2 TopicsDyre - No Rest for the Wicked
Dyre malware requires little introduction as it had been the focus of many publications and it is a well-known threat in the financial malware world. One of the reasons for it being so infamous is the frequent changes the authors incorporate in the code. Recently, my colleague Gal Shilo and I noticed a few minor changes in Dyre’s configuration file. This triggered research that uncovered a significant evolution in the malware’s behavior. Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge Browser are Under Attack While Windows 10 is gaining momentum, Dyre creators don't miss the opportunity to target the early adopters by also infecting the Edge browser that ships with this OS. This is an example of the browser injection routine: Renewed Dyre Commands Dyre uses a windows pipe for inter-process communication, passing commands from the main module it injects into the “windows explorer” process to other processes. The commands are passed both to browsers launched by the user and stealthy worker-processes launched by the malware itself. In the new sample, most of the commands discussed in previous F5 research have been replaced and a few new ones have been added, along with new functionality. The following is a list of new commands and their functions: 0xF1”lli” – Get the botid name srvv – Get the C&C IP dpsr – Get the data POST server IP grop – Get the botnet name seli – Get the self-IP gcrc – Get the fake pages configuration gcrp – Get the server-side webinjects configuration pngd – Get the account information stolen by the pony module sexe – Among other jobs, it copies the droppee path and its content both to Dyre’s special structure and the configuration file on disk. It also tries to get the anti-antivirus module from the C&C. gsxe – Get the droppee path Additional Protection Layers Here is a list of new features designed to add protection from removal and detection: The pipe’s name is no longer hardcoded (e.g. "\\\\.\\pipe\\3obdw5e5w4"). It is now based on a hash of the computer name and windows OS version Although the purpose was to make the pipe harder to detect because it is unique per machine, the opposite was accomplished as the name can now be predicted for each machine. Anti-antivirus module – A new Dyre module dubbed aa32(or aa64 on 64 bit OS) by the malware, was observed. After receiving it from the C&C, it is injected to the “spoolsv.exe” process (the spooler service responsible for fax\print jobs). Its functionality is to locate anti-virus products on the machine and disable their activity (for example, by deleting their files or changing their configurations). Some of the spotted vendors include: Avira, AVG, Malwarebytes, Fortinet and Trend Micro. Looking for the product path in the registry: Encrypted strings – The hardcoded debug strings that used to make analysis much easier are now encrypted. They are decrypted only during runtime, so the static analysis reveals much less than before about the malware’s behavior. In former versions of the malware, a runkey was set in order to maintain persistency after a reboot. However, in this version, a scheduled task is ran every minute. Disable windows security center We conclude from the addition of these features that the authors of the malware strive to improve their resilience against anti-viruses, even at the cost of being more conspicuous. They also wish to keep the malware up-to-date with current OS releases in order to be “compatible” with as many victims as possible. There is little doubt that the frequent updating will continue, as the wicked require very little rest. Sample MD5: 5f464d1ad3c63b4ab84092d2c1783151380Views0likes1CommentDyre presents server-side web injects
Dyre is a relatively new banking Trojan, first seen in the beginning of 2014. It soon emerged as one of the most sophisticated banking and commercial malware in the wild. One of the main capabilities Dyre has presented, which differentiated it from the other well-known banking Trojans, was the “fake bank page” functionality. Once the victim tries to reach the real bank, Dyre intercepts the request and fetches its own fake page from one of its C&C servers. However, while researching the Trojans’ internals we noticed another stage in the fraud techniques evolution. “Traditional” fraud malware performs malicious JavaScript injection on the client machine while taking it from a configuration previously downloaded from the C&C server. However, Dyre maintains the injections on its C&C servers. This gives Dyre the flexibility to adjust the injected code on demand and minimize exposure of the existing web-injects. During our research we noticed two types of injections which lead to two different scenarios. In the first scenario, the web-injects (malicious JavaScript) stole just the login credentials, while in the second scenario it would also contain an embedded HTML page which targets credit card information as well. Other than just targeting financial online applications, using the “Grabber” module, Dyre enables its operators to steal virtually any user-supplied sensitive information online in large amounts. This information includes credentials for email applications, social platforms, hosting infrastructure, and corporate SSL-VPNs. While this information may be resold in the “underground”, the bigger risk is that malware operators might hijack email and social network accounts to perform surveillance, or blackmail individuals or organizations. They could also hijack hosting infrastructure to further deploy other malicious code, or break into organizations using stolen VPN credentials. Many have written about this new threat. However, few have succeeded in covering the entire fraud flow and most of its capabilities. For more details on the Trojan’s internals, read the report: https://devcentral.f5.com/s/d/dyre-malware-internals?download=true351Views0likes0Comments