DNS on the BIG-IP: IPv6 to IPv4 Translation
I've been writing some DNS articles over the past couple of months, and I wanted to keep the momentum going with a discussion on IPv6 translation. As a reminder, my first four articles are: Let's Talk DNS on DevCentral DNS The F5 Way: A Paradigm Shift DNS Express and Zone Transfers The BIG-IP GTM: Configuring DNSSEC The Address Space Problem I'm pretty sure all of you have heard about the problem of IPv4 address depletion, so I won't go too crazy on that. But, I did want to share one quick analogy of how the IPv4 address space relates to the IPv6 space. There are ~4 billion possible IPv4 addresses and ~3.4 x 10 38 IPv6 addresses. Sometimes when I see a comparison of large numbers like these, it's hard for me to grasp the magnitude of the difference. Here's the analogy that helped put this in perspective: if the entire IPv4 address space was a single drop of water, the IPv6 address space would be the equivalent of 68 times the entire volume of the world's oceans! I can't imagine ever needing more IP address space than that, but I guess we will see. As IPv4 address space is used up and new IP-enabled devices continue to hit the market, companies need to support and manage existing IPv4 devices and content while transitioning to IPv6. Just last week, ICANN announced that IPv4 addresses are nearing total exhaustion. Leo Vegoda, operational excellence manager at ICANN, said "Redistributing increasingly small blocks of IPv4 address space is not a sustainable way to grow the Internet. IPv6 deployment is a requirement for any network that needs to survive." As companies transition to IPv6, they still face a real issue of handling IPv4 traffic. Despite the need to move to IPv6, the fact is most Internet traffic today is still IPv4. Google has a really cool graph that tracks IPv6 adoption, and they currently report that only 3.5% of all Internet traffic is IPv6. You would think that the people who developed IPv6 would have made it backward compatible with IPv4 thus making the transition fairly easy and straightforward...but that's not true. This leaves companies in a tough spot. They need a services fabric that is flexible enough to handle both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time. The good news is that the BIG-IP is the best in the business at doing just that. BIG-IP Configuration Let's say you built an IPv6 network and things are running smoothly within your own network...IPv6 talking to IPv6 and all is well. But remember that statistic I mentioned about most of the Internet traffic running IPv4? That creates a big need for your network to translate from IPv6 to IPv4 and back again. The BIG-IP can do this by configuring a DNS profile and assigning it to a virtual server. You can create this DNS profile by navigating to Local Traffic >> Profiles >> Services >> DNS and create/modify a DNS profile. There are several options to configure in the DNS profile, but for this article, we are just going to look at the DNS IPv6 to IPv4 translation part. Notice the three DNS IPv6 to IPv4 settings in the screenshot below: DNS IPv6 to IPv4, IPv6 to IPv4 Prefix, and IPv6 to IPv4 Additional Section Rewrite. The DNS IPv6 to IPv4 setting has four options. This setting specifies whether you want the BIG-IP to convert IPv6-formatted IP addresses to IPv4-formatted IP addresses. The options for DNS IPv6 to IPv4 are: Disabled: The BIG-IP does not map IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses. This is the default setting. Secondary: The BIG-IP receives an AAAA (IPv6) query and forwards the query to a DNS server. Only if the server fails to return a response does the BIG-IP system send an A (IPv4) query. If the BIG-IP system receives an A response, it prepends a 96-bit user-configured prefix to the record and forwards it to the client. Immediate: The BIG-IP system receives an AAAA query and forwards the query to a DNS server. The BIG-IP then forwards the first good response from the DNS server to the client. If the system receives an A response first, it prepends a 96-bit prefix to the record and forwards it to the client. If the system receives an AAAA response first, it simply forwards the response to the client. The system disregards the subsequent response from the DNS server. v4 Only: The BIG-IP receives an AAAA query, but forwards an A query to a DNS server. After receiving an A response from the server, the BIG-IP system prepends a 96-bit user-configured prefix to the record and forwards it to the client. Only select the v4 Only option if you know that all DNS servers are IPv4-only servers. When you select one of the options listed above (except the "Disabled" option), you must also provide a prefix in the IPv6 to IPv4 Prefix field and make a selection from the IPv6 to IPv4 Additional Section Rewrite list. The IPv6 to IPv4 Prefix specifies the prefix to use for the IPv6-formatted IP addresses that the BIG-IP converts to IPv4-formatted IP addresses. The default is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0. The IPv6 to IPv4 Additional Section Rewrite allows improved network efficiency for both Unicast and Multicast DNS-SD responses. This setting has 4 options: Disabled: The BIG-IP does not perform additional rewrite. This is the default setting. V4 Only: The BIG-IP accepts only A records. The system prepends the 96-bit user-configured prefix (mentioned previously) to a record and returns an IPv6 response to the client. V6 Only: The BIG-IP accepts only AAAA records and returns an IPv6 response to the client. Any: The BIG-IP accepts and returns both A and AAAA records. If the DNS server returns an A record in the Additional section of a DNS message, the BIG-IP prepends the 96-bit user-configured prefix to the record and returns an IPv6 response to the client. Like any configuration change, I would recommend initial testing in a lab to see how your network performs with these settings. This one is pretty straightforward, though. Hopefully this helps with any hesitation you may have with transitioning to an IPv6 network. Go ahead and take advantage of that vast IPv6 space, and let the BIG-IP take care of all the translation work! Stay tuned for more DNS articles, and let me know if you have any specific topics you'd like to see. One final and related note: check out the F5 CGNAT products page to learn more about seamless migration to IPv6.2.8KViews0likes2CommentsIP::addr and IPv6
