7 TopicsTACACS+ External Monitor (Python)
Problem this snippet solves: This script is an external monitor for TACACS+ that simulates a TACACS+ client authenticating a test user, and marks the status of a pool member as up if the authentication is successful. If the connection is down/times out, or the authentication fails due to invalid account settings, the script marks the pool member status as down. This is heavily inspired by the Radius External Monitor (Python) by AlanTen. How to use this snippet: Prerequisite This script uses the TACACS+ Python client by Ansible (tested on version 2.6). Create the directory /config/eav/tacacs_plus on BIG-IP Copy all contents from tacacs_plus package into /config/eav/tacacs_plus. You may also need to download six.py from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benjaminp/six/master/six.py and place it in /config/eav/tacacs_plus. You will need to have a test account provisioned on the TACACS+ server for the script to perform authentication. Installation On BIG-IP, import the code snippet below as an External Monitor Program File. Monitor Configuration Set up an External monitor with the imported file, and configure it with the following environment variables: KEY: TACACS+ server secret USER: Username for test account PASSWORD: Password for test account MOD_PATH: Path to location of Python package tacacs_plus, default: /config/eav TIMEOUT: Duration to wait for connectivity to TACACS server to be established, default: 3 Troubleshooting SSH to BIG-IP and run the script locally $ cd /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/external_monitor_d/ # Get name of uploaded file, e.g.: $ ls -la ... -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tomcat tomcat 1883 2021-09-17 04:05 :Common:tacacs-monitor_39568_7 # Run the script with the corresponding variables $ KEY=<my_tacacs_key> USER=<testuser> PASSWORD=<supersecure> python <external program file, e.g.:Common:tacacs-monitor_39568_7> <TACACS+ server IP> <TACACS+ server port> Code : #!/usr/bin/env python # # Filename : tacacs_plus_mon.py # Author : Leon Seng # Version : 1.2 # Date : 2021/09/21 # Python ver: 2.6+ # F5 version: 12.1+ # # ========== Installation # Import this script via GUI: # System > File Management > External Monitor Program File List > Import... # Name it however you want. # Get, modify and copy the following modules: # ========== Required modules # -- six -- # https://pypi.org/project/six/ # Copy six.py into /config/eav # # -- tacacs_plus -- # https://pypi.org/project/tacacs_plus/ | https://github.com/ansible/tacacs_plus # Copy tacacs_plus directory into /config/eav # ========== Environment Variables # NODE_IP - Supplied by F5 monitor as first argument # NODE_PORT - Supplied by F5 monitor as second argument # KEY - TACACS+ server secret # USER - Username for test account # PASSWORD - Password for test account # MOD_PATH - Path to location of Python package tacacs_plus, default: /config/eav # TIMEOUT - Duration to wait for connectivity to TACACS server to be established, default: 3 import os import socket import sys if os.environ.get('MOD_PATH'): sys.path.append(os.environ.get('MOD_PATH')) else: sys.path.append('/config/eav') # https://github.com/ansible/tacacs_plus from tacacs_plus.client import TACACSClient node_ip = sys.argv[1] node_port = int(sys.argv[2]) key = os.environ.get("KEY") user = os.environ.get("USER") password = os.environ.get("PASSWORD") timeout = int(os.environ.get("TIMEOUT", 3)) # Determine if node IP is IPv4 or IPv6 family = None try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, node_ip) family = socket.AF_INET except socket.error: # not a valid address try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, node_ip) family = socket.AF_INET6 except socket.error: sys.exit(1) # Authenticate against TACACS server client = TACACSClient(node_ip, node_port, key, timeout=timeout, family=family) try: auth = client.authenticate(user, password) if auth.valid: print "up" except socket.error: # EAV script marks node as DOWN when no output is present pass Tested this on version: 12.11.2KViews1like0CommentsTACACS+ Remote Role Configuration for BIG-IP
Several years ago (can it really have been 2009?) I wrote up a solution for using tacacs+ as the authentication and authorization source for BIG-IP user management. Much has changed in five years: new roles have been added to the system, tmsh has replaced bigpipe, and unrelated to our end of the solution, my favorite flavor of the free tacacs daemon, tac_plus, is no longer available! This article will cover all the steps necessary to get a tacacs+ installation established on a Ubuntu server, configure tacacs+, configure the BIG-IP to utilize that tacacs+ server, and test the installation. Before that, however, I'll address the role information necessary to make it all work. The tacacs config in this article is dependent on a version that I am no longer able to get installed on a modern linux flavor. Instead, try this Dockerized tacacs+ server for your testing. The details in the rest of the article are still appropriate. BIG-IP Remote Role Details There are quite a few more roles than previously. The table below shows all the roles available as of TMOS version 11.5.1. Role Role Value admin 0 resource-admin 20 user-manager 40 auditor 80 manager 100 application-editor 