f5 ingress controller
2 TopicsAdopting SRE practices with F5: Observability and beyond with ELK Stack
This article is a joint collaboration between Eric Ji and JC Kwon. Getting started In the previous article, we explained SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) and how F5 helps SRE deploy and secure modern applications. We already talked observability is essential for SRE to implement SLOs. Meanwhile, we have a wide range of monitoring tools and analytic applications, each assigned to special devices or running only for certain applications. In this article, we will explore one of the most commonly utilized logging tools, or the ELK stack. The ELK stack is a collection of three open-source projects, namely Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. It provides IT project stakeholders the capabilities of multi-system and multi-application log aggregation and analysis. Besides, the ELK stack provides data visualization at stakeholders' fingertips, which is essential for security analytics, system monitoring, and troubleshooting. A brief description of the three projects: Elasticsearch is an open-source, full-text analysis, and search engine. Logstash is a log aggregator that executes transformations on data derived from various input sources, before transferring it to output destinations. Kibana provides data analysis and visualization capabilities for end-users, complementary to Elasticsearch. In this article, the ELK is utilized to analyze and visualize application performance through a centralized dashboard. A dashboard enables end-users to easily correlate North-South traffic with East-West traffic, for end-to-end performance visibility. Overview This use case is built on top of targeted canary deployment. As shown in the diagram below, we are taking advantage of the iRule on BIG-IP, generated a UUID is and inserted it into the HTTP header for every HTTP request packet arriving at BIG-IP. All traffic access logs will contain the UUIDs when they are sent to the ELK server, for validation of information, like user location, the response time by user location, response time of BIG-IP and NGINX plus, etc. Setup and Configuration 1. Create HSL pool, iRule on BIG-IP First, we created a High-Speed Logging (HSL) pool on BIG-IP, to be used by the ELK Stack. The HSL pool is assigned to the sample application. This pool member will be used by iRule to send access logs from BIG-IP to the ELK server. The ELK server is listening for incoming log analysis requests Below is the iRule that we created. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%h/%y:%T %Z" ] } when HTTP_REQUEST { # UUID injection if { [HTTP::cookie x-request-id] == "" } { append s [clock seconds] [IP::local_addr] [IP::client_addr] [expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }] [clock clicks] set s [md5 $s] binary scan $s c* s lset s 8 [expr {([lindex $s 8] & 0x7F) | 0x40}] lset s 6 [expr {([lindex $s 6] & 0x0F) | 0x40}] set s [binary format c* $s] binary scan $s H* s set myuuid $s unset s set inject_uuid_cookie 1 } else { set myuuid [HTTP::cookie x-request-id] set inject_uuid_cookie 0 } set xff_ip "[expr int(rand()*100)].[expr int(rand()*100)].[expr int(rand()*100)].[expr int(rand()*100)]" set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool pool_elk] set http_request "\"[HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri] HTTP/[HTTP::version]\"" set http_request_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] set http_user_agent "\"[HTTP::header User-Agent]]\"" set http_host [HTTP::host] set http_username [HTTP::username] set client_ip [IP::remote_addr] set client_port [TCP::remote_port] set http_request_uri [HTTP::uri] set http_method [HTTP::method] set referer "\"[HTTP::header value referer]\"" if { [HTTP::uri] contains "test" } { HTTP::header insert "x-request-id" "test-$myuuid" } else { HTTP::header insert "x-request-id" $myuuid } HTTP::header insert "X-Forwarded-For" $xff_ip } when HTTP_RESPONSE { set syslogtime [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%h %e %H:%M:%S"] set response_time [expr {double([clock clicks -milliseconds] - $http_request_time)/1000}] set virtual [virtual] set content_length 0 if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } { set content_length \"[HTTP::header "Content-Length"]\" } else { set content_length \"-\" } set lb_server "[LB::server addr]:[LB::server port]" if { [string compare "$lb_server" ""] == 0 } { set lb_server "" } set status_code [HTTP::status] set content_type \"[HTTP::header "Content-type"]\" # construct log for elk, local6.info <182> set log_msg "<182>$syslogtime f5adc tmos: " #set log_msg "" append log_msg "time=\[$timestamp\] " append log_msg "client_ip=$client_ip " append log_msg "virtual=$virtual " append log_msg "client_port=$client_port " append log_msg "xff_ip=$xff_ip " append log_msg "lb_server=$lb_server " append log_msg "http_host=$http_host " append log_msg "http_method=$http_method " append log_msg "http_request_uri=$http_request_uri " append log_msg "status_code=$status_code " append log_msg "content_type=$content_type " append log_msg "content_length=$content_length " append log_msg "response_time=$response_time " append log_msg "referer=$referer " append log_msg "http_user_agent=$http_user_agent " append log_msg "x-request-id=$myuuid " if { $inject_uuid_cookie == 1} { HTTP::cookie insert name x-request-id value $myuuid path "/" set inject_uuid_cookie 0 } # log local2. sending log to elk via log publisher #log local2. $log_msg HSL::send $hsl $log_msg } Next, we added a new VIP for the HSL pool which was created earlier, and applied iRule for this VIP. Then all access logs containing the respective UUID for the HTTP datagram will be sent to the ELK server. Now, the ELK server is ready for the analysis of the BIG-IP access logs. 2. Configure NGINX plus Logging We configure logging for each NGINX plus deployed inside the OpenShift cluster through the respective configmap objects. Here is one example: 3. Customize Kibana Dashboard With all configurations in place, log information will be processed by the ELK server. We will be able to customize a dashboard containing useful, visualized data, like user location, response time by location, etc. When an end-user accesses the service, the VIP will be responded and iRule will apply. Next, the user’s HTTP header information will be checked by iRule, and logs are forwarded to the ELK server for analysis. As the user is accessing the app services, the app server’s logs are also forwarded to the ELK server based on the NGINX plus configmap setting. The list of key indicators available on the Kibana dashboard page is rather long, so we won't describe all of them here. You can check detail here 4. ELK Dashboard Samples We can easily customize the data for visualization in the centralized display, and the following is just a list of dashboard samples. We can look at user location counts and response time by user location: We can check the average response time and max response time for each endpoint: We can seethe correlation between BIG-IP (N-S traffic) and NGINX plus endpoint(E-W traffic): We can also check the response time for N-S traffic: Summary In this article, we showed how the ELK stack joined forces with F5 BIG-IP and NGINX plus to provide an observability solution for visualizing application performance with a centralized dashboard. With combined performance metrics, it opens up a lot of possibilities for SRE's to implement SLOs practically. F5 aims to provide the best solution to support your business success and continue with more use cases. If you want to learn more about this and other SRE use cases, please visit the F5 DevCentral GitHub link here.1.1KViews1like0CommentsAdopting SRE practices with F5: Targeted Canary deployment
In the last article, we covered a blue-green deployment in depth. Another approach to promote availability for SRE SLO is the canary deployment. In some cases, swapping out the entire deployment via a blue-green environment may not be desired. In a canary deployment, you upgrade an application on a subset of the infrastructure and allow a limited set of users to access the new version. This approach allows you to test the new software under a production load for a limited set of user connections, evaluate how well it meets users’ needs, and assess whether new features are functioning as designed. This article is focused on how we can use F5 technologies (BIG-IP and NGNIX Plus) to implement the Canary deployment in an OpenShift environment. Solution Overview The solution combines the F5 Container Ingress Services (CIS) with the NGINX Plus for a microservice environment. The BIG-IP provides comprehensive L4-7 security services for N-S traffic into, out of, and between OpenShift clusters, while leveraging NGINX Plus as a micro-gateway to manage and secure (E-W) traffic inside cluster. This architecture is depicted below. Stitching the technologies together, this architecture enables the targeted canary use case. In “targeted” model, it takes canary deployment one step further by routing the users to different application versions based on the user identification, or their respective risk tolerance levels. It utilizes the following workflow: 1. The BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) authenticates each user before it enters the OpenShift cluster 2. BIG-IP identifies users belonging to the ring 1, 2, or 3 user groups, and injects a group-based identifier into the HTTP header via a URI value 3. The above user identification is passed on to NGINX Plus micro-gateway, which will direct users to the correct microservice versions Each of above components will be discussed with implementation details in the following sections. APM provides user authentication BIG-IP APM is in the N-S traffic flow to authenticate and identify the users before their network traffic enters the cluster. To achieve this, we would need to: Create an APM policy as shown below Attach the above policy to HTTPS