load balancers
3 TopicsIntro to Load Balancing for Developers – The Algorithms
If you’re new to this series, you can find the complete list of articles in the series on my personal page here If you are writing applications to sit behind a Load Balancer, it behooves you to at least have a clue what the algorithm your load balancer uses is about. We’re taking this week’s installment to just chat about the most common algorithms and give a plain- programmer description of how they work. While historically the algorithm chosen is both beyond the developers’ control, you’re the one that has to deal with performance problems, so you should know what is happening in the application’s ecosystem, not just in the application. Anything that can slow your application down or introduce errors is something worth having reviewed. For algorithms supported by the BIG-IP, the text here is paraphrased/modified versions of the help text associated with the Pool Member tab of the BIG-IP UI. If they wrote a good description and all I needed to do was programmer-ize it, then I used it. For algorithms not supported by the BIG-IP I wrote from scratch. Note that there are many, many more algorithms out there, but as you read through here you’ll see why these (or minor variants of them) are the ones you’ll see the most. Plain Programmer Description: Is not intended to say anything about the way any particular dev team at F5 or any other company writes these algorithms, they’re just an attempt to put the process into terms that are easier for someone with a programming background to understand. Hopefully a successful attempt. Interestingly enough, I’ve pared down what BIG-IP supports to a subset. That means that F5 employees and aficionados will be going “But you didn’t mention…!” and non-F5 employees will likely say “But there’s the Chi-Squared Algorithm…!” (no, chi-squared is theoretical distribution method I know of because it was presented as a proof for testing the randomness of a 20 sided die, ages ago in Dragon Magazine). The point being that I tried to stick to a group that builds on each other in some connected fashion. So send me hate mail… I’m good. Unless you can say more than 2-5% of the world’s load balancers are running the algorithm, I won’t consider that I missed something important. The point is to give developers and software architects a familiarity with core algorithms, not to build the worlds most complete lexicon of algorithms. Random: This load balancing method randomly distributes load across the servers available, picking one via random number generation and sending the current connection to it. While it is available on many load balancing products, its usefulness is questionable except where uptime is concerned – and then only if you detect down machines. Plain Programmer Description: The system builds an array of Servers being load balanced, and uses the random number generator to determine who gets the next connection… Far from an elegant solution, and most often found in large software packages that have thrown load balancing in as a feature. Round Robin: Round Robin passes each new connection request to the next server in line, eventually distributing connections evenly across the array of machines being load balanced. Round Robin works well in most configurations, but could be better if the equipment that you are load balancing is not roughly equal in processing speed, connection speed, and/or memory. Plain Programmer Description: The system builds a standard circular queue and walks through it, sending one request to each machine before getting to the start of the queue and doing it again. While I’ve never seen the code (or actual load balancer code for any of these for that matter), we’ve all written this queue with the modulus function before. In school if nowhere else. Weighted Round Robin (called Ratio on the BIG-IP): With this method, the number of connections that each machine receives over time is proportionate to a ratio weight you define for each machine. This is an improvement over Round Robin because you can say “Machine 3 can handle 2x the load of machines 1 and 2”, and the load balancer will send two requests to machine #3 for each request to the others. Plain Programmer Description: The simplest way to explain for this one is that the system makes multiple entries in the Round Robin circular queue for servers with larger ratios. So if you set ratios at 3:2:1:1 for your four servers, that’s what the queue would look like – 3 entries for the first server, two for the second, one each for the third and fourth. In this version, the weights are set when the load balancing is configured for your application and never change, so the system will just keep looping through that circular queue. Different vendors use different weighting systems – whole numbers, decimals that must total 1.0 (100%), etc. but this is an implementation detail, they all end up in a circular queue style layout with more entries for larger ratings. Dynamic Round Robin (Called Dynamic Ratio on the BIG-IP): is similar to Weighted Round Robin, however, weights are based on continuous monitoring of the servers and are therefore continually changing. This is a dynamic load balancing method, distributing