dynamic infrastructure
282 TopicsDevops Proverb: Process Practice Makes Perfect
#devops Tools for automating – and optimizing – processes are a must-have for enabling continuous delivery of application deployments Some idioms are cross-cultural and cross-temporal. They transcend cultures and time, remaining relevant no matter where or when they are spoken. These idioms are often referred to as proverbs, which carries with it a sense of enduring wisdom. One such idiom, “practice makes perfect”, can be found in just about every culture in some form. In Chinese, for example, the idiom is apparently properly read as “familiarity through doing creates high proficiency”, i.e. practice makes perfect. This is a central tenet of devops, particularly where optimization of operational processes is concerned. The more often you execute a process, the more likely you are to get better at it and discover what activities (steps) within that process may need tweaking or changes or improvements. Ergo, optimization. This tenet grows out of the agile methodology adopted by devops: application release cycles should be nearly continuous, with both developers and operations iterating over the same process – develop, test, deploy – with a high level of frequency. Eventually (one hopes) we achieve process perfection – or at least what we might call process perfection: repeatable, consistent deployment success. It is implied that in order to achieve this many processes will be automated, once we have discovered and defined them in such a way as to enable them to be automated. But how does one automate a process such as an application release cycle? Business Process Management (BPM) works well for automating business workflows; such systems include adapters and plug-ins that allow communication between systems as well as people. But these systems are not designed for operations; there are no web servers or databases or Load balancer adapters for even the most widely adopted BPM systems. One such solution can be found in Electric Cloud with its recently announced ElectricDeploy. Process Automation for Operations ElectricDeploy is built upon a more well known product from Electric Cloud (well, more well-known in developer circles, at least) known as ElectricCommander, a build-test-deploy application deployment system. Its interface presents applications in terms of tiers – but extends beyond the traditional three-tiers associated with development to include infrastructure services such as – you guessed it – load balancers (yes, including BIG-IP) and virtual infrastructure. The view enables operators to create the tiers appropriate to applications and then orchestrate deployment processes through fairly predictable phases – test, QA, pre-production and production. What’s hawesome about the tools is the ability to control the process – to rollback, to restore, and even debug. The debugging capabilities enable operators to stop at specified tasks in order to examine output from systems, check log files, etc..to ensure the process is executing properly. While it’s not able to perform “step into” debugging (stepping into the configuration of the load balancer, for example, and manually executing line by line changes) it can perform what developers know as “step over” debugging, which means you can step through a process at the highest layer and pause at break points, but you can’t yet dive into the actual task. Still, the ability to pause an executing process and examine output, as well as rollback or restore specific process versions (yes, it versions the processes as well, just as you’d expect) would certainly be a boon to operations in the quest to adopt tools and methodologies from development that can aid them in improving time and consistency of deployments. The tool also enables operations to determine what is failure during a deployment. For example, you may want to stop and rollback the deployment when a server fails to launch if your deployment only comprises 2 or 3 servers, but when it comprises 1000s it may be acceptable that a few fail to launch. Success and failure of individual tasks as well as the overall process are defined by the organization and allow for flexibility. This is more than just automation, it’s managed automation; it’s agile in action; it’s focusing on the processes, not the plumbing. MANUAL still RULES Electric Cloud recently (June 2012) conducted a survey on the “state of application deployments today” and found some not unexpected but still frustrating results including that 75% of application deployments are still performed manually or with little to no automation. While automation may not be the goal of devops, but it is a tool enabling operations to achieve its goals and thus it should be more broadly considered as standard operating procedure to automate as much of the deployment process as possible. This is particularly true when operations fully adopts not only the premise of devops but the conclusion resulting from its agile roots. Tighter, faster, more frequent release cycles necessarily puts an additional burden on operations to execute the same processes over and over again. Trying to manually accomplish this may be setting operations up for failure and leave operations focused more on simply going through the motions and getting the application into production successfully than on streamlining and optimizing the processes they are executing. Electric Cloud’s ElectricDeploy is one of the ways in which process optimization can be achieved, and justifies its purchase by operations by promising to enable better control over application deployment processes across development and infrastructure. Devops is a Verb 1024 Words: The Devops Butterfly Effect Devops is Not All About Automation Application Security is a Stack Capacity in the Cloud: Concurrency versus Connections Ecosystems are Always in Flux The Pythagorean Theorem of Operational Risk272Views0likes1CommentIT as a Service: A Stateless Infrastructure Architecture Model
The dynamic data center of the future, enabled by IT as a Service, is stateless. One of the core concepts associated with SOA – and one that failed to really take hold, unfortunately – was the ability to bind, i.e. invoke, a service at run-time. WSDL was designed to loosely couple services to clients, whether they were systems, applications or users, in a way that was dynamic. The information contained in the WSDL provided everything necessary to interface with a service on-demand without requiring hard-coded integration techniques used in the past. The theory was you’d find an appropriate service, hopefully in a registry (UDDI-based), grab the WSDL, set up the call, and then invoke the service. In this way, the service could “migrate” because its location and invocation specific meta-data was in the WSDL, not hard-coded in the client, and the client could “reconfigure”, as it were, on the fly. There are myriad reasons why this failed to really take hold (notably that IT culture inhibited the enforcement of a strong and consistent governance strategy) but the idea was and remains sound. The goal of a “stateless” architecture, as it were, remains a key characteristic of what is increasingly being called IT as a Service – or “private” cloud computing . TODAY: STATEFUL INFRASTRUCTURE ARCHITECTURE The reason the concept of a “stateless” infrastructure architecture is so vital to a successful IT as a Service initiative is the volatility inherent in both the application and network infrastructure needed to