300 operator 400 certificate-manager 500 irule-manager 510 guest 700 web-application-security-administrator 800 web-application-security-editor 810 acceleration-policy-editor 850 no-access 900 In addition to the role, the console (tmsh or disabled) and partition (all, Common (default) or specified partition) settings need to be addressed. Installing tac_plus First, download the tac_plus package from pro-bono to /var/tmp. I'm assuming you already have gcc installed, if you don't, please check google for installing gcc on your Ubuntu installation. Change directory to /var/tmp and extract the package. cd /var/tmp/ #current file is DEVEL.201407301604.tar.bz2 tar xvf DEVEL.201407301604.tar.bz2 Change directory into PROJECTS, configure the package for tacacs, then compile and install it. Do these steps one at a time (don't copy and paste the group.) cd PROJECTS ./configure tac_plus make sudo make install After a successful installation, copy the sample configuration to the config directory, and copy the init script over to the system init script directory, modify the file attributes and permissions, then apply the init script to the system. sudo cp /usr/local/etc/mavis/sample/tac_plus.cfg /usr/local/etc/ sudo cp /var/tmp/PROJECTS/tac_plus/extra/etc_init.d_tac_plus /etc/init.d/tac_plus sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/tac_plus sudo update-rc.d tac_plus defaults Configuring tac_plus Now that the installation is complete, the configuration file needs to be cleaned up and configured. There are many options that can extend the power of the tac_plus daemon, but this article will focus on authentication and authorization specific to the BIG-IP role information described above. Starting with the daemon listener itself, this is contained in the spawnd id. I changed the port to the default tacacs port, which is 49 (tcp). id = spawnd { listen = { port = 49 } spawn = { instances min = 1 instances max = 10 } background = no } Next, the logging locations and host information need to be set. I left the debug values alone, as well as the binding address. Assume all the remaining code snippets from the tac_plus configuration are wrapped in the id = tac_plus { } section. debug = PACKET AUTHEN AUTHOR access log = /var/log/access.log accounting log = /var/log/acct.log host = world { address = ::/0 prompt = "\nAuthorized access only!\nTACACS+ Login\n" key = f5networks } After the host data is configured, the groups need to be configured. For this exercise, the groups will be aligned to the administrator, application editor, user manager, and ops roles, with admins and ops getting console access. Admins will have access to all partitions, ops will have access only to partition1, and the remaining groups will have access to the Common partition. group = adm { service = ppp { protocol = ip { set F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = adm set F5-LTM-User-Console = 1 set F5-LTM-User-Role = 0 set F5-LTM-User-Partition = all } } } group = appEd { service = ppp { protocol = ip { set F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = appEd set F5-LTM-User-Console = 0 set F5-LTM-User-Role = 300 set F5-LTM-User-Partition = Common } } } group = userMgr { service = ppp { protocol = ip { set F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = userMgr set F5-LTM-User-Console = 0 set F5-LTM-User-Role = 40 set F5-LTM-User-Partition = Common } } } group = ops { service = ppp { protocol = ip { set F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = ops set F5-LTM-User-Console = 1 set F5-LTM-User-Role = 400 set F5-LTM-User-Partition = partition1 } } } Finally, map a user to each of those groups for testing the solution. I would not recommend using a clear key (host configuration) or clear passwords in production, these are shown here for demonstration purposes only. Mapping to /etc/password, or even a centralized ldap/ad solution would be far better for operational considerations. user = f5user1 { password = clear letmein member = adm } user = f5user2 { password = clear letmein member = appEd } user = f5user3 { password = clear letmein member = userMgr } user = f5user4 { password = clear letmein member = ops } Save the file, and then start the tac_plus daemon by typing service tac_plus start. Configuring BIG-IP Now that the tacacs configuration is complete and the service is available, the BIG-IP needs to be configured to use it! The remote role configuration is pretty straight forward in tmsh, and note that the role info aligns with the groups configured in tac_plus. auth remote-role { role-info { adm { attribute F5-LTM-User-Info-1=adm console %F5-LTM-User-Console line-order 1 role %F5-LTM-User-Role user-partition %F5-LTM-User-Partition } appEd { attribute F5-LTM-User-Info-1=appEd console %F5-LTM-User-Console line-order 2 role %F5-LTM-User-Role user-partition %F5-LTM-User-Partition } ops { attribute F5-LTM-User-Info-1=ops console %F5-LTM-User-Console line-order 4 role %F5-LTM-User-Role user-partition %F5-LTM-User-Partition } userMgr { attribute F5-LTM-User-Info-1=userMgr console %F5-LTM-User-Console line-order 3 role %F5-LTM-User-Role user-partition %F5-LTM-User-Partition } } } Note: Because we defined the behaviors for each role in tac_plus, they don't need to be redefined here, which is why the % syntax is used in this configuration