connections based on various aspects of real-time server performance analysis, such as the current number of connections per node or the fastest node response time. This Application Delivery Controller method is rarely available in a simple load balancer. Plain Programmer Description: If you think of Weighted Round Robin where the circular queue is rebuilt with new (dynamic) weights whenever it has been fully traversed, you’ll be dead-on. Fastest: The Fastest method passes a new connection based on the fastest response time of all servers. This method may be particularly useful in environments where servers are distributed across different logical networks. On the BIG-IP, only servers that are active will be selected. Plain Programmer Description: The load balancer looks at the response time of each attached server and chooses the one with the best response time. This is pretty straight-forward, but can lead to congestion because response time right now won’t necessarily be response time in 1 second or two seconds. Since connections are generally going through the load balancer, this algorithm is a lot easier to implement than you might think, as long as the numbers are kept up to date whenever a response comes through. These next three I use the BIG-IP name for. They are variants of a generalized algorithm sometimes called Long Term Resource Monitoring. Least Connections: With this method, the system passes a new connection to the server that has the least number of current connections. Least Connections methods work best in environments where the servers or other equipment you are load balancing have similar capabilities. This is a dynamic load balancing method, distributing connections based on various aspects of real-time server performance analysis, such as the current number of connections per node or the fastest node response time. This Application Delivery Controller method is rarely available in a simple load balancer. Plain Programmer Description: This algorithm just keeps track of the number of connections attached to each server, and selects the one with the smallest number to receive the connection. Like fastest, this can cause congestion when the connections are all of different durations – like if one is loading a plain HTML page and another is running a JSP with a ton of database lookups. Connection counting just doesn’t account for that scenario very well. Observed: The Observed method uses a combination of the logic used in the Least Connections and Fastest algorithms to load balance connections to servers being load-balanced. With this method, servers are ranked based on a combination of the number of current connections and the response time. Servers that have a better balance of fewest connections and fastest response time receive a greater proportion of the connections. This Application Delivery Controller method is rarely available in a simple load balancer. Plain Programmer Description: This algorithm tries to merge Fastest and Least Connections, which does make it more appealing than either one of the above than alone. In this case, an array is built with the information indicated (how weighting is done will vary, and I don’t know even for F5, let alone our competitors), and the element with the highest value is chosen to receive the connection. This somewhat counters the weaknesses of both of the original algorithms, but does not account for when a server is about to be overloaded – like when three requests to that query-heavy JSP have just been submitted, but not yet hit the heavy work. Predictive: The Predictive method uses the ranking method used by the Observed method, however, with the Predictive method, the system analyzes the trend of the ranking over time, determining whether a servers performance is currently improving or declining. The servers in the specified pool with better performance rankings that are currently improving, rather than declining, receive a higher proportion of the connections. The Predictive methods work well in any environment. This Application Delivery Controller method is rarely available in a simple load balancer. Plain Programmer Description: This method attempts to fix the one problem with Observed by watching what is happening with the server. If its response time has started going down, it is less likely to receive the packet. Again, no idea what the weightings are, but an array is built and the most desirable is chosen. You can see with some of these algorithms that persistent connections would cause problems. Like Round Robin, if the connections persist to a server for as long as the user session is working, some servers will build a backlog of persistent connections that slow their response time. The Long Term Resource Monitoring algorithms are the best choice if you have a significant number of persistent connections. Fastest works okay in this scenario also if you don’t have access to any of the dynamic solutions. That’s it for this week, next week we’ll start talking specifically about Application Delivery Controllers and what they offer – which is a whole lot – that can help your application in a variety of ways. Until then! Don.21KViews1like9CommentsIf Load Balancers Are Dead Why Do We Keep Talking About Them?