Did you know that all address internal to tmm are kept in IPv6 format? If you’ve written external monitors, I’m guessing you knew this. In the external monitors, for IPv4 networks the IPv6 “header” is removed with the line: IP=`echo $1 | sed 's/::ffff://'` IPv4 address are stored in what’s called “IPv4-mapped” format. An IPv4-mapped address has its first 80 bits set to zero and the next 16 set to one, followed by the 32 bits of the IPv4 address. The prefix looks like this: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff: (abbreviated as ::ffff:, which looks strickingly simliar—ok, identical—to the pattern stripped above) Notation of the IPv4 section of the IPv4-formatted address vary in implementations between ::ffff: and ::ffff:c0a8:c8c8, but only the latter notation (in hex) is supported. If you need the decimal version, you can extract it like so: % puts $x ::ffff:c0a8:c8c8 % if { [string range $x 0 6] == "::ffff:" } { scan [string range $x 7 end] "%2x%2x:%2x%2x" ip1 ip2 ip3 ip4 set ipv4addr "$ip1.$ip2.$ip3.$ip4" } Address Comparisons The text format is not what controls whether the IP::addr command (nor the class command) does an IPv4 or IPv6 comparison. Whether or not the IP address is IPv4-mapped is what controls the comparison. The text format merely controls how the text is then translated into the internal IPv6 format (ie: whether it becomes a IPv4-mapped address or not). Normally, this is not an issue, however, if you are trying to compare an IPv6 address against an IPv4 address, then you really need to understand this mapping business. Also, it is not recommended to use for testing whether something is IPv4 versus IPv6 as that is not really valid a IP address—using the mask (technically the same as /0) is a loophole and ultimately, what you are doing is loading the equivalent form of a IPv4-mapped mask. Rather, you should just use the following to test whether it is an IPv4-mapped address: if { [IP::addr $IP1 equals ::ffff:0000:0000/96] } { log local0. “Yep, that’s an IPv4 address” } These notes are covered in the IP::addr wiki entry. Any updates to the command and/or supporting notes will exist there, so keep the links handy. Related Articles F5 Friday: 'IPv4 and IPv6 Can Coexist' or 'How to eat your cake ... Service Provider Series: Managing the ipv6 Migration IPv6 and the End of the World No More IPv4. You do have your IPv6 plan running now, right ... Question about IPv6 - BIGIP - DevCentral - F5 DevCentral ... Insert IPv6 address into header - DevCentral - F5 DevCentral ... Business Case for IPv6 - DevCentral - F5 DevCentral > Community ... We're sorry. The IPv4 address you are trying to reach has been ... Don MacVittie - F5 BIG-IP IPv6 Gateway Module1.2KViews1like1CommentF5 Friday: In the NOC at Interop
#interop #fasterapp #adcfw #ipv6 Behind the scenes in the Interop network Interop Las Vegas expects somewhere in the realm of 10,000+ attendees this year. Most of them will no doubt be carrying smart phones, many tablets, and of course the old standby, the laptop. Nearly every one will want access to some service – inside or out. The Interop network provides that access – and more. F5 solutions will provide IT services, including IPv4–IPv6 translation, firewall, SSL VPN, and web optimization technologies, for the Network Operations Center (NOC) at Interop. The Interop 2012 network is comprised of the show floor Network Operations Center (NOC), and three co-location sites: Colorado (DEN), California (SFO), and New Jersey(EWR). The NOC moves with the show to its 4 venues: Las Vegas, Tokyo, Mumbai, and New York. F5 has taken a hybrid application delivery network architectural approach – leveraging both physical devices (in the NOC) and virtual equivalents (in the Denver DC). Both physical and virtual instances of F5 solutions are managed via a BIG-IP Enterprise Manager 4000, providing operational consistency across the various application delivery services provided: DNS, SMTP, NTP, global traffic management (GSLB), remote access via SSL VPNs, local caching of conference materials, and data center firewall services in the NOC DMZ. Because the Interop network is supporting both IPv6 and IPv4, F5 is also providing NAT64 and DNS64 services. NAT64: Network address translation is performed between IPv6 and IPv4 on the Interop network, to allow IPv6-only clients and servers to communicate with hosts on IPv4-only networks DNS64: IPv6-to-IPv4 DNS translations are also performed by these BIG-IPs, allowing A records originating from IPv4-only DNS servers to be converted into AAAA records for IPv6 clients. F5 is also providing SNMP, SYSLOG, and NETFLOW services to vendors at the show for live demonstrations. This is accomplished by cloning the incoming traffic and replicating it out through the network. At the network layer, such functionality is often implemented by simply mirroring ports. While this is sometimes necessary, it does not necessarily provide the level of granularity (and thus control) required. Mirrored traffic does not distinguish between SNMP and SMTP, for example, unless specifically configured to do so. While cloning via an F5 solution can be configured to act in a manner consistent with port mirroring, cloning via F5 also allows intermediary devices to