2 TopicsAn example of an AS3 Rest API call to create a GSLB configuration on BIG-IP.
Hi everyone, Below you can find an example of an AS3 Rest API call that creates a simple GSLB configuration on BIG-IP devices. The main purpose of this article is to share this configuration with others. Of course, on different sites (github, etc) you can find different bits of data, but I think this example will be useful, because it contains all the necessary information about how to create different GSLB objects at the same time, such as: Data Centers (DCs), Servers, Virtual Servers (VSs), Wide IPs, pools and more over. { "class": "AS3", "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.21.0", "id": "GSLB_test", "Common": { "class": "Tenant", "Shared": { "class": "Application", "template": "shared", "DC1": { "class": "GSLB_Data_Center" }, "DC2": { "class": "GSLB_Data_Center" }, "device01": { "class": "GSLB_Server", "dataCenter": { "use": "DC1" }, "virtualServers": [ { "name": "/ocp/Shared/ingress_vs_1_443", "address": "A.B.C.D", "port": 443, "monitors": [ { "bigip": "/Common/custom_icmp_2" } ] } ], "devices": [ { "address": "A.B.C.D" } ] }, "device02": { "class": "GSLB_Server", "dataCenter": { "use": "DC2" }, "virtualServers": [ { "name": "/ocp2/Shared/ingress_vs_2_443", "address": "A.B.C.D", "port": 443, "monitors": [ { "bigip": "/Common/custom_icmp_2" } ] } ], "devices": [ { "address": "A.B.C.D" } ] }, "dns_listener": { "class": "Service_UDP", "virtualPort": 53, "virtualAddresses": [ "A.B.C.D" ], "profileUDP": { "use": "custom_udp" }, "profileDNS": { "use": "custom_dns" } }, "custom_dns": { "class": "DNS_Profile", "remark": "DNS Profile test", "parentProfile": { "bigip": "/Common/dns" } }, "custom_udp": { "class": "UDP_Profile", "datagramLoadBalancing": true }, "testpage_local": { "class": "GSLB_Domain", "domainName": "testpage.local", "resourceRecordType": "A", "pools": [ { "use": "testpage_pool" } ] }, "testpage_pool": { "class": "GSLB_Pool", "resourceRecordType": "A", "members": [ { "server": { "use": "/Common/Shared/device01" }, "virtualServer": "/ocp/Shared/ingress_vs_1_443" }, { "server": { "use": "/Common/Shared/device02" }, "virtualServer": "/ocp2/Shared/ingress_vs_2_443" } ] } } } } } P.S. The AS3 scheme guide was very helpful: sharing: Containers, Kubernetes, Openshift, F5 Container Connector, NGINX Ingress
For anyone interested about the free traning for "F5 Container Connector for Kubernetes" or "F5 OpenShift Container Integration" at "LearnF5". For NGINX being installed in Kubernetes there is enough info but for F5 Contaner Connector/Container Ingress Services there is not so much: F5 Devcentral also has youtube channel with usefull info: If you don't have good knowledge about containers and kubernetes then first check the links below. For Docker containers in youtube you will find a lot of good training for example: you need to learn Kubernetes RIGHT NOW!! - YouTube Docker Tutorial for Beginners [FULL COURSE in 3 Hours] - YouTube Docker overview | Docker Documentation The same is true for Kubernetes and they have a free test lab on their site: Learn Kubernetes Basics | Kubernetes you need to learn Docker RIGHT NOW!! // Docker Containers 101 - YouTube Red Hat has some free training and IBM provides some free labs for Containers, Kubernetes, Openshift etc.: Training and Certification ( IBM CloudLabs: Free, Interactive Kubernetes Tutorials | IBM Red Hat OpenShift Tutorials | IBM966Views5likes2Comments