GTM - TMSH (post upgrade v10.2.2 to v11.5.1)
this used to work on GTM v10, given 2 vips and 2 pools We upgraded last week-end (the LTM layer is still v10 btw) wideips creation for smtp and 443 tmsh create / gtm pool mypool load-balancing-mode round-robin members add { ${VIP}:25 ${VIP2}:25 } tmsh create / gtm pool mypool2 load-balancing-mode static-persistence members add { ${VIP}:443 ${VIP2}:443 } pools creation for smtp and 443 tmsh create / gtm wideip pools add { mypool } tmsh create / gtm wideip pools add { mypool } tmsh create / gtm wideip pools add { mypool2 } What would be the transaltion from v10 to v11? Thks for any hint194Views0likes1Commentcorrect syntax for boolean expressions
I experiencing errors with forming a simple boolean expression that would be valid in most "C like" languages ( if we added an equals sign = 😞 set var1 $var2 && !$var3 error: [wrong args][set var1 $var2 && !$var3] set var1 ($var2 && !$var3) error: [wrong args][set var1 ($var2 && !$var3)]779Views0likes13CommentsREST Syntax for user disable LTM Node
Was referring to article about the REST syntax to disable a LTM node: When I attempt the following in Postman: PATCH -d '{"session":"user-disabled"}' I get a 400 Bad Request. Trying to determine the correct syntax and where to find the information for future reference. This is on LTM VE version 16.1.0 Thank you551Views0likes2CommentsPEM Policy Rule - Custom Syntax
Hello I want to change a PEM policy rule. Instead of adding source or destination IPs in the flow section, I want to use the custom option to point to a data group of the IP addresses. This is due to the fact I have lots of IP addresses in the source\dst and some repetitive rules that the protocol and action differentiate one from another, so pointing to a shared data group of IP addresses from a single point makes sense to me, to avoid mistakes. The thing is, I couldn't find anywhere the syntax of pointing to a data group Thanks in advanced for any help.376Views0likes1CommentData Group for multiple customers to whitelist blacklist
We have been using separate whitelist/blacklist for each customer so far but we are now planning to move to single VIP configuration to handle traffic for all customers for which we have the iRule working fine as per our requirement. However we would like to have one iRule for whitelist/blacklist for multiple customers that can handle traffic via data group, to avoid editing iRule for every new customer addition. Please suggest syntax for the iRule and Data Group.288Views0likes1Comment