support such an agile ecosystem. IP addresses, often used to bypass the latency induced by resolution of host names at run-time from DNS calls, tightly couple systems together – including network services. Routing and layer 3 switching use IP addresses to create a virtual topology of the architecture and ensure the flow of data from one component to the next, based on policy or pre-determine routes as meets the needs of the IT organization. It is those policies that in many cases can be eliminated; replaced with a more service-oriented approach that provisions resources on-demand, in real-time. This eliminates the “state” of an application architecture by removing delivery dependencies on myriad policies hard-coded throughout the network. Policies are inexorably tied to configurations, which are the infrastructure equivalent of state in the infrastructure architecture. Because of the reliance on IP addresses imposed by the very nature of network and Internet architectural design, we’ll likely never reach full independence from IP addresses. But we can move closer to a “stateless” run-time infrastructure architecture inside the data center by considering those policies that can be eliminated and instead invoked at run-time. Not only would such an architecture remove the tight coupling between policies and infrastructure, but also between applications and the infrastructure tasked with delivering them. In this way, applications could more easily be migrated across environments, because they are not tightly bound to the networking and security policies deployed on infrastructure components across the data center. The pre-positioning of policies across the infrastructure requires codifying topological and architectural meta-data in a configuration. That configuration requires management; it requires resources on the infrastructure – storage and memory – while the device is active. It is an extra step in the operational process of deploying, migrating and generally managing an application. It is “state” and it can be reduced – though not eliminated – in such a way as to make the run-time environment, at least, stateless and thus more motile. TOMORROW: STATELESS INFRASTRUCTURE ARCHITECTURE What’s needed to move from a state-dependent infrastructure architecture to one that is more stateless is to start viewing infrastructure functions as services. Services can be invoked, they are loosely coupled, they are independent of solution and product. Much in the same way that stateless application architectures address the problems associated with persistence and impede real-time migration of applications across disparate environments, so too does stateless infrastructure architectures address the same issues inherent in policy-based networking – policy persistence. While standardized APIs and common meta-data models can alleviate much of the pain associated with migration of architectures between environments, they still assume the existence of specific types of components (unless, of course, a truly service-oriented model in which services, not product functions, are encapsulated). Such a model extends the coupling between components and in fact can “break” if said service does not exist. Conversely, a stateless architecture assumes nothing; it does not assume the existence of any specific component but merely indicates the need for a particular service as part of the application session flow that can be fulfilled by any appropriate infrastructure providing such a service. This allows the provider more flexibility as they can implement the service without exposing the underlying implementation – exactly as a service-oriented architecture intended. It further allows providers – and customers – to move fluidly between implementations without concern as only the service need exist. The difficulty is determining what services can be de-coupled from infrastructure components and invoked on-demand, at run-time. This is not just an application concern, it becomes an infrastructure component concern, as well, as each component in the flow might invoke an upstream – or downstream – service depending on the context of the request or response being processed. Assuming that such services exist and can be invoked dynamically through a component and implementation-agnostic mechanism, it is then possible to eliminate many of the pre-positioned, hard-coded policies across the infrastructure and instead invoke them dynamically. Doing so reduces the configuration management required to maintain such policies, as well as eliminating complexity in the provisioning process which must, necessarily, include policy configuration across the infrastructure in a well-established and integrated enterprise-class architecture. Assuming as well that providers have implemented support for similar services, one can begin to see the migratory issues are more easily redressed and the complications caused by needed to pre-provision services and address policy persistence during migration mostly eliminated. SERVICE-ORIENTED THINKING One way of accomplishing such a major transformation in the data center – from policy to service-oriented architecture – is to shift our thinking from functions to services. It is not necessarily efficient to simply transplant a software service-oriented approach to infrastructure because the demands on performance and aversion to latency makes a dynamic, run-time binding to services unappealing. It also requires a radical change in infrastructure architecture by adding the components and services necessary to support such a model – registries and the ability of infrastructure components to take advantage of them. An in-line, transparent invocation method for infrastructure services offers the same flexibility and motility for applications and infrastructure without imposing performance or additional dependency constraints on implementers. But to achieve a stateless infrastructure architectural model, one must first shift their thinking from functions to services and begin to visualize a data center in which application requests and responses communicate the need for particular downstream and upstream services with them, rather than completely in hard-coded policies stored in component configurations. It is unlikely that in the near-term we can completely eliminate the need for hard-coded configuration, we’re just no where near that level of dynamism and may never be. But for many services – particularly those associated with run-time delivery of applications, we can achieve the stateless architecture necessary to realize a more mobile and dynamic data center. Now Witness the Power of this Fully Operational Feedback Loop Cloud is the How not the What Challenging the Firewall Data Center Dogma Cloud-Tiered Architectural Models are Bad Except When They Aren’t Cloud Chemistry 101 You Can’t Have IT as a Service Until IT Has Infrastructure as a Service Let’s Face It: PaaS is Just SOA for Platforms Without the Baggage The New Distribution of The 3-Tiered Architecture Changes Everything513Views0likes1CommentHTML5 Web Sockets Changes the Scalability Game
