Forum Discussion

bilco105_9926's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 14, 2008

404/403 Redirect

Hi Folks,



I am looking to create an iRule that redirects to a generic whenever a 404 response is hit. This is obviously easy using HTTP::redirect. However, when I do this, The F5 returns a 200 response code.



I need the rule to initially return a 404 for the requested URL (for SEO), then redirect over to my generic 404 page (for client-side usability).



I have a working concept, which is as follows..;






Handle error status' nicely


switch [HTTP::status] {


"403" {


log local0.notice "Caught 403, redirecting to generic page"


HTTP::respond 403 content [subst $::error_404] "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8"




"404" {


log local0.notice "Caught 404, redirecting to generic page"


HTTP::respond 404 content [subst $::error_404] "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8"





"500" {


log local0.notice "Caught 500, redirecting to generic page"


HTTP::redirect ""









Then, my error_404 is defined as html, which contains a meta-refresh to the 404/403 page. This is a pretty ugly way of doing this.



Is there a better way?



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus



    This page (Click here) seems to agree with your methodology.



    Considering that you want to give a specific response for search engines but display something else for clients, I'd say you've come up with a good solution. You could also change the web app to do this. I assume you already considered that though.



    Does the iRule solution work for you? Is there something else you want to do with the rule?


