remote code execute
2 TopicsWebshells
Webshells are web scripts (PHP/ASPX/etc.) that act as a control panel for the server running them. A webshell may be legitimately used by the administrator to perform actions on the server, such as: Create a user Restart a service Clean up disk space Read logs More… Therefore, a webshell simplifies server management for administrators that are not familiar with (or are less comfortable with) internal system commands using the console. However, webshells have bad connotations as well – they are a very popular post-exploitation tool that allow an attacker to gain full system control. Webshell Examples An example of a webshell may be as simple as the following script: <?php echo(system($_GET["q"])); ?> This script will read a user-provided value and pass it on to the underlying operating system as a shell command. For instance, issuing the following request will invoke the ‘ls’ command and print the result to the screen: An even simpler example for a webshell may be this: <?php eval($_GET["q"]); ?> This script will simply use the contents of the parameter “q” and evaluate it as pure PHP code. Example:"hello%20world")%3B From this point, the options are limitless. An attacker that uses a webshell on a compromised server effectively has full control over the application. If the web application is running under root – the attacker has full control over the entire web server as well. In many cases, the neighboring servers on the local network are at risk as well. How does a webshell attack work? We’ve now seen that a webshell script is a very powerful tool. However, a webshell is a “post-exploitation” tool – meaning an attacker first has to find a vulnerability in the web application, exploit it, and upload their webshell onto the server. One way to achieve this is by first uploading the webshell through a legitimate file upload page (for instance, a CV submission form on a company website) and then using an LFI (Local File Include) weakness in the application to include the webshell in one of the pages. A different approach may be an application vulnerable to arbitrary file write. An attacker may simply write the code to a new file on the server. Another example may be an RFI (Remote File Include) weakness in the application that effectively eliminates the need to upload the webshell on to the server. An attacker may host the webshell on a completely different server, and force the application to include it, like this: The b374k webshell There are many and various implementations of webshells. As mentioned, those are not always meant to be used by attackers, but also by system administrators. Some of the “suspicious” webshells that are more popular with attackers are the following: c99 r57 c100 PHPjackal Locus In this article we will explore an open source webshell called b374k ( From the readme: This PHP Shell is a useful tool for system or web administrator to do remote management without using cpanel, connecting using ssh, ftp etc. All actions take place within a web browser Features: File manager (view, edit, rename, delete, upload, download, archiver, etc) Search file, file content, folder (also using regex) Command execution More… Once we get the webshell up and running, we can view information and perform actions on the server. Listed below are a few use cases for this webshell that will demonstrate the power of webshells and how attackers can benefit from running them on a compromised web server: View process information and varied system information. Open a terminal and execute various commands, or open a code evaluator to run arbitrary code. Open a reverse shell on the server, to make sure access to the server is preserved. Issue outgoing HTTP requests from the server. Perform social engineering activities to broaden the scope of the attack. Mitigation using F5 ASM The F5 ASM module uses detection and prevention methods for each variation of this attack. For RFI (Remote File Include): ASM will detect any request that attempts to include an external URL, and prevent access. For Unrestricted File Upload + LFI (Local File Include): During upload or creation attempt of the webshell, ASM will detect the active code and prevent it from reaching the server. If the webshell is already on the server, ASM will detect when the application tries to reach the file using LFI and prevent access. If the webshell is already on the server and part of the application, ASM will detect when a suspicious page is requested, and prevent that page from being displayed.3.1KViews0likes4CommentsMitigating Winshock (CVE-2014-6321) Vulnerabilities Using BIG-IP iRules
