Pool round Robin not working with standard virtual server
I have a standard HTTPS virtual server configured with two nodes in the pool. There is no persistence setting enabled and the load balancing method is round robin. For some reason, after I browse to the site and establish a connection with a backend server in the pool, all my future requests go to the same server and it behaves in a way that indicates some persistence is enabled. For example, when I refresh my browser, open the site in a new browser, and open the site in an incognito browser, all my requests keep going to the same node. You can see below that I tried this multiple times and kept getting connected to one server and the number of connections on that server was increasing. According to my research, because there is no persistence profile setting, the load balancing method is round robin, and both servers are available and able to accept traffic, every time I refresh or open the site in a new tab or browser, I should be randomly assigned to a server for that connection via round robin load balancing. But this is not what I observe. Is there a reason that my virtual servers are showing persistence by default? Any ideas? Here are some images of my config:Solved214Views0likes6Commentswhat is round robin algorithm in deep
Hi I have 12 client access VS with have 12 pool member and perform source persist at fist when client 1 access VS >> LB to webserver1. when client 1 access VS again >> LB to webserver1 due to source persist but when client 2 access VS >> LB to webserver1 !! question is Why client 2 LB to webserver1 ? RR method is to LB to server "next in line" so this client 2 should LB to webserver2, am I correct? From this problem we experience Uneven LB (some webserver have no client LB to it and some webserver have more client than the rest) How is Round robin algorithm actually do? Thank you346Views0likes10CommentsRound robin not working
Hi I have load test with 2 client and 2 webserver with VS using source persist when client1 access VS >> it's go to webserver1 (From this time client1 will access only ws1 due to source persist) but when client2 access VS >> it's go to webserver1 too !! (and webserver2 have no connection cause all client access ws1 due to src persist) Why client2 didn't go to webserver2 due to Round robin loadbalance method? Thank you222Views0likes1Comment