#HTML5 Web Sockets are poised to completely change scalability models … again. Using Web Sockets instead of XMLHTTPRequest and AJAX polling methods will dramatically reduce the number of connections required by servers and thus has a positive impact on performance. But that reliance on a single connection also changes the scalability game, at least in terms of architecture. Here comes the (computer) science… If you aren’t familiar with what is sure to be a disruptive web technology you should be. Web Sockets, while not broadly in use (it is only a specification, and a non-stable one at that) today is getting a lot of attention based on its core precepts and model. Web Sockets Defined in the Communications section of the HTML5 specification, HTML5 Web Sockets represents the next evolution of web communications—a full-duplex, bidirectional communications channel that operates through a single socket over the Web. HTML5 Web Sockets provides a true standard that you can use to build scalable, real-time web applications. In addition, since it provides a socket that is native to the browser, it eliminates many of the problems Comet solutions are prone to. Web Sockets removes the overhead and dramatically reduces complexity. - HTML5 Web Sockets: A Quantum Leap in Scalability for the Web So far, so good. The premise upon which the improvements in scalability coming from Web Sockets are based is the elimination of HTTP headers (reduces bandwidth dramatically) and session management overhead that can be incurred by the closing and opening of TCP connections. There’s only one connection required between the client and server over which much smaller data segments can be sent without necessarily requiring a request and a response pair. That communication pattern is definitely more scalable from a performance perspective, and also has a positive impact of reducing the number of connections per client required on the server. Similar techniques have long been used in application delivery (TCP multiplexing) to achieve the same results – a more scalable application. So far, so good. Where the scalability model ends up having a significant impact on infrastructure and architectures is the longevity of that single connection: Unlike regular HTTP traffic, which uses a request/response protocol, WebSocket connections can remain open for a long time. - How HTML5 Web Sockets Interact With Proxy Servers This single, persistent connection combined with a lot of, shall we say, interesting commentary on the interaction with intermediate proxies such as load balancers. But ignoring that for the nonce, let’s focus on the “remain open for a long time.” A given application instance has a limit on the number of concurrent connections it can theoretically and operationally manage before it reaches the threshold at which performance begins to dramatically degrade. That’s the price paid for TCP session management in general by every device and server that manages TCP-based connections. But Lori, you’re thinking, HTTP 1.1 connections are persistent, too. In fact, you don’t even have to tell an HTTP 1.1 server to keep-alive the connection! This really isn’t a big change. Whoa there hoss, yes it is. While you’d be right in that HTTP connections are also persistent, they generally have very short connection timeout settings. For example, the default connection timeout for Apache 2.0 is 15 seconds and for Apache 2.2 a mere 5 seconds. A well-tuned web server, in fact, will have thresholds that closely match the interaction patterns of the application it is hosting. This is because it’s a recognized truism that long and often idle connections tie up server processes or threads that negatively impact overall capacity and performance. Thus the introduction of connections that remain open for a long time changes the capacity of the server and introduces potential performance issues when that same server is also tasked with managing other short-lived, connection-oriented requests. Why this Changes the Game… One of the most common inhibitors of scale and high-performance for web applications today is the deployment of both near-real-time communication functions (AJAX) and traditional web content functions on the same server. That’s because web servers do not support a per-application HTTP profile. That is to say, the configuration for a web server is global; every communication exchange uses the same configuration values such as connection timeouts. That means configuring the web server for exchanges that would benefit from a longer time out end up with a lot of hanging connections doing absolutely nothing because they were used to grab standard dynamic or static content and then ignored. Conversely, configuring for quick bursts of requests necessarily sets timeout values too low for near or real-time exchanges and can cause performance issues as a client continually opens and re-opens connections. Remember, an idle connection is a drain on resources that directly impacts the performance and capacity of applications. So it’s a Very Bad Thing™. One of the solutions to this somewhat frustrating conundrum, made more feasible by the advent of cloud computing and virtualization, is to deploy specialized servers in a scalability domain-based architecture using infrastructure scalability patterns. Another approach to ensuring scalability is to offload responsibility for performance and connection management to an appropriately capable intermediary. Now, one would hope that a web server implementing support for both HTTP and Web Sockets would support separately configurable values for communication settings on at least the protocol level. Today there are very few web servers that support both HTTP and Web Sockets. It’s a nascent and still evolving standard so many of the servers are “pure” Web Sockets servers, many implemented in familiar scripting languages like PHP and Python. Which means two separate sets of servers that must be managed and scaled. Which should sound a lot like … specialized servers in a scalability domain-based architecture. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The second impact on scalability architectures centers on the premise that Web Sockets keep one connection open over which message bits can be exchanged. This ties up resources, but it also requires that clients maintain a connection to a specific server instance. This means infrastructure (like load balancers and web/application servers) will need to support persistence (not the same as persistent, you can read about the difference here if you’re so inclined). That’s because once connected to a Web Socket service the performance benefits are only realized if you stay connected to that same service. If you don’t and end up opening a second (or Heaven-forbid a third or more) connection, the first connection may remain open until it times out. Given that the premise of the Web Socket is to stay open – even through potentially longer idle intervals – it may remain open, with no client, until the configured time out. That means completely useless resources tied up by … nothing. Persistence-based load balancing is a common feature of next-generation load balancers (application delivery controllers) and even most cloud-based load balancing services. It is also commonly implemented in application server clustering offerings, where you’ll find it called server-affinity. It is worth noting that persistence-based load balancing is not without its own set of gotchas when it comes to performance and capacity. THE ANSWER: ARCHITECTURE The reason that these two ramifications of Web Sockets impacts the scalability game is it requires an broader architectural approach to scalability. It can’t necessarily be achieved simply by duplicating services and distributing the load across them. Persistence requires collaboration with the load distribution mechanism and there are protocol-based security constraints with respect