1 TopicUse of NGINX Controller to Authenticate API Calls
API calls authentication is essential for API security and billing. Authentication helps to reduce load by dropping anonymous calls and provides clear view on per user/group usage information since every call bears an identity marker. NGINX Controller provides an easy method for API owners to setup authentication for calls that traverse NGINX Plus instances as API gateways. What is API authentication and how is it different from authorization? API authentication it is an action when API gateway verifies an identity of a call by checking an identity marker (token, credentials, ...) in the call body. Authorization in turn is usually based on authentication. Authorization mechanisms extract an identity marker from a call and check if this identity is allowed to make the call or not. There are many approaches to authenticate an API call: HTTP Basic: API call carries clear text credentials in HTTP Authorization header. E.g. "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==" API key: API call carries an API key in request (multiple injection points possible) E.g: "GET /endpoint?token=dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA" Oauth: Complex open source standard for access delegation. When oAuth is in use API consumer obtains cryptographically signed JWT (json web token) token from an external identity provider and places it in the call. Server in turn uses JWK (json web key) obtained from the same identity provider to verify token signature and make sure data in JWT is true. As you may already know from previous articles NGINX Controller doesn't process traffic on its own but it configures NGINX Plus instances which run as API gateways to apply all necessary actions and policies to the traffic. The picture below shows how all these pieces to work together. Picture 1. Controller can setup two approaches for authenticating API calls: API key based oAuth (JWT) based This article covers procedures needed to configure both of supported API call authentication methods. As a prerequisite I assume you already have NGINX Plus and Controller setup along with at least one API published (if not please take a look at the previous article for details) Assume API owner developed an API and wants to make it avaliable for authenticated users only. Owner knows that customers have different use cases therefore different authentication methods fit each use case better. So it is required to authenticate users by API key or by JWT token. As discussed in previous article NGINX Controller abstracts API gateway configuration with higher level concepts for ease of configuration. The abstractions are shown on picture below. Picture 2. Therefore API definition, gateway, and workload group form a data path, the way how calls get accepted and where they get forwarded if all policies are passed. Policies contain necessary verifications/actions which apply for every API call traversing the data path. Picture 3. Amongst others there is authentication policy which allows to authenticate API calls. As shown on picture 2 the policy applies to published API instance which in turn represents data path for the traffic. Therefore the policy affects every call which flies through. Usually every authentication method fits one use case better then others. E.g. robots/bots better go with API key because process of obtaining of an JWT token from an authorization server is complex and requires a tools which bot/robot may not have. For human situation is opposite. It is much more native for user to type username/password and get token in exchange under the covers instead of copy/paste long API key to every call. Therefore oAuth fits better here. Steps below cover configuration of both supported authentication methods: API key and oAuth2.0. Assume Company_1 has bought access to an API. As a customer Company_1 wants to consume API automatically with robots and allow its employees to make requests manually as well. In order to authenticate employees using oAuth and robots with API key two different identity providers needs to be configured on controller. First we create a provider for employees. In order to NGINX Plus to verify JWT token in a call JWK key is required. There are two ways to supply the JWK key for the provider: upload a file or reference it as web URL. In case of reference NGINX Plus automatically refreshes the key periodically. These two approaches are shown in two pictures below. A second provider is used to authenticate Customer_1 robots with a simple API key. There are two options for creating API keys in provider. The first is to create them manually. The second is to upload CSV file containing user accounts credentials. user@linux$cat api-clients.csv CUSTOMER_1_ROBOT_1000,2b31388ccbcb4605cb2b77447120c27ecd7f98a47af9f17107f8f12d31597aa2 CUSTOMER_1_ROBOT_1001,71d8c4961e228bfc25cb720e0aa474413ba46b49f586e1fc29e65c0853c8531a CUSTOMER_1_ROBOT_1002,fc979b897e05369ebfd6b4d66b22c90ef3704ef81e4e88fc9907471b0d58d9fa CUSTOMER_1_ROBOT_1003,e18f4cacd6fc4341f576b3236e6eb3b5decf324552dfdd698e5ae336f181652a CUSTOMER_1_ROBOT_1004,3351ac9615248518348fbddf11d9c597967b1e526bd0c0c20b2fdf8bfb7ae30a The next step is to assign an authentication policy to an published API. Each authentication policy may include only one client group therefore we need two of them to authenticate employees with JWT or robots with API token. Policy for robots specifies the provider and a location where an API token is placed. Along with query string in our example also headers, cookies, and bearer token locations are supported. Policy for employees specifies the provider and the JWT location NOTE: (Limitation) Policies in an environment have AND operand between them. This means environment can have only one authentication policy otherwise identity requirements from both of them need to be satisfied for call to pass. Once policy for employees is set up and config has been pushed to NGINX Plus instance, calls authentication is in place and we can now test it. At first let us make sure unauthenticated calls are rejected. I use postman as API client. As you see request without JWT token is rejected with 401 "Unauthorized" response code. Now I obtain valid token from identity provider and insert it in the same call. A call with valid JWT token successfully passes authentication and brings response back! Now we can try to replace authentication policy with policy for robots and conduct the same tests. I am emulating a robot with console tool which can not act as an oAuth client to retrieve a JWT token. So robots simply append API key to the query string. API call without any token is blocked. ubuntu@ip-10-1-1-7:~$ httphttps://prod.httpbin.internet.lab/uuid HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 40 Content-Type: application/json Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 00:12:26 GMT Server: nginx/1.17.6 { "message": "Unauthorized", "status": 401 } API call with valid API key in query string is allowed. ubuntu@ip-10-1-1-7:~$ httphttps://prod.httpbin.internet.lab/uuid?token=2b31388ccbcb4605cb2b77447120c27ecd7f98a47af9f17107f8f12d31597aa2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 53 Content-Type: application/json Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 00:12:57 GMT Server: nginx/1.17.6 { "uuid": "b57f6b72-7730-4d0e-bbb7-533af8e2a4c0" } Therefore even such a complex feature implementation as API calls authentication becomes much easier yet flexible when managed by NGINX Controller. Hope this overview was useful. Good luck!2.3KViews1like0Comments