virtual server (manually, or using AS3 override) Note that in our demonstration, we simplified the deployment with 2 user groups: 1) a user group “Test1” for ring 1, to represent early adopters who voluntarily preview releases; 2) a user group “User1” for ring 2, to who consume the applications, after passing through the early adopters. We could follow above steps to configure three rings as needed. We use the AS3 override function of CIS to attach the APM policy, so that CIS remains as the source of truth. The AS3 override functionality allows us to alter the existing BIG-IP configuration using AS3 with a user-defined configmap without affecting the existing Kubernetes resources. In order to do so, we would need to add a new argument to the CIS deployment file. Run the following command to enable AS3 override functionality: --override-as3-declaration=<namespace>/<user_defined_configmap_name> An example of user-defined configmap to attach APM policy to the HTTPS virtual server is shown below (created by an OpenShift route): apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: f5-override-as3-declaration namespace: default data: template: | { "declaration": { "openshift_AS3": { "Shared": { "bookinfo_https_dc1": { "policyIAM": { "bigip": "/Common/bookinfo" } } } } } } Next, we run the following command to create the configmap: oc create f5-override-as3-declaration.yaml Note: Restart the CIS deployment after deploying the configmap. When a user is trying to access the Bookinfo application, now it will first be authenticated with BIG-IP APM: BIG-IP injects user identification into HTTP header After the user is authenticated, BIG-IP creates a user identification and passes it on to NGINX Plus micro-gateway in order to direct users to the correct microservice version. It does so by mapping the user to a group and injecting the HTTP header with a URI value (http_x_request_id). Steps to configure the BIG-IP: Create a policy with the rule shown below: Attach the policy to the HTTPS virtual server (manually, or using AS3 override) NGINX Plus steers traffic to different versions NGINX Plus running inside OpenShift cluster will extract the user information from the HTTP header http_x_request_id, and steer traffic to the different versions of the Bookinfo review page accordingly. In the below example, we used configmap to configure the NGINX Plus POD that acts as the reverse proxy for the review services. ################################################################################################## # Configmap Review Services ################################################################################################## apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: bookinfo-review-conf data: review.conf: |- log_format elk_format_review 'time=[$time_local] client_ip=$remote_addr virtual=$server_name client_port=$remote_port xff_ip=$remote_addr lb_server=$upstream_addr http_host=$host http_method=$request_method http_request_uri=$request_uri status_code=$status content_type="$sent_http_content_type" content_length="$sent_http_content_length" response_time=$request_time referer="$http_referer" http_user_agent="$http_user_agent" x-request-id=$myid '; upstream reviewApp { server reviews-v1:9080; } upstream reviewApp_test { server reviews-v1:9080; server reviews-v2:9080; server reviews-v3:9080; } # map to different upstream backends based on header map $http_x_request_id $pool { ~*test.* "reviewApp_test"; default "reviewApp"; } server { listen 5000; server_name review; #error_log /var/log/nginx/internalApp.error.log info; access_log syslog:server= elk_format_review; #access_log /var/tmp/nginx-access.log elk_format_review; set $myid $http_x_request_id; if ($http_x_request_id ~* "(\w+)-(\w+)" ) { set $myid $2; } location / { proxy_pass http://$pool; } } NIGINX Plus will direct the user traffic to the right version of services: · If it is “User1” or a normal user, it will be forwarded to “Ring 1” for the old version of the application · If it is “Test1” or an early adopter, it will be forwarded to “Ring 2” for the newer version of the same application Summary Today’s enterprises increasingly rely on different expertise and skillsets, like DevOps, DevSecOps, and app developers, to work with NetOps teams to manage the sprawling application services that are driving their accelerated digital transformation. Combining BIG-IP and NGINX Plus, this architecture uniquely gives SRE the flexibility to adapt to the changing conditions of the application environments. It means we can deliver services that meet the needs of a broader set of application stakeholders. We may use BIG-IP to define the global service control and security for NetOps or SecOps, while using NGINX Plus to extend controls for more granular and application specific security to DevOps or app developers. So, go ahead: go to the DevCentral GitHub repo, download the source code behind our technologies, and follow the guide to try it out in your environment.1.1KViews0likes1Comment