to incorporating even intra-domain content in a single page/application. While these security constraints are addressable through configuration, the same caveats with regards to the lack of granularity in configuration at the infrastructure (web/application server) layer must be made. Careful consideration of what may be accidentally allowed and/or disallowed is necessary to prevent unintended consequences. And that’s not even starting to consider the potential use of Web Sockets as an attack vector, particularly in the realm of DDoS. The long-lived nature of a Web Socket connection is bound to be exploited at some point in the future, which will engender another round of evaluating how to best address application-layer DDoS attacks. A service-focused, distributed (and collaborative) approach to scalability is likely to garner the highest levels of success when employing Web Socket-based functionality within a broader web application, as opposed to the popular cookie-cutter cloning approach made exceedingly easy by virtualization. Infrastructure Scalability Pattern: Partition by Function or Type Infrastructure Scalability Pattern: Sharding Sessions Amazon Makes the Cloud Sticky Load Balancing Fu: Beware the Algorithm and Sticky Sessions Et Tu, Browser? Forget Hyper-Scale. Think Hyper-Local Scale. Infrastructure Scalability Pattern: Sharding Streams Infrastructure Architecture: Whitelisting with JSON and API Keys Does This Application Make My Browser Look Fat? HTTP Now Serving … Everything657Views0likes5CommentsThe Challenges of SQL Load Balancing
#infosec #iam load balancing databases is fraught with many operational and business challenges. While cloud computing has brought to the forefront of our attention the ability to scale through duplication, i.e. horizontal scaling or “scale out” strategies, this strategy tends to run into challenges the deeper into the application architecture you go. Working well at the web and application tiers, a duplicative strategy tends to fall on its face when applied to the database tier. Concerns over consistency abound, with many simply choosing to throw out the concept of consistency and adopting instead an “eventually consistent” stance in which it is assumed that data in a distributed database system will eventually become consistent and cause minimal disruption to application and business processes. Some argue that eventual consistency is not “good enough” and cite additional concerns with respect to the failure of such strategies to adequately address failures. Thus there are a number of vendors, open source groups, and pundits who spend time attempting to address both components. The result is database load balancing solutions. For the most part such solutions are effective. They leverage master-slave deployments – typically used to address failure and which can automatically replicate data between instances (with varying levels of success when distributed across the Internet) – and attempt to intelligently distribute SQL-bound queries across two or more database systems. The most successful of these architectures is the read-write separation strategy, in which all SQL transactions deemed “read-only” are routed to one database while all “write” focused transactions are distributed to another. Such foundational separation allows for higher-layer architectures to be implemented, such as geographic based read distribution, in which read-only transactions are further distributed by geographically dispersed database instances, all of which act ultimately as “slaves” to the single, master database which processes all write-focused transactions. This results in an eventually consistent architecture, but one which manages to mitigate the disruptive aspects of eventually consistent architectures by ensuring the most important transactions – write operations – are, in fact, consistent. Even so, there are issues, particularly with respect to security. MEDIATION inside the APPLICATION TIERS Generally speaking mediating solutions are a good thing – when they’re external to the application infrastructure itself, i.e. the traditional three tiers of an application. The problem with mediation inside the application tiers, particularly at the data layer, is the same for infrastructure as it is for software solutions: credential management. See, databases maintain their own set of users, roles, and permissions. Even as applications have been able to move toward a more shared set of identity stores, databases have not. This is in part due to the nature of data security and the need for granular permission structures down to the cell, in some cases, and including transactional security that allows some to update, delete, or insert while others may be granted a different subset of permissions. But more difficult to overcome is the tight-coupling of identity to connection for databases. With web protocols like HTTP, identity is carried along at the protocol level. This means it can be transient across connections because it is often stuffed into an HTTP header via a cookie or stored server-side in a session – again, not tied to connection but to identifying information. At the database layer, identity is tightly-coupled to the connection. The connection itself carries along the credentials with which it was opened. This gives rise to problems for mediating solutions. Not just load balancers but software solutions such as ESB (enterprise service bus) and EII (enterprise information integration) styled solutions. Any device or software which attempts to aggregate database access for any purpose eventually runs into the same problem: credential management. This is particularly challenging for load balancing when applied to databases. LOAD BALANCING SQL To understand the challenges with load balancing SQL you need to remember that there are essentially two models of load balancing: transport and application layer. At the transport layer, i.e. TCP, connections are only temporarily managed by the load balancing device. The initial connection is “caught” by the Load balancer and a decision is made based on transport layer variables where it should be directed. Thereafter, for the most part, there is no interaction at the load balancer with the connection, other than to forward it on to the previously selected node. At the application layer the load balancing device terminates the connection and interacts with every exchange. This affords the load balancing device the opportunity to inspect the actual data or application layer protocol metadata in order to determine where the request should be sent. Load balancing SQL at the transport layer is less problematic than at the application layer, yet it is at the application layer that the most value is derived from database load balancing implementations. That’s because it is at the application layer where distribution based on “read” or “write” operations can be made. But to accomplish this requires that the SQL be inline, that is that the SQL being executed is actually included in the code and then executed via a connection to the database. If your application uses stored procedures, then this method will not work for you. It is important to note that many packaged enterprise applications rely upon stored procedures, and are thus not able to leverage load balancing as a scaling option. Depending on your app or how your organization has agreed to protect your data will determine which of these methods are used to access your databases. The use of inline SQL affords the