2 TopicsF5 kubernetes f5 controller failing to compose 'poolMemberAddrs' and failing to generate F5 objects
Hi - I set this up: http://clouddocs.f5.com/products/connectors/k8s-bigip-ctlr/v1.0/ and getting errors after uploading my configmap and an applicable service: 2017/04/28 23:43:30 [INFO] File "/app/python/_f5.py", line 393, in _create_ltm_config_kubernetes 2017/04/28 23:43:30 [INFO] for node in backend['poolMemberAddrs']: 2017/04/28 23:43:30 [INFO] TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable The config file generated by /app/bin/k8s-bigip-ctlr does not populate "poolMemberAddrs" so the python f5 handler /app/python/bigipconfigdriver.py is crashing since it cannot figure out the nodeport targets: /app cat /tmp/k8s-bigip-ctlr.config281602422/config.json {"bigip":{"username":"xxxxxxxxx","password":"yyyyyyyy","url":";:["k8s"]},"global":{"log-level":"INFO","verify-interval":30},"services":[{"virtualServer":{"backend":{"serviceName":"av-service","servicePort":30000,"poolMemberPort":0,"poolMemberAddrs":null},"frontend":{"virtualServerName":"default_av-service","partition":"k8s","balance":"round-robin","mode":"http","virtualAddress":{"bindAddr":"","port":80},"iappPoolMemberTable":{"name":"","columns":null}}}}]}/app I ran out of anything helpful with debug statements or documentation about the closed source go binary... io:$ kubectl get services/av-service -o wide NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR av-service 80:30000/TCP 2h app=av io:$ kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}' Is this the right place to ask about what possible reasons the controller is crashing here?379Views0likes3CommentsAn example of an AS3 Rest API call to create a GSLB configuration on BIG-IP.
Hi everyone, Below you can find an example of an AS3 Rest API call that creates a simple GSLB configuration on BIG-IP devices. The main purpose of this article is to share this configuration with others. Of course, on different sites (github, etc) you can find different bits of data, but I think this example will be useful, because it contains all the necessary information about how to create different GSLB objects at the same time, such as: Data Centers (DCs), Servers, Virtual Servers (VSs), Wide IPs, pools and more over. { "class": "AS3", "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.21.0", "id": "GSLB_test", "Common": { "class": "Tenant", "Shared": { "class": "Application", "template": "shared", "DC1": { "class": "GSLB_Data_Center" }, "DC2": { "class": "GSLB_Data_Center" }, "device01": { "class": "GSLB_Server", "dataCenter": { "use": "DC1" }, "virtualServers": [ { "name": "/ocp/Shared/ingress_vs_1_443", "address": "A.B.C.D", "port": 443, "monitors": [ { "bigip": "/Common/custom_icmp_2" } ] } ], "devices": [ { "address": "A.B.C.D" } ] }, "device02": { "class": "GSLB_Server", "dataCenter": { "use": "DC2" }, "virtualServers": [ { "name": "/ocp2/Shared/ingress_vs_2_443", "address": "A.B.C.D", "port": 443, "monitors": [ { "bigip": "/Common/custom_icmp_2" } ] } ], "devices": [ { "address": "A.B.C.D" } ] }, "dns_listener": { "class": "Service_UDP", "virtualPort": 53, "virtualAddresses": [ "A.B.C.D" ], "profileUDP": { "use": "custom_udp" }, "profileDNS": { "use": "custom_dns" } }, "custom_dns": { "class": "DNS_Profile", "remark": "DNS Profile test", "parentProfile": { "bigip": "/Common/dns" } }, "custom_udp": { "class": "UDP_Profile", "datagramLoadBalancing": true }, "testpage_local": { "class": "GSLB_Domain", "domainName": "testpage.local", "resourceRecordType": "A", "pools": [ { "use": "testpage_pool" } ] }, "testpage_pool": { "class": "GSLB_Pool", "resourceRecordType": "A", "members": [ { "server": { "use": "/Common/Shared/device01" }, "virtualServer": "/ocp/Shared/ingress_vs_1_443" }, { "server": { "use": "/Common/Shared/device02" }, "virtualServer": "/ocp2/Shared/ingress_vs_2_443" } ] } } } } } P.S. The AS3 scheme guide was very helpful: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-appsvcs-extension/latest/refguide/schema-reference.html697Views1like2Comments