4 TopicsF5 Archiver Ansible Playbook
Problem this snippet solves: Centralized scheduled archiving (backups) on F5 BIG-IP devices are a pain however, in the new world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Super-NetOps tools like Ansible can provide the answer. I have a playbook I have been working on to allow me to backup off box quickly, UCS files are saves to a folder names tmp under the local project folder, this can be changed by editing the following line in the f5Archiver.yml file: dest: "tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ date['stdout'] }}.ucs" The playbook can be run from a laptop on demand or via some scheduler (like cron ) or as part of a CI/CD pipelines. How to use this snippet: F5 Archiver Ansible Playbook Gitlab: StrataLabs: AnsibleF5Archiver Overview This Ansible playbook takes a list of F5 devices from a hosts file located within the inventory directory, creates a UCS archive and copies locally into the 'tmp' direcotry. Requirements This Ansible playbook requires the following: * ansible >= 2.5 * python module f5-sdk * F5 BIG-IP running TMOS >= 12 Usage Run using the ansible-playbook command using the inventory -i option to use the invertory directory instead of the default inventory host file. NOTE: F5 username and password are not set in the playbook and so need to be passed into the playbook as extra variables using the --extra-vars option, the variables are f5User for the username and f5Pwd for the password. The below examples use the default admin:admin . To check the playbook before using run the following commands ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml --syntax-check ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml --check Once happy run the following to execute the playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml Tested this on version: 12.11.9KViews2likes1CommentPython BigREST ucs save and download
Problem this snippet solves: This uses BIGREST SDK API to save/download the ucs file. Adding it here since I couldn't find a similar one, How to use this snippet: Based on Python3 and BigREST (https://bigrest.readthedocs.io) Code : #Import needed libraries from bigrest.bigip import BIGIP import getpass #Replace the host name as needed host="xx.xx.xx.xx" user=input('Username') pw= getpass.getpass(prompt='Password:') #Declare the ucs filename, if needed ucsfile="test.ucs" #Connect to device device = BIGIP(host, user, pw) data = {} data["command"] = "save" data["name"] = ucsfile #You may get timeout exception below even if the file has been created task = device.task_start("/mgmt/tm/sys/ucs", data) device.task_wait(task) if device.task_completed(task): device.task_result(task) print("Backup has been completed.") else: raise Exception() #The below will download the file to the same folder as the script device.download("/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/ucs-downloads/", ucsfile) Tested this on version: 13.1942Views0likes0CommentsDownload a BIG-IP UCS archive with "curl".
Problem this snippet solves: Download a BIG-IP UCS archive using the program "curl" and verifies the output file's signature. Tested on 13.1.1. How to use this snippet: Edit the code to input the hostname of your F5 UI, admin credentials, source UCS file name (defaults to config.ucs), and the output file name. Code : #!/bin/bash # # Download a UCS archive (across a stable network) with curl. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- F5_HOST='myhost.example.com' CREDENTIALS='admin:admin' FINAL_FILE='/tmp/config.ucs' ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER='config.ucs' DEBUG='' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Get the md5 checksum for the archive. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM=$(curl -sku $CREDENTIALS -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d "{\"command\":\"run\", \"utilCmdArgs\": \"-c '/usr/bin/md5sum /var/local/ucs/$ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER'\"}" \ https://$F5_HOST/mgmt/tm/util/bash | awk -F':' '{print $NF}' | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' | awk '{print $1}') [ -z "$ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" ] && echo "Failed to get archive signature. Aborting." && exit 1 [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Archive checksum: $ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Find out the size of the archive and the size of the data packet. