1 TopicGeoIP - Missing City and zipcode
Dear Expert, I tried to play with the whereisapi from a irule. Before continue, Please note all clients are connecting to the VS from Poland. I'm able to see the country code, the state but unfortunately i'm not able to see the zipcode nor the city. I did the upgrade for the GEOIP at the latest. Here's the output from the cli geoip_lookup 78.*.*.* opening database in /shared/GeoIP/v2/F5GeoIP.dat size of geoip database = 27204380, segments = 11125827, version = Copyright (c) F5 Networks Inc, All Rights Reserved GEOIP2 v1, 20170601 geoip_seek = 00ae00e0 geoip record ip = 78.*.*.* country_code = PL country_name = Poland region_name = Lubuskie continent_code = EU As a example i added the following log statement in the irule on HTTP_REQUESTevent when HTTP_REQUEST { log local0. "Got client: [whereis [IP::client_addr] country continent state city zip]" } However under /var/log/ltmi'm only able to resolve `: Got client: PL EU Lubuskie {} {}` Actually, the zip and country are missing on the GEOIP Database. I confirm that 100% of my request does not have both zip and city data. Here's my questions : Is it normal and due to the country itself ? What is the provider used ? I read somewhere Quova, however while trying a free lookup on their website, for the same IP, they were able to resolve both city and zip-code. Any advices ?549Views0likes1Comment