irule batch removal
1 TopicRemove iRule From Multiple Virtual Servers (Fork /w multiple partition support)
Problem this snippet solves: Credits: Fork from The outlined script will detach an iRule from one or more virtual servers. I've added code to the original script, to allow the removal from one or more virtual servers across multiple partitions. This script would search through the virtual server configuration of every partition and then detach the specified iRule from any virtual servers. The iRule itself would not become deleted from the system. Cheers, Kai How to use this snippet: Script Output [itacs@f5-02:Active:Standalone] tmp # tmsh run cli script file script.tcl /Common/iRule_2_Delete Crawling Partition: /Common Crawling VS : /Common/Default_Forward Finished VS: No Rules bound to the VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_DNS_210 Finished VS: No Rules bound to the VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTPS_210 Finished VS: iRule_2_Delete is not bound to VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTPS_211 Finished VS: No Rules bound to the VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTP_210 Finished VS: iRule_2_Delete is getting removed from VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTP_211 Finished VS: iRule_2_Delete is getting removed from VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_LDAPS_636 Finished VS: iRule_2_Delete is not bound to VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_LDAP_389 Finished VS: iRule_2_Delete is not bound to VS Crawling VS : /Common/VS_RDP_211 Finished VS: iRule_2_Delete is not bound to VS Finished Partition: /Common Crawling Partition: /Other1 Crawling VS : /Other1/VS_HTTP_111 Finished VS: /Common/iRule_2_Delete is getting removed from VS Finished Partition: /Other1 Crawling Partition: /Other2 Crawling VS : /Other2/VS_HTTP_151 Finished VS: No Rules bound to the VS Finished Partition: /Other2 The provided iRule /Common/iRule_2_Delete was removed from the following virtuals: /Common/VS_HTTP_210 /Common/VS_HTTP_211 /Other1/VS_HTTP_111 [itacs@f5-02:Active:Standalone] tmp # Code : proc script::run {} { if { $tmsh::argc != 2 } then { puts "A single rule name must be provided" exit } set qualified_rulename [lindex $tmsh::argv 1] set vips_in_play "" foreach partition [tmsh::get_config auth partition] { set partition "/[tmsh::get_name $partition]" puts "Crawling Partition: $partition" tmsh::cd $partition if { $qualified_rulename starts_with $partition } then { set rulename [string range $qualified_rulename [expr { [string last "/" $qualified_rulename] + 1 } ] end] } else { set rulename $qualified_rulename } set vips [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual] tmsh::begin_transaction foreach vip $vips { puts "\tCrawling VS : $partition/[tmsh::get_name $vip]" if { [tmsh::get_field_value $vip "rules" rules] == 0 } then { puts "\tFinished VS: No Rules bound to the VS" continue } if { [lsearch -exact $rules $rulename] == -1 } then { puts "\tFinished VS: $rulename is not bound to VS" continue } if { [llength $rules] < 2 } then { puts "\tFinished VS: $rulename is getting removed from VS" tmsh::modify /ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $vip] rules none } else { puts "\tFinished VS: $rulename is getting removed from VS" set id [lsearch -exact $rules $rulename] set keepers [lreplace $rules $id $id] tmsh::modify /ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $vip] rules "{ $keepers }" } lappend vips_in_play "$partition/[tmsh::get_name $vip]" } tmsh::commit_transaction puts "Finished Partition: $partition" } if { $vips_in_play ne "" } then { puts "The iRule $rulename was removed from the following virtuals:" foreach vip_in_play $vips_in_play { puts "\t$vip_in_play" } } else { puts "The iRule $rulename was not found on any virtual." } } Tested this on version: 12.0576Views1like2Comments