Recently we’ve witnessed yet another earth shattering vulnerability in a popular and very fundamental service. Dubbed Winshock, it follows and joins the Heartbleed, Shellshock and Poodle in the pantheon of critical vulnerabilities discovered in 2014. Winshock (CVE-2014-6321) earns a 10.0 CVSS score due to being related to a common service such as TLS, and potentially allowing remote arbitrary code execution. SChannel From MSDN: Secure Channel, also known as Schannel, is a security support provider (SSP) that contains a set of security protocols that provide identity authentication and secure, private communication through encryption. Basically, SChannel is Microsoft’s implementation of TLS, and it is used in various MS-related services that support encryption and authentication – such as: Internet Information Services (IIS), Remote Desktop Protocol, Exchange and Outlook Web Access, SharePoint, Active Directory and more. Naturally, SChannel also contains implementation for the TLS handshake protocol, which is performed before every secure session is established between the client and the server. The TLS Handshake The following image demonstrates how a typical TLS handshake looks like: Image source: The handshake is used for the client and the server to agree on the terms of the connection. The handshake is conducted using messages, for the purpose of authenticating between the server and the client, agreeing on cipher suites, and exchanging public keys using certificates. Each type of message is passed on the wire as a unique “TLS Record”. Several messages (TLS records) may be sent over one packet. Some of the known TLS records are the following: Client Hello – The client announces it would like to initiate a connection with the server. It also presents all the various cipher suites it can support. This record may also have numerous extensions used to provide even more data. Server Hello – The server acknowledges the Client Hello and presents its own information. Certificate Request – In some scenarios, the client is required to present its certificate in order to authenticate itself. This is known as two-way authentication (or a mutual authentication). The Certificate Request message is sent by the server and forces the client to present a valid certificate before the handshake is successful. Certificate – A message used to transfer the contents of a certificate, including subject name, issuer, public key and more. Certificate Verify – Contains signed value using the client’s private key. It is presented by the client along with their certificate during a 2-way handshake, and serves as a proof of the client actually holding the certificate they claim to. SChannel Vulnerabilities Two vulnerabilities were found in the way SChannel handles those TLS records. One vulnerability occurs when parsing the “server_name” extension of the Client Hello message. This extension is typically used to specify the host name which the client is trying to connect to on the target server. In some way this is similar to the HTTP “Host” header. It was found that SChannel will not properly manage memory allocation when this record contains more than one server name. This vulnerability leads to denial of service by memory exhaustion. The other vulnerability occurs when an invalid signed value is presented inside a Certificate Verify message. It was found that values larger than what the server expects will be written to the memory beyond the allocated buffer scope. This behavior may result in a potential remote code execution. Mitigation with BIG-IP iRules SSL offloading using BIG-IP is inherently not vulnerable as it does not relay vulnerable messages to the backend server. However, in a “pass-through” scenario, where all the TLS handshake messages are being forwarded without inspection, backend servers may be vulnerable to these attacks. The following iRule will detect and mitigate attempts to exploit above SChannel vulnerabilities: when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::collect set MAX_TLS_RECORDS 16 set iPacketCounter 0 set iRecordPointer 0 set sPrimeCurve "" set iMessageLength 0 } when CLIENT_DATA { #log local0. "New TCP packet. Length [TCP::payload length]. Packet Counter $iPacketCounter" set bScanTLSRecords 0 if { $iPacketCounter == 0 } { binary scan [TCP::payload] cSS tls_xacttype tls_version tls_recordlen if { [info exists tls_xacttype] && [info exists tls_version] && [info exists tls_recordlen] } { if { ($tls_version == "769" || $tls_version == "770" || $tls_version == "771") && $tls_xacttype == 22 } { set bScanTLSRecords 1 } } } if { $iPacketCounter > 0 } { # Got here mid record, collect more fragments #log local0. "Gather. tls rec $tls_recordlen, ptr $iRecordPointer" if { [expr {$iRecordPointer + $tls_recordlen + 5}] <= [TCP::payload length] } { #log local0. "Full record received" set bScanTLSRecords 1 } else { #log local0. "Record STILL fragmented" set iPacketCounter [expr {$iPacketCounter + 1}] TCP::collect } } if { $bScanTLSRecords } { # Start scanning records set