intelligently replicate traffic based on information gleaned from deep content inspection (DCI). For example, traffic can be cloned to a specific pool of devices based on the URI, or client IP address or client device type or destination IP. Virtually any contextual data can be used to determine whether or not to clone traffic. You can poke around with more detail and photos and network diagrams at F5’s microsite supporting its Interop network services. Dashboards are available, documentation, pictures, and more information in general on the network and F5 services supporting the show. And of course if you’re going to be at Interop, stop by the booth and say “hi”! I’ll keep the light on for ya… F5 Interopportunities at Interop 2012 F5 Secures and Optimizes Application and Network Services for the Interop 2012 Las Vegas Network Operations Center When Big Data Meets Cloud Meets Infrastructure Mobile versus Mobile: 867-5309 Why Layer 7 Load Balancing Doesn’t Suck BYOD–The Hottest Trend or Just the Hottest Term What Does Mobile Mean, Anyway? Mobile versus Mobile: An Identity Crisis The Three Axioms of Application Delivery Don’t Let Automation Water Down Your Data Center The Four V’s of Big Data352Views0likes0CommentsDNS Architecture in the 21st Century
It is amazing if you stop and think about it, how much we utilize DNS services, and how little we think about them. Every organization out there is running DNS, and yet there is not a ton of traction in making certain your DNS implementation is the best it can be. Oh sure, we set up a redundant pair of DNS servers, and some of us (though certainly not all of us) have patched BIND to avoid major vulnerabilities. But have you really looked at how DNS is configured and what you’ll need to keep your DNS moving along? If you’re looking close at IPv6 or DNSSEC, chances are that you have. If you’re not looking into either of these, you probably aren’t even aware that ISC – the non-profit responsible for BIND – is working on a new version. Or that great companies like Infoblox (fair disclosure, they’re an F5 partner) are out there trying to make DNS more manageable. With the move toward cloud computing and the need to keep multiple cloud providers available (generally so your app doesn’t go offline when a cloud provider does, but at a minimum for a negotiation tool), and the increasingly virtualized nature of our application deployments, DNS is taking on a new importance. In particular, distributed DNS is taking on a new importance. What a company with three datacenters and two cloud providers must do today, only ISPs and a few very large organizations did ten years ago. And that complexity shows no signs of slacking. While the technology that is required to operate in a multiple datacenter (whether those datacenters are in the cloud or on your premise) environment is available today, as I alluded to above, most of us haven’t been paying attention. No surprise with the number of other issues on our plates, eh? So here’s a quick little primer to give you some ideas to start with when you realize you need to change your DNS architecture. It is not all-inclusive, the point is to give you ideas you can pursue to get started, not teach you all that some of the experts I spent part of last week with could offer. In a massively distributed environment, DNS will have to direct users to the correct location – which may not be static (Lori tells me the term for this is “hyper-hybrid”) In a IPv6/IPv4 world, DNS will have to serve up both types of addresses, depending upon the requestor Increasingly, DNSSEC will be a requirement to play in the global naming game. While most orgs will go there with dragging feet, they will still go The failure of a cloud, or removal of a cloud from the list of options for an app (as elasticity contracts) will require dynamic changes in DNS. Addition will follow the same rules Multiple DNS servers in multiple locations will have to remain synched to cover a single domain. So the question is where do you begin if you’re like so many people and vaguely looked into DNSSEC or DNS for IPv6, but haven’t really stayed up on the topic. That’s a good question. I was lucky enough to get two days worth of firehose from a ton of experts – from developers to engineers configuring modern DNS and even a couple of project managers on DNS projects. I’ll try to distill some of that data out for you. Where it is clearer to use a concrete example or specific terminology, as almost always that example will be of my employer or a partner. From my perspective it is best to stick to examples I know best, and from yours, simply call your vendor and ask if they have similar functionality. Massively distributed is tough if you are coming from a traditional DNS environment, because DNS alone doesn’t do it. DNS load balancing helps, but so does the concept of a Wide IP. That’s an IP that is flexible on the back end, but static on the front end. Just like when load balancing you have a single IP that directs users to multiple servers, a Wide IP is a single IP address that directs people to multiple locations. A Wide IP is a nice abstraction to actively load balance not just between servers but between sites. It also allows DNS to be simplified when dealing with those multiple sites because it can route to the most appropriate instance of an application. Today most appropriate is generally defined by geographically closest, but in some cases it can include things like “send our high-value customers to a different datacenter”. There are a ton of other issues with this type of distribution, not the least of which is database integrity and primary sourcing, but I’m going to focus on the DNS bit today, just remember that DNS is a tool to get users to your systems like a map is a tool to get customers to your business. In the end, you still have to