remote desktop
1 TopicAPM/Analytics - Log click on webtop resources [serverside]
Problem this snippet solves: When providing VPN SSL portal to the client, you publish several applications like Portal access, Remote Desktop, Webtop links, SAML Resources, Citrix/Vmware VDI, etc. APM log access to the webtop, once connected, there is no more visibility on who click on which icon. We provide Visibility and Analytics capabilities through a simple irule. How to use this snippet: Installation You just need to put this irule in the Virtual Server configuration that handle your access profile. Logging information Clicks are logged in the local0 (ltm logs). You can see below examples : virtual=/Common/test, apm=1239853, user=testuser, resource_type=portal, resourcename=owa virtual=/Common/test, apm=1239853, user=testuser, resource_type=remote_desktop, resourcename=ActiveDirectory Features You can currently log the following application types : Portal access Remote Desktop access The irule provide the additional features : Decode Portal access uri logging of username, apm session and resource name Credits Inspired from an original irule in a reply from Kevin Stewart : Logging for Portal Access External links Github : Code : when ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED { switch -glob [HTTP::uri] { "*resourcetype=remote_desktop*" { # # Basic logging. Remote or local logging settings can be configured # # log local0. "virtual=[virtual], apm=[string range [ACCESS::session sid] [expr [string length [ACCESS::session sid]] - 10] end], user=[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], resourcetype=remote_desktop, [findstr [HTTP::uri] "resourcename=" 0 "\%"]" # # ACCESS logging before v13.x # log -noname accesscontrol.local1.notice "$static::ACCESS_LOG_PREFIX /Common/ap-ad-auth:Common:$session: virtual=[virtual], apm=[string range [ACCESS::session sid] [expr [string length [ACCESS::session sid]] - 10] end], user=[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], resourcetype=remote_desktop, [findstr [HTTP::uri] "resourcename=" 0 "\%"]" # # ACCESS::log is available in v13.x. Log saved in Access report too. # # ACCESS::log accesscontrol.notice "virtual=[virtual], apm=[string range [ACCESS::session sid] [expr [string length [ACCESS::session sid]] - 10] end], user=[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], resourcetype=remote_desktop, [findstr [HTTP::uri] "resourcename=" 0 "\%"]" } "*f5-w-*" { catch { set resource [binary format H* [findstr [HTTP::uri] "/f5-w-" 6 "\$\$"]] if { [table lookup -subtable PORTALACCESS "[ACCESS::session sid]:[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username]:$resource"] eq "" } { table set -subtable PORTALACCESS "[ACCESS::session sid]:[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username]:$resource" [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d-%H%M%S] 3600 # # Basic logging. Remote or local logging settings can be configured # # log local0. "virtual=[virtual], apm=[string range [ACCESS::session sid] [expr [string length [ACCESS::session sid]] - 10] end], user=[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], resource_type=portal, resourcename=$resource" # # ACCESS logging before v13.x # log -noname accesscontrol.local1.notice "$static::ACCESS_LOG_PREFIX /Common/ap-ad-auth:Common:$session: virtual=[virtual], apm=[string range [ACCESS::session sid] [expr [string length [ACCESS::session sid]] - 10] end], user=[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], resource_type=portal, resourcename=$resource" # # ACCESS::log is available in v13.x. Log saved in Access report too. # # ACCESS::log accesscontrol.notice "virtual=[virtual], apm=[string range [ACCESS::session sid] [expr [string length [ACCESS::session sid]] - 10] end], user=[ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], resource_type=portal, resourcename=$resource" } } } } } Tested this on version: 11.5482Views0likes4Comments