split dns
4 TopicsUse alternative resolver for FQDN lookup
Hi, I am wondering if I can use an alternative resolver (a different one that is configured for the system) for FQDN lookup on a single pool. We will use split DNS to steer traffic to the F5 LTM from the internal network, however the actual service is hosted in the cloud and we would need the F5 to lookup FQDN in the pool. This is a temporary measure until other systems are replaced - maybe 6 months. If we were doing it in nginx it would look something like: location / { resolver; proxy_pass http://$http_host$uri$is_args$args; } The F5 system resolver is configured to use internal resolvers as we need to be able to resolve hosts that are not advertised outside our network. Cheers, Brian358Views0likes1CommentMultiple "views" with DNS Express?
I need to create an internal and external view of our domain, and would like to utilize DNS Express...but I don't seem to be able to find any documentation on how I can do multiple views. Is it possible? If not, then I am right back to having to do it with BIND on the GTMs and I cannot seem to find anyone who knows how to do multiple views for one domain on a GTM and only one view for another. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Emmett597Views0likes5CommentsSpilt DNS resolution for Dev and Prod domains in APM (portal access)
Hi All I have an issue where a client has a DEV environment and a Production environment, both using the same Domain Space. They have an issue when using APM Portal resources and DNS lookups. Basically they have 2 VIPs set up, one for Dev and one for production but the issue occurs when the F5 needs to do a lookup for the portal resources. The F5 can be configured with multiple DNS servers but the device will always query one DNS server (most likely the first one) for a DNS resolution, and cant distinguish if it should return a DEV address or a portal address. The long and short is that when a client accesses the dev VIP i want any DNS requests to go to the DEV DNS servers and all other DNS requests go to the Prod DNS servers. I tried looking down the route of configuring a DNS VIP and pointing the F5's DNS servers at that, but all the requests are coming from the F5 so we can't make a decision based on client source address, and all the DNS requests are the same URL/domain so we cant make decisions on that either! They dont have GTM but im not sure that would help in this situation either. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Regards Phil404Views0likes2CommentsGTM iRule split DNS
Greetings! I was hoping you guys could scrutinize this iRule. The goal is to have the GTM return internal addresses to internal DNS queries and public addresses to public DNS queries. I also want to avoid having to create "internal only" VSs and Pools on the GTM. I have the following questions: Will it even work? What if all pool members are down? Can you foresee any "gotchas"? Can you make it better? I would create a unique iRule for each WIP like the following: -formatting fail, see my last post in this thread- Environment: Active/Active data centers. One in Dallas, the other in Ft. Worth. A GTM and an LTM at each location. Each GTM has WIPs that point to pools that contain both a Dallas and Ft. Worth member (GTM configs are synced). Each GTM pool member has an Address (public IP) and a Translation (LTM VIP). Dallas LTM VIPs = 172.10.20.x. Ft. Worth LTM VIPs = 10.10.20.x.361Views0likes9Comments