Commoditized from solution to feature, from feature to function, load balancing is no longer a solution but rather a function of more advanced solutions that’s still an integral component for highly-available, fault-tolerant applications. Unashamed Parody of Monty Python and the Holy Grail Load balancers: I'm not dead. The Market: 'Ere, it says it’s not dead. Analysts: Yes it is. Load balancers: I'm not. The Market: It isn't. Analysts: Well, it will be soon, it’s very ill. Load balancers: I'm getting better. Analysts: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment. Earlier this year, amidst all the other (perhaps exaggerated) technology deaths, Gartner declared that Load Balancers are Dead. It may come as surprise, then, that application delivery network folks keep talking about them. As do users, customers, partners, and everyone else under the sun. In fact, with the increased interest in cloud computing it seems that load balancers are enjoying a short reprieve from death. LOAD BALANCERS REALLY ARE SO LAST CENTURY They aren’t. Trust me, load balancers aren’t enjoying anything. Load balancing on the other hand, is very much in the spotlight as scalability and infrastructure 2.0 and availability in the cloud are highlighted as issues today’s IT staff must deal with. And if it seems that we keep mentioning load balancers despite their apparent demise, it’s only because the understanding of what a load balancer does is useful to slowly moving people toward what is taking its place: application delivery. Load balancing is an integral component to any high-availability and/or on-demand architecture. The ability to direct application requests across a (cluster|pool|farm|bank) of servers (physical or virtual) is an inherent property of cloud computing and on-demand architectures in general. But it is not the be-all and end-all of application delivery, it’s just the point at which application delivery begins and an integral function of application delivery controllers. Load balancers, back in their day, were “teh bomb.” These simple but powerful pieces of software (which later grew into appliances and later into full-fledged application switches) offered a way for companies to address the growing demand for Web-based access to everything from their news stories to their products to their services to their kids’ pictures. But as traffic demands grew so did the load on servers and eventually new functionality began to be added to load balancers – caching, SSL offload and acceleration, and even security-focused functionality. From the core that was load balancing grew an entire catalog of application-rich features that focused on keeping applications available while delivering them fast and securely. At that point we were no longer simply load balancing applications, we were delivering them. Optimizing them. Accelerating them. Securing them. LET THEM REST IN PEACE… So it made sense that in order to encapsulate the concept of application delivery and move people away from focusing on load balancing that we’d give the product and market a new name. Thus arose the term “application delivery network” and “application delivery controller.” But at the core of both is still load balancing. Not load balancers, but load balancing. A function, if you will, of application delivery. But not the whole enchilada; not by a long shot. If we’re still mentioning load balancing (and even load balancers, as incorrect as that term may be today) it’s because the function is very, very, very important (I could add a few more “verys” but I think you get the point) to so many different architectures and to meeting business goals around availability and performance and security that it should be mentioned, if not centrally then at least peripherally. So yes. Load balancers are very much outdated and no longer able to provide the biggest bang for your buck. But load balancing, particularly when leveraged as a core component in an application delivery network, is very much in vogue (it’s trendy, like iPhones) and very much a necessary part of a successfully implemented high-availability or on-demand architecture. Long live load balancing. The House that Load Balancing Built A new era in application delivery Infrastructure 2.0: The Diseconomy of Scale Virus The Politics of Load Balancing Don't just balance the load, distribute it WILS: Network Load Balancing versus Application Load Balancing Cloud computing is not Burger King. You can’t have it your way. Yet. The Revolution Continues: Let Them Eat Cloud434Views0likes0CommentsCloud Computing and Infrastructure 2.0
Not every infrastructure vendor needs new capabilities to support cloud computing and infrastructure 2.0. Greg Ness of Infoblox has an excellent article on "The Next Tech Boom: Infrastructure 2.0" that is showing up everywhere. That's because it raises some interesting questions and points out some real problems that will be need to be addressed as we move further into cloud computing and virtualized environments. What is really interesting, however, is the fact that some infrastructure vendors are already there and have been for quite some time. One thing Greg mentions that's not quite accurate (at least in the case of F5) is regarding the ability of "appliances" to "look inside servers (for other servers) or dynamically keep up with fluid meshes of hypervisors". From Greg's article: The appliances that have been deployed across the last thirty years simply were not architected to look inside servers (for other servers) or dynamically keep up with fluid meshes of hypervisors powering servers on and off on demand and moving them around with mouse clicks. Enterprises already incurring dis-economies of scale today will