developer greater freedom at the cost of security, increased programming(to prevent the inherent security risks), difficulty in optimizing data and indices to adapt to changes in volume of data, and deployment burdens. However there is lively debate on the values of both access methods and how to overcome the inherent risks. The OWASP group has identified the injection attacks as the easiest exploitation with the most damaging impact. This also requires that the load balancing service parse MySQL or T-SQL (the Microsoft Transact Structured Query Language). Databases, of course, are designed to parse these string-based commands and are optimized to do so. Load balancing services are generally not designed to parse these languages and depending on the implementation of their underlying parsing capabilities, may actually incur significant performance penalties to do so. Regardless of those issues, still there are an increasing number of organizations who view SQL load balancing as a means to achieve a more scalable data tier. Which brings us back to the challenge of managing credentials. MANAGING CREDENTIALS Many solutions attempt to address the issue of credential management by simply duplicating credentials locally; that is, they create a local identity store that can be used to authenticate requests against the database. Ostensibly the credentials match those in the database (or identity store used by the database such as can be configured for MSSQL) and are kept in sync. This obviously poses an operational challenge similar to that of any distributed system: synchronization and replication. Such processes are not easily (if at all) automated, and rarely is the same level of security and permissions available on the local identity store as are available in the database. What you generally end up with is a very loose “allow/deny” set of permissions on the load balancing device that actually open the door for exploitation as well as caching of credentials that can lead to unauthorized access to the data source. This also leads to potential security risks from attempting to apply some of the same optimization techniques to SQL connections as is offered by application delivery solutions for TCP connections. For example, TCP multiplexing (sharing connections) is a common means of reusing web and application server connections to reduce latency (by eliminating the overhead associated with opening and closing TCP connections). Similar techniques at the database layer have been used by application servers for many years; connection pooling is not uncommon and is essentially duplicated at the application delivery tier through features like SQL multiplexing. Both connection pooling and SQL multiplexing incur security risks, as shared connections require shared credentials. So either every access to the database uses the same credentials (a significant negative when considering the loss of an audit trail) or we return to managing duplicate sets of credentials – one set at the application delivery tier and another at the database, which as noted earlier incurs additional management and security risks. YOU CAN’T WIN FOR LOSING Ultimately the decision to load balance SQL must be a combination of business and operational requirements. Many organizations successfully leverage load balancing of SQL as a means to achieve very high scale. Generally speaking the resulting solutions – such as those often touted by e-Bay - are based on sound architectural principles such as sharding and are designed as a strategic solution, not a tactical response to operational failures and they rarely involve inspection of inline SQL commands. Rather they are based on the ability to discern which database should be accessed given the function being invoked or type of data being accessed and then use a traditional database connection to connect to the appropriate database. This does not preclude the use of application delivery solutions as part of such an architecture, but rather indicates a need to collaborate across the various application delivery and infrastructure tiers to determine a strategy most likely to maintain high-availability, scalability, and security across the entire architecture. Load balancing SQL can be an effective means of addressing database scalability, but it should be approached with an eye toward its potential impact on security and operational management. What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code Mission Impossible: Stateful Cloud Failover Infrastructure Scalability Pattern: Sharding Streams The Real News is Not that Facebook Serves Up 1 Trillion Pages a Month… SQL injection – past, present and future True DDoS Stories: SSL Connection Flood Why Layer 7 Load Balancing Doesn’t Suck Web App Performance: Think 1990s.2.3KViews0likes1CommentWhat Does Mobile Mean, Anyway?
We tend to assume characteristics upon hearing the term #mobile. We probably shouldn’t… There are – according to about a bazillion studies - 4 billion mobile devices in use around the globe. It is interesting to note that nearly everyone who notes this statistic and then attempts to break it down into useful data (usually for marketing) that they almost always do so based on OS or device type – but never, ever, ever based on connectivity. Consider the breakdown offered by W3C for October 2011. Device type is the chosen taxonomy, with operating system being the alternative view. Unfortunately, aside from providing useful trending on device type for application developers and organizations, this data does not provide the full range of information necessary to actually make these devices, well, useful. Consider that my Blackberry can either connect to the Internet via 3G or WiFi. When using WiFi my user experience is infinitely better than via 3G and, if one believes the hype, will be even better once 4G is fully deployed. Also not accounted for is the ability to pair my Blackberry Playbook to my Blackberry phone and connect to the Internet via that (admittedly convoluted) chain of connectivity. Bluetooth to 3G or WiFi (which in my house has an additional chain on the LAN and then back out through a fairly unimpressive so-called broadband connection). But I could also be using the Playbook’s built-in WiFi (after trying both this is the preferred method, but in a pinch…) You also have to wonder how long it will be before “mobile” is the GPS in your car, integrated with services via Google Map or Bing to “find nearby” while you’re driving? Or, for some of us an even better option, find the nearest restroom off this highway because the four-year old has to use it – NOW. Trying to squash “mobile” into a little box is about as useful as trying to squash “cloud” into a bigger box. It doesn’t work. The variations in actual implementation in communication channels across everything that is “mobile” require different approaches to mitigating operational risk, just as you approach SaaS differently than IaaS differently than PaaS. Defining “mobile” by its device characteristics is only helpful when you’re designing applications or access management policies. In order to address real user-experience issues you have to know more about the type of connection over which the user is connecting – and more. CONTEXT is the NEW BLACK in MOBILE This is not to say that device type is not important. It is, and luckily device type (as well as browser and often operating system), are an integral part of the formula we all “context.” Context is the combined set of variables that make it possible