4 TopicsF5預測 : 行動支付將超越主流
Please find the English language post from which this was adapted here. IDC調查指出,全球使用中的智慧型電話將在2017年達到15億支。消費者將比以往更加頻繁使用他們的智慧型電話。因此,越來越多企業了解必須提供快速且無縫接軌行動支付能力的重要性,以便吸引那些希望隨時隨地以自己選擇的方式進行交易的消費者。 成長中的趨勢 Gartner 的 "Forecast: Mobile Payment, Worldwide, 2013 Update" 預測全球行動支付交易額將在2013年達到2,354億美元,比2012年的1,631億美元增加44%,而使用行動支付的全球人口將在2013年達到2.452億人,超過2012年的2.008億人。 對終端使用者而言,能夠使用行動電話支付是極為便利的。對企業和金融機構而言,行動支付的便利和安全性可以開創新的電子化商務營收來源,同時還可以運用行動消費者資料以強化客戶忠誠。 行動支付有二種主要的類型,包括實體銷售時點(POS)和電子化商務環境,這二者分別被定義為近接支付和遠端支付。遠端支付是使用行動裝置透過行動通訊網路以存取支付後端系統並完成支付行為。近接支付則是一種非接觸式的支付,使用行動裝置透過短距離通訊技術以交換資訊和完成支付。 行動支付商機 飯店業已快速擁抱行動支付技術,業者尋求針對這個產業量身訂製的行動方案以改善效率、提升利潤和增加訪客滿意度。例如,Gaylord飯店設立了採用iPod Touch的池邊定單與支付方案,利用行動POS和相關配件讓服務人員可以在任何地方掃描、收費和列印收據,因此訪客不用離開他們的池邊小屋。 美國零售業也搶搭風潮。Walmart、Target和其他十多家零售商結盟成立了Merchant Customer Exchange組織,開發行動應用讓客戶可以在加盟商店使用智慧型電話購買商品。該app也提供獨家折價券和促銷方案給使用者。 一項改變遊戲規則的經驗來自公共運輸。我在美國搭計程車時,可以使用者駕駛員的iPad執行支付動作,它配備了支付軟體和一台用來掃描卡片的配件。授權核准後,我會收到一封收據郵件。 行動支付安全性 未來的行動支付為企業帶來無出其右的商機,但安全性的確保是維護客戶信任的關鍵。終端使用者期望能夠從任何裝置安全的存取服務。隨著應用安全威脅日益升高,防詐欺技術成為這個領域的最高優先。非侵入式的clientless防詐欺認證,對於企業和消費者而言都能提供助益。 Research and Markets預測整體詐欺偵測市場將從2013年的36.1億美元成長至2018年的75.5億美元,而其成長動力來自日益增多的網路攻擊威脅,包括金融服務、線上零售、旅遊、票務、娛樂、社交網路與遊戲等多重區隔。 F5的防詐欺方案(Fraud Protection)包含了MobileSafe™,能針對進階的行動威脅提供防護。MobileSafe™是一個與行動應用整合的SDK,保護智慧型電話使用者的安全。這項獨特的服務特別適用於線上銀行與電子化零售,能夠偵測惡意軟體和越獄的裝置(亦即取得root權限的裝置),並防範按鍵記錄器(key logger)和詐欺應用,確保攻擊者無法運用那些透過惡意程式攔截的資訊。 網路犯罪對全球企業造成約4,000億美元損失。根據美國華府戰略與國際研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies; CSIS)的一項新報告,單以新加坡而言,網路犯罪造成的損失估計達10億美元,佔新加坡國內生產毛額(GDP)將近0.41%。這些攀升的統計突顯構築一個超越傳統防火牆(傳統防火牆從未針對行動年代而設計)之強韌安全基礎設施的必要性。因此,IT安全基礎設施需要藉由諸如詐欺偵測等先進防護技術予以強化,確保能夠為行動交易和複雜的使用者存取控制提供必要的保護。F5 Networks重視智慧型電話使用者的需求,重新思考此一安全性並強化基礎設施,讓使用者能夠安全的運用他們的裝置執行工作和遊戲。 F5防詐欺方案及其他類似技術,讓企業和終端使用者能夠更安心的採納行動支付服務。258Views0likes0CommentsF5 예측: 보안 없이는 모바일 결제의 성장도 없다
Please find the English language post from which this was adaptedhere. 전세계적인 스마트폰의 대중화로 모바일 결제 시장이 급속하게 성장하고 있다. 가트너의 보고서에 따르면 전세계 모바일 거래 규모가 2012년에 1,631억 달러에서 2013년에는 44 퍼센트 증가해 2354억 달러에 이른 것으로 추정된다. 한편, 국내 스마트폰 보급률은 80%에 달하며, 국내 모바일 경제 시장규모는 지난해 2조 4,750억 원에서 올해 6조 150억 원으로 성장했다. 모바일 결제 서비스는 스마트폰으로 간편하게 금액을 지불할 수 있는 편리성을 최종 사용자들에게 제공하는 동시에, 기업 및 금융기관에게는 e-커머스를 통해 새로운 재원을 확보하고 모바일 소비자들의 데이터를 활용하는 프로그램으로 고객의 충성도까지 높이는 방법을 제공한다. 이미 국내외를 막론하고 모바일 결제 서비스의 도입이 보편화되고 있고, 금융기관, 서비스 업체, 통신사업자, 디바이스 제조업체 등 다양한 업계가 모바일 결제 시장을 선점하기 위해 분주히 움직이고 있다. 또한, 더 많은 소비자들이 원하는 때와 장소에, 그리고 그들이 원하는 방식으로 결제 서비스를 이용하고자 하는 수요가 더욱 증가하고 있어 미래의 모바일 결제는 이들 업계에게 새로운 비즈니스 기회가 될 것임이 분명하다. 그렇다면 모바일 결제 서비스가 각 업계의 대세로 주목 받는 상황에서 모바일 결제 보안에 대해서는 안심해도 되는 걸까? 많은 이용자가 뛰어난 편리성으로 인해 모바일 결제 서비스를 반기겠지만 자신들의 거래에 대한 보안이 보장되지 않는다면 관련 시장에 대한 발전도 보장될 수 없다. 그러므로, 고객들의 신뢰를 지속적으로 얻기 위해서는 새로운 결제수단에 대한 보안이 선결되어야 한다. 한국 시장에서는 보안이 여전히 일회적이며 추가로 투입되어야 하는 비용으로 인식되고 있지만, 보안은 총체적이고 통합적인 과정으로 접근되어야 한다. 특히 오늘날의 보안위협은 아주 복잡하고 정교한 특징을 가지고 있어 하나의 솔루션이 모든 보안 문제에 대한 해답이 될 수는 없다. 최종 사용자들은 어떤 디바이스에서나 안전하고 안정된 서비스를 이용하기를 기대할 것이므로 기업들은 모바일 결제 서비스라는 편의를 제공하기 앞서 금융사기에 대한 보안과 애플리케이션의 안정성을 우선적으로 보장해야 한다. 한편, 각 조사기관 및 시장에 따르면 금융 서비스, 온라인 소매, 여행, 티케팅, 엔터테인먼트, 소셜 네트워킹 및 게임 등의 다양한 분야에서 발생하는 사이버 공격이 증가함에 따라, 금융사기 감시 시장의 규모도 2013년 약 36억 1천만 달러에서 2018년에는 약 75억 5천만 달러로 성장할 것으로 예상된다. 전세계적으로 사이버 범죄로 인한 경제적 손실은 연간 약 452조 원에 이르고, 국내의 경우에도 GDP의 0.3%에 해당하는 3조6천억 원으로 추정된다. 이 믿기 어려운 통계들은 모바일 시대에 적합하지 않은 전통적인 방화벽을 뛰어넘는 강력한 보안 인프라에 대한 필요성이 더욱 커지고 있음을 보여준다. 그러므로, 모바일 결제 시대의 IT 보안 인프라는 모바일 거래 및 정교한 사용자 접속 컨트롤을 위해 필요한 방어 기능을 보장할 수 있도록 최첨단 방어 솔루션을 이용해 강화되어야 한다. 이렇게 보안을 다시 생각하고 인프라를 강화하는 과정에서, 자신이 선택한 디바이스로 안전하게 업무를 하고 일상에서 이용하기를 원하는 스마트폰 사용자들의 쉽지 않은 요구들이 충분히 고려되어야 함은 물론이다.152Views0likes0CommentsF5 predicts: Mobile payments go beyond mainstream