build the destination out. DNS that supports IPv4 and IPv6 both will be mandatory for the foreseeable future, as new devices come online with IPv6 and old devices persist with IPv4. There are several ways to tackle this issue, from the obvious “leave IPv4 running and implement v6 DNS” to the less common “implement a solution that serves up both”. DNSSEC is another tough one. It adds complexity to what has always been a super-simplistic system. But it protects your corporate identity from those who would try to abuse it. That makes DNSSEC inevitable, IMO. Risk management wins over “it’s complex” almost every time. There are plenty of DNSSEC solutions out there, but at this time DNSSEC implementations do not run BIND. The update ISC is working on might change that, we’ll have to see. The ability to change what’s behind a DNS name dynamically is naturally greatly assisted by the aforementioned Wide IPs. By giving a constant IP that has multiple variable IPs behind it, adding or removing those behind the Wide IP does not suffer the latency that DNS propagation requires. Elasticity of servers servicing a given DNS name becomes real simply by the existence of Wide IPs. Keeping DNS servers synched can be painful in a dynamic environment. But if the dynamism is not in DNS address responses, but rather behind Wide IPs, this issue goes away also. The DNS servers will have the same set of Name/address pairs that require changes only when new applications are deployed (servers is the norm for local DNS, but for Wide-IP based DNS, servers can come and go behind the DNS service with only insertion into local DNS, while a new application might require a new Wide-IP and configuration behind it). Okay, this got long really quickly. I’m going to insert an image or two so that there’s a graphical depiction of what I’m talking about, then I’m going to cut it short. There’s a lot more to say, but don’t want to bore you by putting it all in a single blog. You’ll hear from me again on this topic though, guaranteed. Related Articles and Blogs F5 Friday: Infoblox and F5 Do DNS and Global Load Balancing Right. How to Have Your (VDI) Cake and Deliver it Too F5 BIG-IP Enhances VMware View 5.0 on FlexPod Let me tell you Where To Go. Carrier Grade DNS: Not your Parents DNS Audio White Paper - High-Performance DNS Services in BIG-IP ... Enhanced DNS Services: For Administrators, Managers and Marketers The End of DNS As We Know It DNS is Like Your Mom F5 Video: DNS Express—DNS Die Another Day339Views0likes0CommentsWhat really breaks the "end-to-end nature of the Internet"
IPv6 was supposed to eliminate NAT (Network Address Translation). But in order to make the transition from IPv4 reasonable and less painful, it's being added to IPv6. It's intended use in being included in IPv6 is to create gateways that bridge between IPv6 and IPv4 while the transition occurs. The IETF is not thrilled however. It's description of how it feels about NAT and the necessity to include it make it sound like school-children forced to allow that kid to play in their game of kickball. And then they put him in far right field. And I mean far right field so it's obvious what they think of him. This Network World article describes NAT as "much maligned" and reminds us that purists hate it for breaking the end-to-end communication model on which the Internet was designed. From the article: NAT is deployed in routers, servers and firewalls, and it adds complexity and cost to enterprise networks. Internet purists hate NATs because they break the end-to-end nature of the Internet; this is the idea that any end user can communicate directly to another end user over the Internet without middle boxes altering their packets. I'm guessing purists hate a whole lot of technologies because there are a ton of other technologies and products that are essentially "middle boxes altering packets." The problem is I don't want any end user communicating directly with me. I want their packets inspected, sanitized, and thoroughly cleansed before they get anywhere near me. I want them altered or nuked into the ether, particularly if they're full of nastiness or hell-bent on destroying the delicate balance that is my desktop. Alteration of packets is a necessity to address protocol errors and perform all sorts of interesting application delivery functions. Alteration of packets is necessary to add caching control to web applications that are not written with caching in mind; it's necessary to rewrite URIs, and to protect sensitive data from escaping the confines of the data center. Alteration of packets by "middle boxes" (i.e. intermediaries or proxies) is a requirement for optimizing and securing application data. And more than just solving the lack of IPv4 problems, NAT has become a primary security mechanism for ensuring end users aren't directly reachable by external applications. Even if I had enough IPv4 addresses to put all the machines in my home on the public Internet, I wouldn't. That's just asking for trouble, especially when some of those machines are being used by teenagers whose idea of security is using "hotbutterfly99" as their username on HotMail or Yahoo. And there's not that much difference between those teenagers and many corporate employees. Geoff Huston, chief scientist at APNIC and an expert on IPv4 address depletion Huston says NATs are useful for addressing, packet filtering and other functions. He says the real problem with NATs is that they lack standards, and that is an area where the IETF can make improvements in NATs for IPv6. "The IETF's position of ignoring NATs some years back forced NAT software builders to exercise their own creativity when designing their version of NATs," Huston says. "This variation of NAT behavior is a far, far worse problem than NATs themselves." But it goes deeper than just a lack of