list ltm profile
1 Topiclist ltm profile
We are on BIG-IP 14.1.5 Build 0.0.7 Final. I am coding a script to move a VIP from one partition to another since we use more than just /Common. It will use the tmos "list ltm" command with the one-line option to grab the related json. It will then remove those objects found from the current partition, change to the new partition, and do the following to recreate it in another partition: load sys config merge from-terminal Paste the configuration to load the end with CTRL-D My script needs to pull all the related objects that a VIP has like pool, monitor, profile, policy, etc. So far the only thing I've not been able to do with the list ltm command is to list out a cookie insert persistence profile. For example, one VIP has a cookie insert persistence profile /Imaging/imagingapidev.yrcw.com_cookie_pers. I have not found the right syntax to list it. In tmos when I look at the help for list ltm profile, there is nothing about persistence or cookie listed as a component. What component do I use? list ltm profile ?????? /Imaging/imagingapidev.yrcw.com_cookie_pers one-line This works for pool: list ltm pool /Imaging/imagingapidev.yrcw.com_pool one-line This works for virtual: list ltm virtual /Imaging/imagingapidev.yrcw.com_vs one-line etc. Just need to figure out how to list persistence profile.Solved1.5KViews0likes2Comments