1 TopicDoS and NTLM Brute force protection for SIP traffic
Problem this snippet solves: This snippet has been designed to mainly protect against NTLM's downgrade attacks present in a widely used Instant Messaging solution. This solution authenticate users on the SIP/TLS protocol. This irule block brute forced users and source IP address. How to use this snippet: This snippet should be applied on the Virtual Server that handle SIP/TLS traffic. SSL bridging is required to make this irule work properly. Moreover, Skype for Business may require that you change your cipher suite to a weak one. The internal domain should be define in " email_domain " and " user_domain " variables. The script will focus on those domains. The max attempts before blocking is defined in the " max_failures " variable. This setting should be under the max attempts allowed on the Active Directory. The blocking duration is configured in the " block_duration " variable. (in seconds) The " fail_memory " variable define the window that we increase the attempt counter. After reaching the end of this duration, the entry is removed until a new invalid attempt occurs. External links Github : github.com/e-XpertSolutions/f5 Related Articles DoS and NTLM Brute force protection for HTTP(s) flow Code : when RULE_INIT { array set NTLMFlags { unicode 0x00000001 oem 0x00000002 req_target 0x00000004 unknown1 0x00000008 sign 0x00000010 seal 0x00000020 datagram 0x00000040 lmkey 0x00000080 netware 0x00000100 ntlm 0x00000200 unknown2 0x00000400 unknown3 0x00000800 ntlm_domain 0x00001000 ntlm_server 0x00002000 ntlm_share 0x00004000 NTLM2 0x00008000 targetinfo 0x00800000 128bit 0x20000000 keyexch 0x40000000 56bit 0x80000000 } set static::email_domain "domain.org" set static::user_domain "DOMAIN" set static::log_pri "local0." set static::fail_tab "NTLMfails" set static::blacklist_tab "NTLMblackhole" set static::userfail_tab "NTLMUserfails" set static::userblacklist_tab "NTLMUserblackhole" set static::max_failures 5 set static::fail_memory 300 set static::block_duration 300 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[table lookup -subtable $static::blacklist_tab [IP::client_addr]] == 1} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED IPADDR [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } } when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { SSL::collect } when CLIENTSSL_DATA { set payload [SSL::payload] if { ($payload contains "3 REGISTER") } { regexp -nocase {gssapi-data=\"([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]*)\",} $payload match gssapi garbage if { [info exists match] } { unset match unset garbage if { $gssapi != "" } { set ntlm_msg [ b64decode [string trim $gssapi]] binary scan $ntlm_msg a7ci protocol zero type if { $type eq 3} { binary scan $ntlm_msg @12ssissississississii \ lmlen lmlen2 lmoff \ ntlen ntlen2 ntoff \ dlen dlen2 doff \ ulen ulen2 uoff \ hlen hlen2 hoff \ slen slen2 soff \ flags set ntlm_domain {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${doff}a${dlen} ntlm_domain set ntlm_user {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${uoff}a${ulen} ntlm_user set ntlm_host {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${hoff}a${hlen} ntlm_host set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}] if {$unicode} { set ntlm_domain_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_domain ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_domain_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_domain_convert $ntlm_domain_convert } else { append ntlm_domain_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_domain $ntlm_domain_convert set ntlm_user_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_user ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_user_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_user_convert $ntlm_user_convert } else { append ntlm_user_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_user $ntlm_user_convert set ntlm_host_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_host ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_host_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_host_convert $ntlm_host_convert } else { append ntlm_host_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_host $ntlm_host_convert } binary scan $ntlm_msg @${ntoff}a${ntlen} ntdata binary scan $ntlm_msg @${lmoff}a${lmlen} lmdata binary scan $ntdata H* ntdata_h binary scan $lmdata H* lmdata_h set interesting 1 if { ($ntlm_domain equals $static::user_domain or $ntlm_user ends_with $static::email_domain) } { set attack 1 if {[table lookup -subtable $static::userblacklist_tab $ntlm_user] == 1} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host at [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } else { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - Login attempt by $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host for SIP." } } else { set attack 0 log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - Not a valid user - Login attempt by $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host for SIP." } } } } } # Release the payload SSL::release SSL::collect } when SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE { SSL::collect SSL::release 0 } when SERVERSSL_DATA { set payload [SSL::payload] if {[info exists interesting] && $interesting == 1} { set client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] set node [IP::server_addr]:[TCP::server_port] if { $payload contains "401 Unauthorized ms-user-logon-data" and ([info exists attack] and $attack == 1) } { table set -subtable $static::fail_tab -notouch -excl [IP::client_addr] 0 indef $static::fail_memory table incr -subtable $static::fail_tab [IP::client_addr] set now [clock seconds] set now_date [split [clock format $now -format {%X %x}] " "] set later [expr {$now + $static::block_duration}] set later_date [split [clock format $later -format {%X %x}] " "] if {[info exists ntlm_user]} { table set -subtable $static::userfail_tab -notouch -excl $ntlm_user 0 indef $static::fail_memory table incr -subtable $static::userfail_tab $ntlm_user if {[table lookup -subtable $static::userfail_tab $ntlm_user] >= $static::max_failures} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLING USER - $ntlm_user at $now_date until $later_date" table set -subtable $static::userblacklist_tab -excl $ntlm_user 1 indef $static::block_duration } } if {[table lookup -subtable $static::fail_tab [IP::client_addr]] >= $static::max_failures} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLING IPADDR - [IP::client_addr] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]]) at $now_date until $later_date" table set -subtable $static::blacklist_tab -excl [IP::client_addr] 1 indef $static::block_duration } } } SSL::release SSL::collect } Tested this on version: 11.5360Views0likes0Comments