to interpret any given connection with respect to its unique client, server, network, and application needs. It’s what allows organizations to localize, to hyperlocalize, and to provide content based on location. It’s what enables the ability to ensure performance whether over 3G, 4G, LAN, or congested WAN connections. It’s the agility to route application requests to the best server-side location based on a combination of client location, connection type, and current capacity across multiple sites – whether cloud, managed hosting, or secondary data centers. Context is the ‘secret sauce’ to successful application delivery. It’s the ingredient that makes it possible to make the right decisions at the right time based on current conditions that address operational risk – performance, security, and availability. Context is what makes the application delivery tier of the modern data center able to adapt dynamically. It’s the shared data that forms the foundation for the collaboration between application delivery network infrastructure and provisioning systems both local and in the cloud, enabling on-demand scalability and at some point, instant mobility in an inter-cloud architecture. Context is a key component to an agile data center, because it is only be inspecting all the variables that you can interpret them in a way that leads to optimal decisions with respect to the delivery of an application, which includes choosing the right application instance whether it’s deployed remotely in a cloud computing environment or locally on an old-fashioned piece of hardware. Knowing what device a given request is coming from is not enough, especially when the connection type and conditions cannot be assumed. The same user on the same device may connect via two completely different networking methods within the same day – or even same hour. It is the network connection which becomes a critical decision point around which to apply proper security and performance-related policies, as different networks vary in their conditions. So while we all like to believe that our love of our chosen mobile platform is vindicated by statistics, we need to dig deeper when we talk about mobile strategies within the walls of IT. The device type is only one small piece of a much larger puzzle called context. “Mobile” is as much about the means of connectivity as it is the actual physical characteristic of a small untethered device. We need to recognize that, and incorporate it into our mobile delivery strategies sooner rather than later. [Updated: This post was updated 2/17/2012 - the graphic was updated to reflect the proper source of the statistics, w3schools ] Long-distance live migration moves within reach HTML5 Web Sockets Changes the Scalability Game At the Intersection of Cloud and Control… F5 Friday: The Mobile Road is Uphill. Both Ways More Users, More Access, More Clients, Less Control Cloud Needs Context-Aware Provisioning Call Me Crazy but Application-Awareness Should Be About the Application The IP Address – Identity Disconnect The Context-Aware Cloud439Views0likes2CommentsF5 Friday: HP Cloud Maps Help Navigate Server Flexing with BIG-IP
The economy of scale realized in enterprise cloud computing deployments is as much (if not more) about process as it is products. HP Cloud Maps simplify the former by automating the latter. When the notion of “private” or “enterprise” cloud computing first appeared, it was dismissed as being a non-viable model due to the fact that the economy of scale necessary to realize the true benefits were simply not present in the data center. What was ignored in those arguments was that the economy of scale desired by enterprises large and small was not necessarily that of technical resources, but of people. The widening gap between people and budgets and data center components was a primary cause of data center inefficiency. Enterprise cloud computing promised to relieve the increasing burden on people by moving it back to technology through automation and orchestration. As a means to achieve such a feat – and it is a non-trivial feat – required an ecosystem. No single vendor could hope to achieve the automation necessary to relieve the administrative and operational burden on enterprise IT staff because no data center is ever comprised of components provided by a single vendor. Partnerships – technological and practical partnerships – were necessary to enable the automation of processes spanning multiple data center components and achieve the economy of scale promised by enterprise cloud computing models. HP, while providing a wide variety of data center components itself, has nurtured such an ecosystem of partners. Combined with its HP Operations Orchestration, such technologically-focused partnerships have built out an ecosystem enabling the automation of common operational processes, effectively shifting the burden from people to technology, resulting in a more responsive IT organization. HP CLOUD MAPS One of the ways in which HP enables customers to take advantage of such automation capabilities is through Cloud Maps. Cloud Maps are similar in nature to F5’s Application Ready Solutions: a package of configuration templates, guides and scripts that enable repeatable architectures and deployments. Cloud Maps, according to HP’s description: HP Cloud Maps are an easy-to-use navigation system which can save you days or weeks of time architecting infrastructure for applications and services. HP Cloud Maps accelerate automation of business applications on the BladeSystem Matrix so you can reliably and consistently fast- track the implementation of service catalogs. HP Cloud Maps enable practitioners to navigate the complex operational tasks that must be accomplished to achieve even what seems like the simplest of tasks: server provisioning. It enables automation of incident resolution, change orchestration and routine maintenance tasks in the data center, providing the consistency necessary to enable more predictable and repeatable deployments and responses to data center incidents. Key components of HP Cloud Maps include: Templates for hardware and software configuration that can be imported directly into BladeSystem Matrix Tools to help guide planning Workflows and scripts designed to automate installation more quickly and in a repeatable fashion Reference whitepapers to help customize Cloud Maps for specific implementation HP CLOUD MAPS for F5 NETWORKS The partnership between F5 and HP has resulted in many data center solutions and architectures. HP’s Cloud Maps for F5 Networks today focuses on what HP calls server flexing – the automation of server provisioning and de-provisioning on-demand in the data center. It is designed specifically to work with F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) and provides the necessary configuration and deployment templates, scripts and guides necessary to implement server flexing in the data center. The Cloud Map for F5 Networks can be downloaded free of charge from HP and comprises: The F5 Networks BIG-IP reference template to be imported into HP Matrix infrastructure orchestration Workflow to be imported into HP Operations Orchestration (OO) XSL file to be installed on the Matrix CMS (Central Management Server) Perl configuration script for BIG-IP White papers with specific instructions on importing reference templates, workflows and configuring BIG-IP LTM are also available from the same site. The result is an automation providing server flexing capabilities that greatly reduces the manual intervention necessary to auto-scale and respond to capacity-induced events within the data center. Happy Flexing! Server Flexing with F5 BIG-IP and HP BladeSystem Matrix HP Cloud Maps for F5 Networks F5 Friday: The Dynamic Control Plane F5 Friday: The Evolution of Reference Architectures to Repeatable Architectures All F5 Friday Posts on DevCentral Infrastructure 2.0 + Cloud + IT as a Service = An Architectural Parfait What is a Strategic Point of Control Anyway? The F5 Dynamic Services Model Unleashing the True Potential of On-Demand IT320Views0likes1CommentCloud bursting, the hybrid cloud, and why cloud-agnostic load balancers matter
