of tmm when creating access policy from iRule

Using the following iRule snippet, tmm is restarted with APM 11.6.0 HF1:

   When we accept a connection, create an Access session and save the session ID.
  set flow_sid [ACCESS::session create -timeout 600 -lifetime 3600]

Is anyone seeing the same issue with this version? With 11.4.1 this was not happening, so we doubt this is bug brought in with that new version.

Any hints are very welcome because our implementation is highly dependent from that feature Thx for your support and ideas

  • i would open a support case, much better chance of it already being reported and a possible fix. it might be someone else here has encountered it but the chance is quite small that person will also respond and if they do you need to log that support case anyway for a fix.
  • Clear, we will open it asap, just curious if someone else encountered similar stability issue with the brand-new release
  • R_Eastman_13667's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Wrap it in a catch statement to see if this prevents tmm from restarting. I have noticed with, some of the iRule processing is different. I have had to put catch statements around if statements in my HTTP_RESPONSE events.

       When we accept a connection, create an Access session and save the session ID.
      catch {
        set flow_sid [ACCESS::session create -timeout 600 -lifetime 3600]
  • Thx for your recommendation, but this did not help. F5 already confirmed the bug and provided an engineering hotfix, currently testing