standards and being "impure". When it comes down to it the root of the problem - what really breaks the end-to-end model of the Internet - is people. It's the nature of people to do things they shouldn't, to code applications without concern or regard for the bigger picture, to just outright make mistakes, and in some cases to be malicious and hell bent on destruction. So long as it's people writing applications and using the Internet, alteration of packets by "middle boxes" is going to be a requirement if we want to keep applications secure, fast, and available. Especially secure. Packets are going to continue to be altered when IPv6 is fully adopted whether NAT remains used or not, because people can't be upgraded to a new version that addresses our behavior, and we don't have a way to enforce a behavioral RFC on every Internet user in the world. Besides, given all the good that comes out of "middle boxes altering packets": optimization, scalability, application layer networking, acceleration, and of course, security, I'm just not convinced that NAT and other technologies breaking the end-to-end nature of the Internet is a bad thing after all.316Views0likes1CommentMaking the most of your IP address space with layer 7 switching
Organizations trying to make their presence known on the Internet today run into an interesting dilemma - there's just not enough IP addresses to go around. Long gone are the days when any old organization could nab a huge chunk of a Class A or even Class B network. Today they're relegated to a small piece of a Class C, which is often barely enough to run their business. This is especially true for smaller businesses who are lucky if they can get a /29 at a reasonable rate. While we wait for IPv6 to be fully adopted and solve most of this problem (a solution that seems to always be on the horizon but never fully realized) there is something you can do to resolve this situation, right now. That something is layer 7 - or URI - switching, which is the topic on which a reader wrote for help this morning. A reader asks... Using the iRule we can choose the pool based on the URI, but how to choose the pool based on URL. It's a great question! Choosing pools based on URI, i.e. URI switching, is something we talk a lot about, but we don't always talk about the other, less exciting HTTP headers upon which you can base your request routing decisions. Basically, we're talking about hosting support.example.com and sales.example.com on the same IP address (as far as the outside world is concerned) but physically deploying them on separate servers inside the organization/data center. Because both hosts appear in DNS entries to be the same IP address, we can use layer 7 switching to get the requests to the right host inside the organization. (On a side note this is a function made possible by "server virtualization", one of the umpteen types of virtualization out there today and supported by application delivery controllers and load balancers since, oh, the mid 1990s.) Using iRules you can route requests based on any HTTP header. You can also route requests based on anything in the payload, i.e. the application message/request, but right now we're just going to look at the HTTP header options, as there are more than enough to fill up this post today. What's cool about iRules is that you can switch on any HTTP header, and that includes custom headers, cookies, and even the HTTP version. If it's a header, you can choose a pool based on the value of the header. Here's a quick iRule solution to the problem of switching based on the host portion of a URL. The general flow of this iRule is: when HTTP_REQUEST { switch [string tolower [HTTP::host]] { "support" { pool pool_1 } "sales" { pool pool_2 } }} If you'd like to switch on, say, the HTTP request method, you could just replace the HTTP::host portion with HTTP::method and adjust the values upon which you are switching to "get" and "post" and "delete". iRules includes an HTTP class that makes it easy to retrieve the value of the most commonly accessed HTTP headers, such as host, path, method, and version. But you can use the HTTP::header method to extract any HTTP header you'd like. HTTP::host - Returns the value of the HTTP Host header. HTTP::cookie - Queries for or manipulates cookies in HTTP requests and responses. HTTP::is_keepalive - Returns a true value if this is a Keep-Alive connection. HTTP::is_redirect - Returns a true value if the response is a redirect. HTTP::method - Returns the type of HTTP request method. HTTP::password - Returns the password part of HTTP basic authentication. HTTP::path - Returns or sets the path part of the HTTP request. HTTP::payload - Queries for or manipulates HTTP payload information. HTTP::query - Returns the query part of the HTTP request. HTTP::uri - Returns or sets the URI part of the HTTP request. HTTP::username - Returns the username part of HTTP basic authentication. HTTP::version - Returns or sets the HTTP version of the request or response. Even if you have a plethora of IP addresses available, the ability to architect your application infrastructure is made even easier if you have the capability to perform layer 7 switching on HTTP requests. It allows you to make better use of resources and to optimize servers for specific type of content. A server serving up only images can be specifically configured for binary image content, while other servers can be better optimized to serve up HTML and other types of content. Whether you have enough IP addresses or not, there's something to be gained in the areas of efficiency and simplification of your application infrastructure using layer 7 switching. For a deeper dive into HTTP headers (and HTTP in general) check out the HTTP RFC specification Imbibing: Coffee312Views0likes0CommentsIPv6: Not a Solution for Security!!!