Cloud Bursting and the Hybrid Cloud When researching cloud bursting, there are many directions Google may take you. Perhaps you come across services for airplanes that attempt to turn cloudy wedding days into memorable events. Perhaps you'd rather opt for a service that helps your IT organization avoid rainy days. Enter cloud bursting ... yes, the one involving computers and networks instead of airplanes. Cloud bursting is a term that has been around in the tech realm for quite a few years. It, in essence, is the ability to allocate resources across various public and private clouds as an organization's needs change. These needs could be economic drivers such as Cloud 2 having lower cost than Cloud 1, or perhaps capacity drivers where additional resources are needed during business hours to handle traffic. For intelligent applications, other interesting things are possible with cloud bursting where, for example, demand in a geographical region suddenly needs capacity that is not local to the primary, private cloud. Here, one can spin up resources to locally serve the demand and provide a better user experience. Nathan Pearce summarizes some of the aspects of cloud bursting in this minute long video, which is a great resource to remind oneself of some of the nuances of this architecture. While Cloud Bursting is a term that is generally accepted by the industry as an "on-demand capacity burst," Lori MacVittie points out that this architectural solution eventually leads to a Hybrid Cloud where multiple compute centers are employed to serve demand among both private-based resources are and public-based resources, or clouds, all the time. The primary driver for this: practically speaking, there are limitations around how fast data that is critical to one's application (think databases, for example) can be replicated across the internet to different data centers. Thus, the promises of "on-demand" cloud bursting scenarios may be short lived, eventually leaning in favor of multiple "always-on compute capacity centers" as loads increase for a given application. In any case, it is important to understand that that multiple locations, across multiple clouds will ultimately be serving application content in the not-too-distant future. An example hybrid cloud architecture where services are deployed across multiple clouds. The "application stack" remains the same, using LineRate in each cloud to balance the local application, while a BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager balances application requests across all of clouds. Advantages of cloud-agnostic Load Balancing As one might conclude from the Cloud Bursting and Hybrid Cloud discussion above, having multiple clouds running an application creates a need for user requests to be distributed among the resources and for automated systems to be able to control application access and flow. In order to provide the best control over how one's application behaves, it is optimal to use a load balancer to serve requests. No DNS or network routing changes need to be made and clients continue using the application as they always did as resources come online or go offline; many times, too, these load balancers offer advanced functionality alongside the load balancing service that provide additional value to the application. Having a load balancer that operates the same way no matter where it is deployed becomes important when resources are distributed among many locations. Understanding expectations around configuration, management, reporting, and behavior of a system limits issues for application deployments and discrepancies between how one platform behaves versus another. With a load balancer like F5's LineRate product line, anyone can programmatically manage the servers providing an application to users. Leveraging this programatic control, application providers have an easy way spin up and down capacity in any arbitrary cloud, retain a familiar yet powerful feature-set for their load balancer, ultimately redistribute resources for an application, and provide a seamless experience back to the user. No matter where the load balancer deployment is, LineRate can work hand-in-hand with any web service provider, whether considered a cloud or not. Your data, and perhaps more importantly cost-centers, are no longer locked down to one vendor or one location. With the right application logic paired with LineRate Precision's scripting engine, an application can dynamically react to take advantage of market pricing or general capacity needs. Consider the following scenarios where cloud-agnostic load balancer have advantages over vendor-specific ones: Economic Drivers Time-dependent instance pricing Spot instances with much lower cost becoming available at night Example: my startup's billing system can take advantage in better pricing per unit of work in the public cloud at night versus the private datacenter Multiple vendor instance pricing Cloud 2 just dropped their high-memory instance pricing lower than Cloud 1's Example: Useful for your workload during normal business hours; My application's primary workload is migrated to Cloud 2 with a simple config change Competition Having multiple cloud deployments simultaneously increases competition, and thus your organization's negotiated pricing contracts become more attractive over time Computational Drivers Traffic Spikes Someone in marketing just tweeted about our new product. All of a sudden, the web servers that traditionally handled all the loads thrown at them just fine are getting slashdotted by people all around North America placing orders. Instead of having humans react to the load and spin up new instances to handle the load - or even worse: doing nothing - your LineRate system and application worked hand-in-hand to spin up a few instances in Microsoft Azure's Texas location and a few more in Amazon's Virginia region. This helps you distribute requests from geographically diverse locations: your existing datacenter in Oregon, the central US Microsoft Cloud, and the east-coast based Amazon Cloud. Orders continue to pour in without any system downtime, or worse: lost customers. Compute Orchestration A mission-critical application in your organization's private cloud unexpectedly needs extra computer power, but needs to stay internal for compliance reasons. Fortunately, your application can spin up public cloud instances and migrate traffic out of the private datacenter without affecting any users or data integrity. Your LineRate instance reaches out to Amazon to boot instances and migrate important data. More importantly, application developers and system administrators don't even realize the application has migrated since everything behaves exactly the same in the cloud location. Once the cloud systems boot, alerts are made to F5's LTM and LineRate instances that migrate traffic to the