Forum Discussion

soymanue's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 18, 2014

Android Edge Client 2.0.5 Certificate Import Issue

Hello I'm trying to create a connection from a Google Nexus 10 to APM with Certificate Authentication. I've tried to import the P12 user certificate I'm already using with other iOS devices. I have been able to install the certificate in the Android System. But I'm afraid Edge Client need to import it in its own container. When I try to use the Edge Client "Import Certificate" functionality I choose "Download" as the Nexus 10 has no SD Card Slot. The certificate is actually downloaded but I always get the same error "Please enter the correct password". I'm sure I'm typing the right password. I've even changed the password with no success. Any help? Regards


3 Replies

  • I opened a supposed case and F5 has been able to reproduce the issue. They will deliver a fix


  • I've tried with a Samsung Galaxy S4 and it happens the same. I can't import the certificate using URL Download. Fortunately, the S4 does support external SD cards. And the certificate can be imported from the SD card.