logon integration
1 TopicAPM Dialup Windows logon integration
Hi, I am setting up remote access with the Edge Client. So far I managed to let Edge client cache Windows credentials provided via Windows logon prompt and submit them to the APM for transparent user authentication. The VPN tunnel is established and user is able to reach the office LAN. But, in the Windows Client Package configuration window I saw this option called "Dialup Entry/ Windows Logon Integration" which opens up "Dialup settings" tab with parameters I don't understand yet. I tried to find any documentation about this feature but the only thing I was able to find was just a simple explanation of its purpose, to allow user authentication and tunnel creation even before Windows starts. That sounds cool but I was not able to find any info about how to actually configure it. Is there anybody who has experience with this feature? Few Windows related manuals mentioned actual phone number which is dialed - so the edge client probably "calls" somewhere but I assume F5 APM cannot "take" such call by itself, or does it? To use it, would I need anything else but the Edge client on client side and F5 APM on server side? Thanks. Martin295Views0likes0Comments