2 TopicsvCMP, Partitions and managing self IP
Hi, Just reading vCMP for VIPRION Systems: Administration v13. I am a bit puzzled by description for creating self IPs Creating floating self IP addresses. Basically it describes that Partition assigned user (called customer administrator) is responsible for creating and managing Self IPs in his Partition. It seems to be mistake as in description of the task there is something like that: In the upper-right corner of any the BIG-IP Configuration utility screen, locate the Partition list and select the customer-specific administrative partition. If the partition selections are unavailable, you do not have a user role that allows you to change the current partition. An example of a selected partition is CustomerA_partition. How user assigned to specific partition (like Manager with Partition set to his Partition - not All) can switch Partitions? I was not able to configure user Role/Partition i a way that enables creating/editing Self IPs only for specific Partition - Am I missing something here? Piotr352Views0likes0CommentsVIPRION vCMP and vGuest cluster member IP
Hi, I am not very experienced in VIPRION and vCMP. Do not have access to such setup right now but would like to figure out things in advance. In Overview of vCMP configuration considerations there is section Management IP addresses: In addition to the cluster IP address, each blade should have its own unique cluster member IP address; this is recommended for both the host and guest systems. For example, if you have two guests that span four blades, you should have a cluster IP address for the host and also a cluster member IP address for each individual blade on the host. Then, within the guest, you should have a cluster IP address and a unique cluster member IP address for each blade in the guest. This configuration improves failover capabilities and communication within the chassis/blades. On every screenshot showing vGuest config I saw there is only such entry: Just single IP can be configured, so how those vGuest cluster member IPs can be configured? Piotr475Views0likes7Comments