According to research by IDC, 1.5 billion smartphones will be in use globally by 2017. Consumers will be doing more than ever on their smartphones. As a result, more businesses recognize the importance of delivering quick and seamless mobile payment capabilities to cater to consumers who demand the ability to transact when, where and how they choose. A growing trend Gartner’s Forecast: Mobile Payment, Worldwide, 2013 Update predicted that worldwide mobile payment transaction values would reach $235.4 billion that year, a 44 percent increase from 2012’s $163.1 billion, while mobile payment users worldwide will reach 245.2 million in 2013, up from 200.8 million in 2012. For the end user, having the ability to conduct payments on mobile is extremely convenient. For businesses and financial institutions, the convenience and security of mobile payments can bring new revenue sources via e-commerce, and enhance customer loyalty through programs that leverage on mobile consumers’ data. There are two primary types of mobile payments; those made at the physical point of sale (POS), and in the e-commerce environment, defined as proximity payments and remote payments respectively. Remote payment is when a mobile device is used to access the payment back-end system via mobile communication networks and complete the payment behavior. Proximity payment is a contactless payment, where a mobile device is used to realize information exchange and complete payment by way of short-range communications technologies. Opportunity in mobile payments The hospitality industry has been quick to embrace mobile payment technology as operators seek industry-tailored mobile solutions that improve efficiency, boost profitability, and increase guest satisfaction. Case in point: Gaylord Hotels’ poolside ordering and payment uses an iPod Touch, featuring mobile POS software and an attachment that allows the server to scan, collect payment and print a receipt from anywhere, so guests never have to leave their cabana. Retailers in the US are also jumping on the bandwagon. Walmart, Target, and a dozen more retailers have teamed up as the Merchant Customer Exchange, to develop a mobile application that allows customers to pay for goods at participating stores' registers with their smartphones. The app also gives users exclusive coupons and deals. A personal experience that struck me as game changing was in the public transportation sector. While in a taxi in the USA, I was able to make payment using the taxi driver’s iPad, which came equip with payment software and an attachment to swipe cards. Upon approval, an email receipt was sent to me. Security of mobile payments The future of mobile payments offers unrivalled opportunity for businesses, but ensuring its security is vital to maintain consumers’ trust. End users expect secure access to services from any device. With application security growing increasingly threatened, fraud prevention in this area is top priority. Ultimately, non-intrusive clientless verification of fraud activity helps both businesses and consumers. Research and Markets expects total fraud detection market to grow from $3.61 billion in 2013 to $7.55 billion by 2018, driven by increasing cyber attacks across multiple sectors, including financial services, online retail, travel, ticketing, entertainment, social networking and gaming. Here is where F5’s Fraud Protection solution, which includes MobileSafe™, comes into play. Offering focused protection against advanced mobile threats, F5’s MobileSafe™ is an SDK that integrates with native mobile