3 Topicsanti-bot ip exclude
I have some IPs that I need to exclude from Anti-bot defenses. Putting them in white list is not enough for me, because while the white list disables mitigation, they still appear in the logs and statistics. I want them to be ignored or not shown in any logs or statistics. What would be the recommended way to achieve this? Thx34Views1like3Commentsneed to exclude certain files
Hi, I have an IRULE that sends people to a 404 page when there is a violation of "illegal URL". Now I was given a second request that I should exclude all URLs leading to PDF files and instead redirect them to a different page. I have been trying to combine this second redirect request with and ELSE option but so far am unsuccessful. Adding a second IRULE won't work. This is my IRULE: when HTTP_REQUEST { set asm_404_not_found 0 } when ASM_REQUEST_BLOCKING { set asm_info [ASM::violation_data] Any response tweaking should only be done in blocking mode!!! if {[string compare [ASM::status] "blocked"] == 0} { if {[string first {VIOLATION_OBJ_DOESNT_EXIST} [lindex $asm_info 0]] != -1} { set asm_404_not_found 1 ASM::disable TCP::close } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE { if {$asm_404_not_found == 1} { HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://www.site.com/404.aspx" } } Any ideas? (sorry for the horrible formatting) Thanks, Vered462Views0likes1CommentExcluding google from geolocation with IRULE
Hi, I am interested in an irule that will exclude google IPs from geolocation blocking. Since Google's IP list is dynamic, I need a way to take this list and turn it into a data group on a regular basis. The list is here: https://developers.google.com/search/apis/ipranges/googlebot.json And the ranges are here: https://www.gstatic.com/ipranges/goog.json Any ideas? Anybody done this already? Thanks, Vered474Views0likes1Comment