On April 15 th , 2011, the last of the IPv4 address blocks was allocated,. Due to IPv4 address depletion, migration to IPv6 is inevitable. This migration to IPv6 will ease IPv4 address depletion but it does not address other significant networking issues such as security. Networks that have already migrated to IPv6 are starting to experience the first Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks can lead to significant amounts of downtime and, especially for Communication Service Providers, loss of revenues and increases in subscriber churn. For CSP’s to stay competitive and maintain an acceptable Quality of Experience (QoE), security and mitigation of DoS/DDoS attacks must be included in the migration to IPv6. Throughout the development of IPv6 technology, security was an integrated part of the standards. In the original version of the RFC, IPsec was integrated into the IPv6 header. IPsec provided basic security in the IP stack. However, in December 2011 IPsec as a requirement was changed to an optional element in the RFC. This means that all IPv6 networks will have to be able to interoperate with traffic that includes both IPsec and non-IPsec. And even though there is the argument that by having non-IPsec integration and IPv6 opens the door for more DoS/DDOS attacks, IPsec is not the ultimate solution to DoS/DDOS attacks. Migration technologies have been created to make interoperability of IPv4 and IPv6 networks. For CSPs, this technology is crucial when their subscribers are on an IPv6 network and the content that the subscribers demand is on the IPv4 Internet. Carrier grade network address translation (CGNAT) is designed to managed address translations and assignments for IPv4 and IPv6 networks. This technology integrated with Domain Name System 64 (DNS64) ensures that addresses and domains are locatable and accessible from either an IPv4 or IPv6 network. Tunneling technologies, such as Dual Stack Lite and 6RD, transport traffic through encrypted tunnels which allows IPv4 or IPv6 traffic to be delivered across either network. All of these methods provide different tools for the CSP to migrate all or part of their network to IPv6 and still is able to interoperate with the IPv4 Internet. However, none of these methods address the security threats that exist on the Internet. DoS/DDoS attacks can never be completely prevented. The only strategy that truly works is using security tools, like IPsec, along with distributed architectures to mitigate the impact of these attacks. While CSP’s are migrating to new technologies and upgrading to IPv6, new security architecture should be examined. Since almost every part of the network has to be touched, , this is the perfect opportunity for CSP's to update their security architecture along with becoming IPv6 compliant. No matter which technology scheme for migration to IPv6 is used, all elements of the network can be designed to help mitigate the impacts and costs of Dos/DDoS attacks. Whether it is CGNAT, DNS 64, IPv6 Gateway, or tunneling methodologies, all of the different IPv6 migration technologies can be deployed to maintain service up time during a DoS/DDoS attack. The ultimate goal of mitigating a DoS/DDoS attack is to maintain services for subscribers and minimize degradation of the QoE for subscribers. The challenge of achieving this goal is deploying a network to provide this level of service during an attack without creating a CapEx nightmare. The first step in being successful is creating a network that will maintain service during a DoS/DDoS attack and minimize the expenditures associated is to create an intelligent IPv6 infrastructure that can scale, perform and distribute traffic in an intelligent manner to mitigate the impacts of an attack. Deploying IPv6 is not a solution to attacks from the Internet, however the network architecture can be built to mitigate the impacts of these attacks and this architecture can be deployed as part of the migration to IPv6. Related Articles ZDNet: “First IPv6 Distributed Denial of Service Internet Attacks Seen” RFC 6434 Pete Silva - ipv6 Ray Vinson - IPv6 Lori MacVittie - DDoS F5 Friday: 'IPv4 and IPv6 Can Coexist' or 'How to eat your cake and ... Josh Michaels - DDoS Mitigating Slow HTTP Post DDoS Attacks With iRules > DevCentral ... IPv6 - DevCentral - DevCentral Groups - Social Forums ... IP::addr and IPv6 Audio White Paper - Controlling Migration to IPv6: A Gateway to ... IPv6: Yeah, we got that287Views0likes0CommentsApple iPad Pushing Us Closer to Internet Armageddon
Apple’s latest “i” hit over a million sales in the first 28 days it was available. Combine that with sales of other Internet-abled devices like the iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and other “smart” phones as well as the continued growth of Internet users in general (via cable and other broadband access technologies) and we are heading toward the impending cataclysm that is IPv4 address depletion. Sound like hyperbole? It shouldn’t. The depletion of IPv4 addresses is imminent, and growing closer every day, and it is that depletion that will cause a breakdown in the ability of consumers to access the myriad services offered via the Internet, many of which they have come to rely upon. The more consumers, the more devices, the more endpoints just exacerbates the slide toward what will be, if we aren’t careful, a falling out between IPv6-only consumers and IPv4-only producers and vice-versa that will cause a breakdown in communication that essentially can only be called “Internet Armageddon.”280Views0likes1CommentThe IPv6 Application Integration Factor
