Forum Discussion

MY_177211's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 11, 2015

Agent name of f5 agent in Openstack neutron



After F5 integration with Openstack, when neutron agent-list command is issued in openstack, the output shows list of all neutron agents and one of them is of F5. Under host column of this against F5 agent it shows hostname of the linux machine with postfix as some uuid. Example : rhel7machine:a4bd6149-e720-5c03-9ffc-eb1596e65783


Due to above format of hostname of F5 agent under neutron agent, some monitoring tools are unable to integrate with openstack to monitor F5 agent.


I have tried modifying this name by changing database entry in sql database of openstack, however after restarted of service the same got disabled and new agent entry got created in neutron agent-list with the hostname of F5 agent in the format prescribed above.


Kindly suggest the way to modify this without compromising any expected functionality.


Regards, Maulik


1 Reply

  • Hi All,


    I did modification to python script to address the above issue, not sure about the impact of the same, however the hostname is appearing as expected after this.


    Mentioned below are the steps i carried out:


    1. Stop the f5 agent service
    2. Delete the f5 agent from neutron agent list using below command, a.Neutron agent-delete
    3. Go to below directory a./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/f5/oslbaasv1agent/drivers/bigip
    4. After taking backup, Modify file as under: a.Goto line no. 216 b.Current code will be : self.agent_host = + ":" + self.lbdriver.agent_id Modiby above code with below: self.agent_host =
    5. save the file
    6. start the f5 agent
    7. restart neutron-server service