session resumption
2 TopicsSSL Bridging with URL Rewrite
I need to terminate SSL, rewrite the URL and URI, then send to the new destination server with SSL. I have this working, but the SSL session resumption is failing so I have to re-handshake for every call. For a 20 millisecond server call, 80 milliseconds of handshaking is a non-starter. What am I doing wrong? when HTTP_REQUEST { #log local0. "host: [HTTP::host], uri: [HTTP::uri]" switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] { "" - "" - "" { # Example rewrite URL: # # Result after rule: # # Removed the /rewrite/ set svc_uri [substr [HTTP::uri] 9] #log local0. "svc_uri: $svc_uri" # Splits the remaining URI into service name and original URI. # 'example-service/blah' becomes 'example-service' and '/blah' set part_count [scan $svc_uri {%[^?/#]%s} svc uri] # If there was no original URI update it to blank. if { $part_count == 1 } { set uri "" } #log local0. "host: $svc.[HTTP::host] uri: '$uri'" # Set the new host value. HTTP::host "$svc.[HTTP::host]" # Update URI to the correct value. HTTP::uri "$uri" } } # Set the value used in the SNI extension record. # This is used in the SSL handshake to the destination server. # This is how we implement SSL Bridging with a possible URL rewrite in the middle. set sni_value [HTTP::host] } when SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND { #log local0. "sni_value: $sni_value" # SNI extension record as defined in RFC 3546/3.1 # # - TLS Extension Type = int16( 0 = SNI ) # - TLS Extension Length = int16( $sni_length + 5 byte ) # - SNI Record Length = int16( $sni_length + 3 byte) # - SNI Record Type = int8( 0 = HOST ) # - SNI Record Value Length = int16( $sni_length ) # - SNI Record Value = str( $sni_value ) # # Calculate the length of the SNI value, Compute the SNI Record / TLS extension fields and add the result to the SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO SSL::extensions insert [binary format SSScSa* 0 [expr { [set sni_length [string length $sni_value]] + 5 }] [expr { $sni_length + 3 }] 0 $sni_length $sni_value] }693Views0likes2CommentsTLS Session resumption (caching) - NO
Hi, My SSL profile keeps giving me this orange warning on SSLLABS: TLS Session resumption (caching) No (IDs assigned but not accepted) I've did my research, and it was known to give this when more SSL profiles are used under on VS - this is not the case with me. I have Cache size set to default 262144 sessions with 7200 seconds timeout (lowering the numbers did not do the trick). My ciphers are: !LOW:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!MD5:!RC4+SHA:!EXPORT:!DHE:ECDHE+AES:AES+SHA+RSA:@STRENGTH but I don't really believe it's the ciphers fault (though I have read similar problem was with TLS1.2 on windows server, and a rollback to TLS1.1 fixed the issue). Any ideas or experience with this? Or should I now worry (though my client is a bit picky, and anything less than green on SSLLABS is a problem...)463Views0likes0Comments