1 TopicSetting up RBAC using PATCH method
Hi All, I'm having trouble adding a user account to a role using PATCH method. Here is the relevant bit from iControl REST user guide. To add the user account to the role, use the PATCH method and specify the userReferences property with the link to the user account in the JSON body. Here is curl command used: curl -sk https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:adminpw -X PATCH -d '{"op": "add", "path":"/userReferences", "value": [{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/user1"}]}' | jq . The above command runs without any error, however the userReferences property is not added to iControl_REST_API_User role. curl -sk https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/roles/iControl_REST_API_User -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:adminpw | jq . I have trimmed some of the output. { "name": "iControl_REST_API_User", "resources": [ { "resourceMask": "/mgmt/tm/wom/*/*/*/*/*/*/*", "restMethod": "DELETE" }, { "resourceMask": "/mgmt/tm/cm/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*", "restMethod": "GET" }, { "resourceMask": "/mgmt/tm/net/*/*", "restMethod": "POST" }, { "resourceMask": "/mgmt/tm/actions/*/*/*/*/*/*/*", "restMethod": "DELETE" }, { "resourceMask": "/mgmt/tm/ltm/*/*/*/*/*/*/*", "restMethod": "PATCH" }, { "resourceMask": "/mgmt/tm/security/*/*/*/*/*/*", "restMethod": "PATCH" }, Let me know what I'm missing here Cheers, Bency255Views0likes1Comment