gtm ssl certificate
1 TopicAdd HA Pair as GTM Servers
Having issues adding my LTM's as servers on my GTM. This is a closed environment LTM HA Pair and 1 GTM. 1 layer 2 switch that all three devices are attached. When run the utility bigip_add, I am seeing the following in my gtm log: May 10 05:58:35 hw8900-16 err gtmd[16765]: 011ae0fa:3: iqmgmt_ssl_connect: SSL error: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (336134278) I had renewed all the device certs and added the device certs to system>device certs> Trusted Device Certificates as well as DNS>glsb>servers>Trusted Server Certificates I am not sure how to move from here. I am using 11.5.4 HF4 tmos version. Thanks, Wallace Branche265Views0likes3Comments