#IPv6 Integration with partners, suppliers and cloud providers will make migration to IPv6 even more challenging than we might think… My father was in the construction business most of the time I was growing up. He used to joke with us when we were small that there was a single nail in every house that – if removed – would bring down the entire building. Now that’s not true in construction, of course, but when the analogy is applied to IPv6 it may be more true than we’d like to think, especially when that nail is named “integration”. Most of the buzz around IPv6 thus far has been about the network; it’s been focused on getting routers, switches and application delivery network components supporting the standard in ways that make it possible to migrate to IPv6 while maintaining support for IPv4 because, well, we aren’t going to turn the Internet off for a day in order to flip from IPv4 to IPv6. Not many discussions have asked the very important question: “Are your applications ready for IPv6?” It’s been ignored so long that many, likely, are not even sure about what that might mean let alone what they need to do to ready their applications for IPv6. IT’S the INTEGRATION The bulk of issues that will need to be addressed in the realm of applications when the inevitable migration takes off is in integration. This will be particularly true for applications integrating with cloud computing services. Whether the integration is at the network level – i.e. cloud bursting – or at the application layer – i.e. integration with SaaS such as Salesforce.com or through PaaS services – once a major point of integration migrates it will likely cause a chain reaction, forcing enterprises to migrate whether they’re ready or not. Consider for example, that cloud bursting, assumes a single, shared application “package” that can be pushed into a cloud computing environment as a means to increase capacity. If – when – a cloud computing provider decides to migrate to IPv6 this process could become a lot more complicated than it is today. Suddenly the “package” that assumed IPv4 internal to the corporate data center must assume IPv6 internal to the cloud computing provider. Reconfiguration of the OS, platform and even application layer becomes necessary for a successful migration. Enterprises reliant on SaaS for productivity and business applications will likely be first to experience the teetering of the house of (integration) cards. Enterprises are moving to the cloud, according to Yankee Group’s 2011 US FastView: Cloud Computing Survey. Approximately 48 percent of the respondents said remote/mobile user connectivity is driving the enterprises to deploy software as a service. This is significant as there is a 92 percent increase over 2010. Around 38 percent of enterprises project the deployment of over half of their software applications on a cloud platform within three years compared to 11 percent today, Yankee Group said in its “2011 Fast View Survey: Cloud Computing Motivations Evolve to Mobility and Productivity.” -- Enterprise SaaS Adoption Almost Doubles in 2011: Yankee Group Survey Enterprise don’t just adopt SaaS and cloud services, they integrate them. Data stored in cloud-hosted software is invaluable to business decision makers but first must be loaded – integrated – into the enterprise-deployed systems responsible for assisting in analysis of that data. Secondary integration is also often required to enable business processes to flow naturally between on- and off-premise deployed systems. It is that integration that will likely first be hit by a migration on either side of the equation. If the enterprise moves first, they must address the challenge of integrating two systems that speak incompatible network protocol versions. Gateways and dual-stack strategies – even potentially translators – will be necessary to enable a smooth transition regardless of who blinks first in the migratory journey toward IPv6 deployment. Even that may not be enough. Peruse RFC 4038, “Application Aspects of IPv6 Transition”, and you’ll find a good number of issues that are going to be as knots in wood to a nail including DNS, conversion functions between hostnames and IP addresses (implying underlying changes to development frameworks that would certainly need to be replicated in PaaS environments which, according to a recent report from Gartner, indicates a 267% increase in inquiries regarding PaaS this year alone), and storage of IP addresses – whether for user identification, access policies or integration purposes. Integration is the magic nail; the one item on the migratory checklist that is likely to make or break the success of IPv6 migration. It’s also likely to be the “thing” that forces organizations to move faster. As partners, sources and other integrated systems make the move it may cause applications to become incompatible. If one environment chooses an all or nothing strategy to migration, its integrated partners may be left with no option but to migrate and support IPv6 on a timeline not their own. TOO TIGHTLY COUPLED While the answer for IPv6 migration is generally accepted to be found in a dual-stack approach, the same cannot be said for Intercloud application mobility. There’s no “dual stack” in which services aren’t tightly coupled to IP address, regardless of version, and no way currently to depict an architecture without relying heavily on topological concepts such as IP. Cloud computing – whether IaaS or PaaS or SaaS – is currently entrenched in a management and deployment system that tightly couples IP addresses to services. Integration relying upon those services, then, becomes heavily reliant on IP addresses and by extension IP, making migration a serious challenge for providers if they intend to manage both IPv4 and IPv6 customers at the same time. But eventually, they’ll have to do it. Some have likened the IPv4 –> IPv6 transition as the network’s “Y2K”. That’s probably apposite but incomplete. The transition will also be as challenging for the application layers as it will for the network, and even more so for the providers caught between two versions of a protocol upon which so many integrations and services rely. Unlike Y2K we have no deadline pushing us to transition, which means someone is going to have to be the one to pull the magic nail out of the IPv4 house and force a rebuilding using IPv6. That someone may end up being a cloud computing provider as they are likely to have not only the impetus to do so to support their growing base of customers, but the reach and influence to make the transition an imperative for everyone else. IPv6 has been treated as primarily a network concern, but because applications rely on the network and communication between IPv4 and IPv6 without the proper support is impossible, application owners will need to pay more attention to the network as the necessary migration begins – or potentially suffer undesirable interruption to services.277Views0likes0CommentsIPv6: Not When but How?