applications to protect smartphone users. Especially pertinent in online banking and e-retail, this unique service detects malware and jail broken devices, and protects against key loggers and fraudulent applications, while ensuring information intercepted by malicious programs will be rendered useless to an attacker. Cybercrime costs businesses approximately US$400 billion worldwide. In Singapore alone, the cost of cybercrime is estimated at US$1 billion (SG$1.25 billion), which accounts for almost 0.41% of Singapore’s annual GDP, according to a new report from Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). These staggering statistics highlight the growing need for a robust security infrastructure beyond traditional firewalls, which were never built for mobile age. Hence, the IT security infrastructure needs to be augmented with state of art defenses like Fraud Detection to ensure necessary protection for mobile transactions and sophisticated user access controls. Rethinking this security and enhancing its infrastructure, F5 Networks takes into account the needs of the demanding smartphone user who wants to securely work and play on his/her device of choice. With F5’s Fraud Protection solution, and others like it, businesses and end users will be more comfortable when adopting mobile payment services.196Views0likes0CommentsSally Orders Lunch: Retail On-Line Payment
Sally is hungry but she left her wallet at the office. “I know, I’ll go to the Local Diner,” she thought. “Let’s see what looks good.” She opens the website and sees: “Yum, the hot dog looks good, and I’ll also have a coffee.” Sally clicks the two items and sees: When Sally placed her order, the Local Diner website established a session with Sally’s mobile service provider to get authorization for the purchase: The website requests the Diameter Routing Agent to make sure that Sally can pay for her order. Sally has a contract with her mobile provider that allows her to pay via her monthly bill or via a pre-paid account. The Diameter box checks with the carrier’s On-line Charging System and reserves the total amount of Sally’s lunch. Sally continues her walk to the Local Diner and thanks goodness that she pre-ordered because the line is out the door. She notices a short line, “Pre-Orders here.” Sally walks to the register and sees a placard: The placard is printed with invisible capacitive ink in a specific pattern that's detected by the touchscreen as multiple simultaneous finger presses. The arrangement of this pattern is used to link Sally’s phone with the Local Diner website. The website triggers a second set of messages to the Diameter Routing Agent that first verifies that the phone is actually Sally’s, then confirms the charge to the carrier’s billing system: The On-line Charging System assigns a transaction id and the Diameter Routing Agent sends the Local Diner website a receipt. The OCS settles the transaction by transferring funds to the Local Diner at the end of the day. The clerk sees Sally’s confirmation of payment on his screen so he hands over her order with a big smile. Sally’s phone displays the following: This customer scenario can be realized today using secure RESTful transactions between the Diner’s website, an F5 Signaling Delivery Controller and proven Diameter Credit Control Application messages to a carrier’s On-Line Charging System. The touch screen phone’s capability to read invisible ink is new technology but is currently available, without the requirement to download a reader onto the handset. Next: Sally Goes to the Grocery224Views0likes0Comments