4 TopicsiRule to use HEADER name and value to redirect bot traffic to a specific pool
We are looking for the detail: "X-APP-WHITELIST" in the header equal to "8" OR if the user-agent has, "googlebot" discovered in the header. Not looking at the XFF part of the header. Is there a better name than, "googlebot" to use? Thank you all for your replies. This is awesome. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header exists X-APP-WHITELIST] and [HTTP::header X-APP-WHITELIST] equals "8" or [string tolower [HTTP::header User-Agent]] contains "googlebot" } { pool A } else { pool default } }422Views0likes2CommentsNaming servers using AS3 Declaration
How do you name servers in an AS3 declaration? The following declaration names the server the IP address in the F5. { "class":"AS3", "action":"deploy", "declaration":{ "class":"ADC", "schemaVersion":"3.12.0", "id":"0", "shortlived":{ "class":"Tenant", "myhui1085_dev":{ "class":"Application", "template":"default", "myhui1085_dev":{ "class":"Service_HTTPS", "snat":"self", "serverTLS":{ "bigip":"/Common/" }, "virtualAddresses":[ "" ], "pool":"myhui1085_dev_pool" }, "myhui1085_dev_pool":{ "class":"Pool", "monitors":[{ "bigip":"/Common/http_monitor" }], "loadBalancingMode":"least-connections-member", "members":[ { "adminState":"enable", "servicePort":80, "serverAddresses":[ "" ], "hostname":"test_server2" } ] } } } } }385Views0likes1CommentChange source name of F5 for log
Hello everyone, We are using graylog server for, well, our log^^ and the main problem we got is that we cant make the difference between the F5 we got because all the log got the same source name : "F5" as you can see in the screenshot. Is there a way to change it? Thanks in advance. Regards,464Views0likes6Comments