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content_Range=$(curl -I -kv -u $CREDENTIALS -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET "https://$F5_HOST/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/ucs-downloads/$ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER" 2>/dev/null | grep "Content-Range: " | cut -d ' ' -f 2) FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE=$(echo -n $Content_Range | cut -d '/' -f 1 | tr -d '\r') [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE=$(echo -n $FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE | cut -d '-' -f 2) [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE INITIAL_CONTENT_LENGTH=$NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE CONTENT_LENGTH=$(($NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE+1)) [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "CONTENT_LENGTH: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $CONTENT_LENGTH DFILE_SIZE=$(echo -n $Content_Range | cut -d '/' -f 2 | tr -d '\r' ) [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "DFILE_SIZE: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $DFILE_SIZE LAST_END_BYTE=$((DFILE_SIZE-1)) CUMULATIVE_NO=0 [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "CUMULATIVE_NO: $CUMULATIVE_NO" SEQ=0 LAST=0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Clean up: Remove the previous output file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- /bin/rm $FINAL_FILE 2>/dev/null #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Get the archive file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- while true do if [ $LAST -gt 0 ]; then [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo 'End of run reached.' break fi if [ $SEQ -eq 0 ]; then NEXT_RANGE=$FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE CUMULATIVE_NO=$NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE CONTENT_LENGTH=$INITIAL_CONTENT_LENGTH else START_BYTE=$(($CUMULATIVE_NO+1)) END_BYTE=$(($START_BYTE + $CONTENT_LENGTH)) if [ $END_BYTE -gt $LAST_END_BYTE ]; then [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "END_BYTE greater than LAST_END_BYTE: $END_BYTE:$LAST_END_BYTE" LAST=1 let END_BYTE=$LAST_END_BYTE [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Getting the last data packet." fi NEXT_RANGE="${START_BYTE}-${END_BYTE}" CUMULATIVE_NO=$END_BYTE fi [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "NEXT_RANGE: $NEXT_RANGE" let SEQ+=1 [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "SEQ: $SEQ" OUTPUT_FILE_NAME="/tmp/$$_downloaded_ucs_archive_file_part_$SEQ"; curl -H "Content-Range: ${NEXT_RANGE}/${DFILE_SIZE}" -s -k -u $CREDENTIALS -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET "https://$F5_HOST/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/ucs-downloads/$ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER" -o $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME cat $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME >> $FINAL_FILE /bin/rm $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "End of loop $SEQ" done #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Verify downloaded file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL_FILE_CHECKSUM=$(/usr/bin/md5sum $FINAL_FILE | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$FINAL_FILE_CHECKSUM" == "$ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" ]; then echo "Download completed and verified." else echo "Downloaded file has incorrect checksum." exit 1 fi # END -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tested this on version: 13.01.5KViews2likes5CommentsModify UCS Archive so it doesn't backup epsec images
Problem this snippet solves: Currently, if you have APM installed, the UCS Archive process, also backs up the epsec images. I have written a bash script, which modifies the UCS Archive process, so that it does not include these in the UCS Archive process, and it also modifies the bigip.conf that is archived, so that it does not contain references to these images. By default, APM has it's own epsec image in /var/sam/images so when your UCS Archive is loaded to a new system, or a rebuilt system, it will just use the default epsec image for that system. This means that if you have upload a new epsec image to fix an issue, you will need to ensure that this is done on any system you restore the UCS Archive too. How to use this snippet: Just save the bash script to a file like /shared/bin/modify_ucs.sh Then run the script:- # sh /shared/bin/modify_ucs.sh The script modifies /usr/libdata/configsync/cs.dat and creates two files config_save_pre and config_save_post in the same folder. It also creates a backup of cs.dat as cs.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM.bak The /usr filesystem is mounted RO, so I remount it RW to do this. To remove changes: mount -o remount,rw /usr cd /usr/libdata/configsync/ mv -f `ls -1t cs.dat.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*.bak|head -1` cs.dat rm -f config_save_p[or][se]* mount -o remount,ro /usr This modification does not survive a upgrade, so you will need to run the script again after any upgrade If you are running a cron job to create a daily/weekly backup, you can just call this script before you run the tmsh save sys ucs command, as it checks to see if the modification has already been done. Code : 70454494Views0likes0Comments