4 TopicsMax TPS: RSA vs ECDSA
Dear Devcentral, I'm looking at some official datasheets (e.g. ) and am having a hard time understanding the reason for ECDSA max TPSs being so low compared to RSA. No document is making the difference between Signature and Verify operations. I would agree with those numbers if they were referring to Verify operations but in my understanding of the TLS implementation that would only happen if one enabled ECDSA-based Client Certificate Authentication. When no certificate authentication is enabled on a VS, the operations should mainly be of Signature type and in that case ECDSA (P-256) should allow much more operations than RSA (2048). Any idea?883Views0likes5CommentsECDSA prime256v1 CSR file signing
Hello guys, I would be very pleasured for a small advice. We're changing a SSL certificate for our production server. Untill now we were using RSA as CSR generation alorithm. However Symantec now offers signing with ECC with RSA root so we would like to swtich to this variant. My question is: In this case, do I have to generate CSR with key type ECDSA and curve name prime256v1 to be able to send for signing with ECC with RSA root to Symantec? We use BIG-IP model 2200 , Version 11.5.1. Many thanks for your response. Ivan310Views0likes0Comments