Over the last 10 years, there have been a lot of discussions about the depletion of IPv4 addresses. With development of the IPv6 standards, general consensus is that the Internet will eventually transition to IPv6. The real question has been “When will this transition take place?” For Communication Service Providers (CSP), increases in data usage and IP devices have caused industry standard’s bodies (such as 3GPP, TiSpan, 3GPP2 and CDG) to incorporate IPv6 in their high speed network architectures. This has caused CSP’s to include transition to IPv6 as part of their 4G and advanced network rollouts. The challenge is that with the majority of the Internet still being on IPv4, how is the best way to still give subscribers access to the content that they want and demand. So for the CSP’s, the question now is not when but how to transition to IPv6. There are several articles, blogs and discussions on the Internet about the different methods of transitioning to IPv6. Instead of re-hashing this information, I want to concentrate on the pros vs. cons of a few of the more prevalent methods. Dual Stack What is it? Dual stack is where a single system supports both IPv6 and IPv4 simultaneously. This is usually accomplished by both a hardware and software on the system. PROS This is a quick method to transition to a new IPv6 network while still supporting traffic on an IPv4 network. CONS This is extremely costly and can significantly impact performance of an individual system. DS –Lite What is it? DS – Lite requires the deployment of an IPv6 network and encapsulates IPv4 traffic in an IPv6 wrapper. This method was specifically designed for Cable networks interactions with set top boxes. PROS This method allows the deployment of IPv6 across the network and allows for IPv4 deployed protocols and applications that cannot use NAT to be integrated. CONS DS-Lite provides a significant overhead and is not all encompassing. Other solutions need to be incorporated in order to support IPv6 native protocols and traffic. 6RD What is it? 6RD uses pre-existing tunnels on an IPv4 network to transport IPv6 traffic. PROS This method is a fast way to support IPv6 traffic. CONS This does not deploy an IPv6 network at all. All the problems of IPv6 transition sill exist. Gateway and DNS64/NAT64 What is it? This method deploys a gateway to translate IPv4 traffic to IPv6, and back, and uses DNS64 to translate IPv4 records (A records) to IPv6 records (AAAA records) and coordinates with NAT64 to translate and manage IP addresses for both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. PROS Allows for a complete migration to IPv6. Supports a complete interaction with both IPv6 and IPv4 Internet content. CONS Does not support IPv4 protocols that cannot interoperate in an NAT environment. Difficult to scale and manage performance These methods are not always independent and all inclusive. For example, if a CSP has a Quad Play offering (TV, Phone, Internet, and Wireless), DS-Lite may be a good solution for TV (Cable set top box) while still using an IPv6 Gateway, DNS64 and NAT64, and Dual Stack for other offering and systems. This architecture allows for a complete migration to an IPv6 offering while still supporting existing set top boxes at the customer locations. The ultimate challenge is for CSP’s to migrate to IPv6 with as little impact to the subscriber experience. The method chosen by CSP’s needs to be able to migrate to IPv6 and still support current IPv4 content and applications, and this needs to be done seamlessly to the subscribers. Related Articles F5 Friday: IPv6 Day Redux F5 Friday: 'IPv4 and IPv6 Can Coexist' or 'How to eat your cake ... IP::addr and IPv6 IPv6 and the End of the World DevCentral World IPv6 Day Live Podcast IPv6: Yeah, we got that Service Provider Series: Managing the IPv6 Migration Hackers, IPv6 and Denial of Service Attacks. Oh My! What is F5 Doing for World IPv6 Day? F5 Friday: Thanks for calling... please press 1 for IPv6 or 2 for ...242Views0likes0Comments