2 TopicsAttaching w3c iRule to VS
Hi, I'm in midst of preparation to attach w3c iRule to all the VS in my internet facing BIGIP. I would be attaching to all the VS with http profile. But just wondering, if there would be any impact on the configuration (or change in Properties of VS) when I attach the iRule in question to the VS. Please confirm. Thanks, MSK179Views0likes1Commentw3c iRule logging for Virtual Servers having http to https redirection iRule
Hi, I have been asked to verify the VS without w3c iRule in our LTMs and attach this iRule to them. Now, I have many VS in LTMs which have http to https redirection iRule attached to them and w3c iRule attached to VS listening on https. Could anyone of you please confirm whether I have to attach w3c iRule to both VS listening on http and https or would it suffice if I only attach it to VS with https as requests to http would be redirected to https VS. If I add w3c to both of the VS (http & https) would this create redundant logs as traffic to VS:http are redirected to VS:https. Can I have some clarification on this. Thanks in advance, MSK563Views0likes22Comments