for the console, role, and user-partition. However, if it is preferred to define the behaviors on box, that can be done instead and then you can just define the F5-LTM-User-Info-1 attribute on tac_plus. Either way is supported. Here's an example of the alternative on the BIG-IP side for the admin role. adm { attribute F5-LTM-User-Info-1=adm console enabled line-order 1 role administrator user-partition All } Final step is to set the authentication source to tacacs and set the host parameters. auth source { type tacacs } auth tacacs system-auth { debug enabled protocol ip secret $M$2w$jT3pHxY6dqGF1tHKgl4mWw== servers { } service ppp } Testing the Solution It wouldn't be much of a solution if it didn't work, so the following screenshots show the functionality as expected in the GUI and the CLI. F5user1 This user is in the admin group, and should have access to all the partitions, be an administrator, and be able to not only connect to the console, but jump out of tmsh to the advanced shell. You can do this with the run util bash command in tmsh. F5user2 This user is an application editor, and should have access only to the common partition with no access to the console. Notice the failed logins at the CLI, and the partition is firm with no drop down. F5user3 This user has the user manager role and like the application editor has no access to the console. The partition is hard-coded to common as well. F5user4 Finally, the last user is mapped to the ops group, so they will be bound to partition1, and whereas they have console access, they do not have access to the advanced shell as they are not an admin user.5KViews1like5CommentsF5OS support for TACACS+ over CLI
We ran into issues deploying rSeries and VELOS platforms on the network at our company using a custom form of TACACS+. Our implementation allows for application-specific domains with unique ports and keys. We had issues with it until we added the attribute value pairs to the TACACS+ domain profiles: Admin (unlimited_config): F5-F5OS-UID=1001 F5-F5OS-GID=9000 Operator (unlimited_enable): F5-F5OS-UID=1001 F5-F5OS-GID=9001 This change resolved the access issues via GUI and we are able to access using our TACACS+ credentials, but it does NOT work via CLI for access using the same credentials. We already have a case out to F5 about this, but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same implementation challenge on accessing CLI using TACACS+.1.2KViews1like4CommentsConfiguring TACACS v4.2 with F5 Remote Role Groups
Hi everyone, I'm trying to get our F5s working with TACACS and i was successful in getting individual user accounts to work. However im trying to setup the groups but am having some trouble. Working through a user guide i found online i set the following attributes in the TACACS+ Settings custom attributes: set F5-LTM-User-Info-1 = adm set F5-LTM-User-Console = 1 set F5-LTM-User-Role = 0  Then on the F5 side i have the attribute string set to F5-LTM-User-Info-1=adm with similar settings for the console, role, etc. However the users in TACACS assigned to the group with the above attributes are not authenticating in the F5. Any thoughts to why this is would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Brent375Views0likes2CommentsRemote authentication with user specific role
Hello everyone, I was wondering how could I assign specific roles to each user I'm expecting on our systems. I know that if I create a local user with the same username as in the remote authentication server I can achive the exact thing. But we are using TACACS+ with ISE and multiple domains. If I try to create a user without the domain name it won't match and I cannot create local user with '\' like "domain\username". It would be the most convenient solution to let the support partner login as auditor on normal days but make exceptions when the **bleep** hits the fan. Of course I have multiple workarounds like making exceptions on ISE or AD but these systems are under another unit's control. Also even temorarily changing the whole remote role group's role would be a security risk. Any idea? How could I match the remote username with the local ones? What is your best practise handling the external contractors access to your systems? All the best, Bazsi985Views0likes1CommentHelp! ACS, v11.6, variable substitution for multiple user roles in multiple partitions?
v11.6 allows multiple roles per account as long as they are assigned to different partitions. What is the recommended configuration for LTM v11.6 and ACS 5.2 to support variable substitution for complex RBAC assignments? For instance, UserA in AD who is a member of AD groups 'F5 Operator' and 'F5 Certs' can login and have manager access to PartitionA and Certificate Manager access to Common.210Views0likes0CommentsLock out from Big IP after setting up Tacacs+
Is their any way to remove tacacs+ configuration from single user mode or roll back to local authentication mode. We have lost root as well as admin access to the devices immediately after configuring tacacs+. The config synced to the standby pair and locked us out completely. We have attempted to reset the root password using single user mode but in vain. We don't even see any hits on Cisco ACS from F5. We are using version 11.6.0. Any ideas and advice is appreciated.420Views0likes3Comments