bNextRecord 1 set bKill 0 while { $bNextRecord >= 1 } { #log local0. "Reading next record. ptr $iRecordPointer" binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iRecordPointer}cSS tls_xacttype tls_version tls_recordlen #log local0. "SSL Record Type $tls_xacttype , Version: $tls_version , Record Length: $tls_recordlen" if { [expr {$iRecordPointer + $tls_recordlen + 5}] <= [TCP::payload length] } { binary scan [TCP::payload] @[expr {$iRecordPointer + 5}]c tls_action if { $tls_xacttype == 22 && $tls_action == 1 } { #log local0. "Client Hello" set iRecordOffset [expr {$iRecordPointer + 43}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iRecordOffset}c tls_sessidlen set iRecordOffset [expr {$iRecordOffset + 1 + $tls_sessidlen}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iRecordOffset}S tls_ciphlen set iRecordOffset [expr {$iRecordOffset + 2 + $tls_ciphlen}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iRecordOffset}c tls_complen set iRecordOffset [expr {$iRecordOffset + 1 + $tls_complen}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iRecordOffset}S tls_extenlen set iRecordOffset [expr {$iRecordOffset + 2}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iRecordOffset}a* tls_extensions for { set i 0 } { $i < $tls_extenlen } { incr i 4 } { set iExtensionOffset [expr {$i}] binary scan $tls_extensions @${iExtensionOffset}SS etype elen if { ($etype == "00") } { set iScanStart [expr {$iExtensionOffset + 9}] set iScanLength [expr {$elen - 5}] binary scan $tls_extensions @${iScanStart}A${iScanLength} tls_servername if { [regexp \x00 $tls_servername] } { log local0. "Winshock detected - NULL character in host name. Server Name: $tls_servername" set bKill 1 } else { #log local0. "Server Name found valid: $tls_servername" } set iExtensionOffset [expr {$iExtensionOffset + $elen}] } else { #log local0. "Uninteresting extension $etype" set iExtensionOffset [expr {$iExtensionOffset + $elen}] } set i $iExtensionOffset } } elseif { $tls_xacttype == 22 && $tls_action == 11 } { #log local0. "Certificate" set iScanStart [expr {$iRecordPointer + 17}] set iScanLength [expr {$tls_recordlen - 12}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iScanStart}A${iScanLength} client_certificate if { [regexp {\x30\x59\x30\x13\x06\x07\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x02\x01(\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x03\x01\x07|\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00(?:\x22|\x23))} $client_certificate reMatchAll reMatch01] } { #log local0. $match01 switch $reMatch01 { "\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x03\x01\x07" { set sPrimeCurve "P-256" } "\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00\x22" { set sPrimeCurve "P-384" } "\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00\x23" { set sPrimeCurve "P-521" } default { #log local0. "Invalid curve" } } } } elseif { $tls_xacttype == 22 && $tls_action == 15 } { #log local0. "Certificate Verify" set iScanStart [expr {$iRecordPointer + 11}] set iScanLength [expr {$tls_recordlen - 6}] binary scan [TCP::payload] @${iScanStart}A${iScanLength} client_signature binary scan $client_signature c cSignatureHeader if { $cSignatureHeader == 48 } { binary scan $client_signature @3c r_len set s_len_offset [expr {$r_len + 5}] binary scan $client_signature @${s_len_offset}c s_len set iMessageLength $r_len if { $iMessageLength < $s_len } { set iMessageLength $s_len } } else { #log local0. "Sig header invalid" } } else { #log local0. "Uninteresting TLS action" } # Curve and length found - check Winshock if { $sPrimeCurve ne "" && $iMessageLength > 0 } { set iMaxLength 0 switch $sPrimeCurve { "P-256" { set $iMaxLength 33 } "P-384" { set $iMaxLength 49 } "P-521" { set $iMaxLength 66 } } if { $iMessageLength > $iMaxLength } { log local0. "Winshock detected - Invalid message length (found: $iMessageLength, max:$iMaxLength)" set bKill 1 } } # Exploit found, close connection if { $bKill } { TCP::close set bNextRecord 0 } else { # Next record set iRecordPointer [expr {$iRecordPointer + $tls_recordlen + 5}] if { $iRecordPointer == [TCP::payload length]} { # End of records => Assume it is the end of the packet. #log local0. "End of records" set bNextRecord 0 set iPacketCounter 0 set iRecordPointer 0 set sPrimeCurve "" set iMessageLength 0 TCP::release TCP::collect } else { if { $bNextRecord < $MAX_TLS_RECORDS } { set bNextRecord [expr {$bNextRecord + 1}] } else { set bNextRecord 0 #log local0. "Too many loops over TLS records, exit now" TCP::release TCP::collect } } } } else { #log local0. "Record fragmented" set bNextRecord 0 set iPacketCounter [expr {$iPacketCounter + 1}] TCP::collect } } } else { # Exit here if packet is not TLS handshake if { $iPacketCounter == 0 } { TCP::release TCP::collect } } } Create a new iRule and attach it to your virtual server.1.2KViews0likes13Comments