face sheer terror when trying to manage and secure the dynamic environments of tomorrow. Rising management costs will further compromise the economics of static network infrastructure. I must disagree. Not on the sheer terror statement, that's almost certainly true, but on the capabilities of infrastructure devices to handle a virtualized environment. Some appliances and network devices have long been able to look inside servers and dynamically keep up with the rapid changes occurring in a hypervisor-driven application infrastructure. We call one of those capabilities "intelligent health monitoring", for example, and others certainly have their own special name for a similar capability. On the dynamic front, when you combine an intelligent application delivery controller with the ability to be orchestrated from within applications or within the OS, you get the ability to dynamically modify configuration of application delivery in real-time based on current conditions within the data center. And if you're monitoring is intelligent enough, you can sense within seconds when an application - whether virtualized or not - has disappeared or conversely, when it's come back on line. F5 has been supporting this kind of dynamic, flexible application infrastructure for years. It's not really new except that its importance has suddenly skyrocketed due to exactly the scenario Greg points out using virtualization. WHAT ABOUT THE VIRTSEC PIECE? There has never been a better case for centralized web application security through a web application firewall and an application delivery controller. The application delivery controller - which necessarily sits between clients and those servers - provides security at layers 2 through 7. The full stack. There's nothing really that special about a virtualized environment as far as the architecture goes for delivering applications running on those virtual servers; the protocols are still the same, and the same vulnerabilities that have plagued non-virtualized applications will also plague virtualized ones. That means that existing solutions can address those vulnerabilities in either environment, or a mix. Add in a web application firewall to centralize application security and it really doesn't matter whether applications are going up and down like the stock market over the past week. By deploying the security at the edge, rather than within each application, you can let the application delivery controller manage the availability state of the application and concentrate on cleaning up and scanning requests for malicious content. Centralizing security for those applications - again, whether they are deployed on a "real" or "virtual" server - has a wealth of benefits including improving performance and reducing the very complexity Greg points out that makes information security folks reach for a valium. BUT THEY'RE DYNAMIC! Yes, yes they are. The assumption is that given the opportunity to move virtual images around that organizations will do so - and do so on a frequent basis. I think that assumption is likely a poor one for the enterprise and probably not nearly as willy nilly for cloud computing providers, either. Certainly there will some movement, some changes, but it's not likely to be every few minutes, as is often implied. Even if it was, some infrastructure is already prepared to deal with that dynamism. Dynamism is just another term for agility and makes the case well for loose-coupling of security and delivery with the applications living in the infrastructure. If we just apply the lessons we've learned from SOA to virtualization and cloud computing and 90% of the "Big Hairy Questions" can be answered by existing technology. We just may have to change our architectures a bit to adapt to these new computing models. Network infrastructure, specifically application delivery, has had to deal with applications coming online and going offline since their inception. It's the nature of applications to have outages, and application delivery infrastructure, at least, already deals with those situations. It's merely the frequency of those "outages" that is increasing, not the general concept. But what if they change IP addresses? That would indeed make things more complex. This requires even more intelligence but again, we've got that covered. While the functionality necessary to handle this kind of a scenario is not "out of the box" (yet) it is certainly not that difficult to implement if the infrastructure vendor provides the right kind of integration capability. Which most do already. Greg isn't wrong in his assertions. There are plenty of pieces of network infrastructure that need to take a look at these new environments and adjust how they deal with the dynamic nature of virtualization and cloud computing in general. But it's not all infrastructure that needs to "get up to speed". Some infrastructure has been ready for this scenario for years and it's just now that the application infrastructure and deployment models (SOA, cloud computing, virtualization) has actually caught up and made those features even more important to a successful application deployment. Application delivery in general has stayed ahead of the curve and is already well-suited to cloud computing and virtualized environments. So I guess some devices are already "Infrastructure 2.0" ready. I guess what we really need is a sticker to slap on the product that says so. Related Links Are you (and your infrastructure) ready for virtualization? Server virtualization versus server virtualization Automating scalability and high availability services The Three "Itys" of Cloud Computing 4 things you need in a cloud computing infrastructure286Views0likes3Comments