Forum Discussion

Arie_90212's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2019

Agility 2019?

Any news about Agility 2019? Will there even be an Agility 2019?


In the past the dates and location for the next Agility were announced at the end of the conference, but as far as I know that didn't happen last year (Boston).


  • Dylan is right! Unfortunately, no Agility this calendar year, but Agility 2020 is happening. More to follow on time/location for Agility 2020...stay tuned!


  • I talked to John Wagnon about a week and a half ago.


    He says unfortunately there will not be a 2019 Agility,


    there will however be a 2020 Agility, but they are unsure of where it will be located.


    Hope that helps!

