Microsoft Powershell with iControl
This component is not supported and we recommend reviewing Joel Newton's Powershell Module for iControlREST Code submission first. From the desk of Joe Pruitt (July 29, 2013) When we shipped DC4, we started looking at Windows PowerShell and how we could build some integration points with our products. The first pass was a set of PowerShell script files that we introduced in the PowerShell Labs section of DevCentral. No soon after we posted them, the requests started pouring in on when we would provide some native PowerShell CmdLets in addition to the function scripts. Well, I spent a little bit of time working some out and whipped out a good first rough draft. I've been holding on to these for a while now but figured they would do better out in the wild then trapped in a folder on my laptop. So, last night I posted an installer for the first release of the iControl CmdLets for PowerShell. Here's a step by step on getting up and running with the new bits. Download and install PowerShell from Microsoft Go to the PowerShell Labs page on DevCentral and select the "Download Now" link. This will download the Cmdlet installer. Run the iControlSnapInSetup.msi installer. This will install the SnapIn into the c:\program files\F5 Networks\iControlSnapIn directory. Start PowerShell from the Windows Start menu. Cd to c:\program files\F5 Networks\iControlSnapIn directory Dot Source the setup script (only once after the install) PS > . .\setupSnapIn.ps1) Load the SnapIn into the Runtime PS > Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn Initialize the iControl connection with the Initialize-F5.iControl CmdLet PS > Initialize-F5.iControl -Hostname bigip_address -Credentials (Get-Credential) Run the Get-F5.iControlCommands CmdLet to list out all the available Cmdlets. PS > Get-F5.iControlCommands Try out some of the CmdLets PS > Get-F5.LTMPool Notes From the Legacy Download: Comment made 08-Jun-2016 by Patrik Jonsson Needed to add .Net 2.0 in add/remove windows features. Then it worked in Windows 10. The installation script should be changed to throw and error if the installutil file does not exist instead of quitting silently. Ken B Comment made 22-Jun-2016 by Ken B The problem I had getting this working was that I had to right-click the downloaded .zip file, properties, and click the "unblock" button on the General tab. Then I had to copy the files from the .zip to a folder under c:\Program Files\f5\icontrol. Then I ran PS As Administrator, then ran .\setupSnapIn.ps1, then I was *finally* able to run the "Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn" command to get things going. Comment made 17-Jan-2017 by Joel Newton You can update the InstallPSSnapin.ps1 script to reference the .NET v4 install utility. Just replace the reference in setupSnapin.ps1 from $env:windir\Microsoft.Net\Framework${platform}\v2.0.50727\installUtil.exe to $env:windir\Microsoft.Net\Framework${platform}\v4.0.30319\installUtil.exe I don't believe there are any plans to replace the snapin with a module. My recommendation would be to use the REST API if possible. Comment made 05-Jul-2017 by Patrik Jonsson You can also use Joel's module: Powershell Module for the F5 LTM REST API Downloads: v11.00.00 Released August 10, 2013 v11.04.01 Released December 02, 2013 v11.05.00 Released February 18, 2014 v11.06.00 Released August 28, 2014 v12.01.00 Released May 09, 2016 v13.00.00 Released March 21, 2017 v13.01.00 Released November 11, 20175.7KViews2likes6Comments