new servers, allowing the mission-critical app to compute away. You just saved the day! The benefit to having a cloud-agnostic load balancing solution for connecting users with an organization's applications not only provides a unified user experience, but provides powerful, unified way of controlling the application for its administrators as well. If all of a sudden an application needs to be moved from, say, a private datacenter with a 100 Mbps connection to a public cloud with a GigE connection, this can easily be done without having to relearn a new load balancing solution. F5's LineRate product is available for bare-metal deployments on x86 hardware, virtual machine deployments, and has recently deployed an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). All of these deployment types leverage the same familiar, powerful tools that LineRate offers: lightweight and scalable load balancing, modern management through its intuitive GUI or the industry-standard CLI, and automated control via its comprehensive REST API. LineRate Point Load Balancer provides hardened, enterprise-grade load balancing and availability services whereas LineRate Precision Load Balancer adds powerful Node.js programmability, enabling developers and DevOps teams to leverage thousands of Node.js modules to easily create custom controls for application network traffic. Learn about some of LineRate's advanced scripting and functionality here, or try it out for free to see if LineRate is the right cloud-agnostic load balancing solution for your organization.945Views0likes0CommentsBack to Basics: Health Monitors and Load Balancing
#webperf #ado Because every connection counts One of the truisms of architecting highly available systems is that you never, ever want to load balance a request to a system that is down. Therefore, some sort of health (status) monitoring is required. For applications, that means not just pinging the network interface or opening a TCP connection, it means querying the application and verifying that the response is valid. This, obviously, requires the application to respond. And respond often. Best practices suggest determining availability every 5 seconds or so. That means every X seconds the load balancing service is going to open up a connection to the application and make a request. Just like a user would do. That adds load to the application. It consumes network, transport, application and (possibly) database resources. Resources that cannot be used to service customers. While the impact on a single application may appear trivial, it's not. Remember, as load increases performance decreases. And no matter how trivial it may appear, health monitoring is adding load to what may be an already heavily loaded application. But Lori, you may be thinking, you expound on the importance of monitoring and visibility all the time! Are you saying we shouldn't be monitoring applications? Nope, not at all. Visibility is paramount, providing the actionable data necessary to enable highly dynamic, automated operations such as elasticity. Visibility through health-monitoring is a critical means of ensuring availability at both the local and global level. What we may need to do, however, is move from active to passive monitoring. PASSIVE MONITORING Passive monitoring, as the modifier suggests, is not an active process. The Load balancer does not open up connections nor query an application itself. Instead, it snoops on responses being returned to clients and from that infers the current status of the application. For example, if a request for content results in an HTTP error message, the load balancer can determine whether or not the application is available and capable of processing subsequent requests. If the load balancer is a BIG-IP, it can mark the service as "down" and invoke an active monitor to probe the application status as well as retrying the request to another available instance – insuring end-users do not see an error. Passive (inband) monitors are not binary. That is, they aren't simple "on" or "off" based on HTTP status codes. Such monitors can be configured to track the number of failures and evaluate failure rates against a configurable failure interval. When such thresholds are exceeded, the application can then be marked as "down". Passive monitors aren't restricted to availability status, either. They can also monitor for performance (response time). Failure to meet response time expectations results in a failure, and the application continues to be watched for subsequent failures. Passive monitors are, like most inline/inband technologies, transparent. They quietly monitor traffic and act upon that traffic without adding overhead to the process. Passive monitoring gives operations the visibility necessary to enable predictable performance and to meet or exceed user expectations with respect to uptime, without negatively impacting performance or capacity of the applications it is monitoring.2.9KViews1like2CommentsF5 Friday: Mitigating the THC SSL DoS Threat
The THC #SSL #DoS tool exploits the rapid resource consumption nature of the handshake required to establish a secure session using SSL. A new attack tool was announced this week and continues to follow in the footsteps of resource exhaustion as a means to achieve a DoS against target sites. Recent trends in attacks show an increasing interest in maximizing effect while minimizing effort. This means a move away from traditional denial of service attacks that focus on overwhelming sites with traffic and toward attacks that focus on rapidly consuming resources, instead. Both have the same ultimate goal: overwhelming infrastructure, whether server or router or insert infrastructure component of choice>. The latest SSL-based attack falls into the modern category of denial of service attacks in that it’s not an attempt to overwhelm with traffic, but rather to consume resources on servers such that capacity and the ability to respond to legitimate requests is eliminated. The blog post announcing the exploit tools explains: Establishing a secure SSL connection requires 15x more processing power on the server than on the client. THC-SSL-DOS exploits this asymmetric property by overloading the server and knocking it off the Internet. This problem affects all SSL implementations today. The vendors are aware of this problem since 2003 and the topic has been widely discussed. This attack further exploits the SSL secure Renegotiation feature to trigger thousands of renegotiations via single TCP connection. -- THC SSL DOS Tool Released As the blog points out, there is no resolution to this exploit. Common mitigation techniques include the use of an SSL accelerator, i.e. a reverse-proxy capable device with specialized hardware designed to improve the processing capability of SSL and associated cryptographic functions. Modern application delivery controllers like BIG-IP include such hardware by default and make use of its performance and capacity-enhancing abilities to offset the operational costs of supporting SSL-secured communication. BIG-IP MITIGATION There are actually several ways in which BIG-IP can mitigate the potential impact of this kind of attack. First and foremost is simply its higher capacity for connections and processing of SSL / RSA operations. BIG-IP can manage myriad more connections – secure or not – than a typical web server and thus it may be, depending on the hardware platform on which BIG-IP is deployed, that the mitigation rests merely on having a BIG-IP in the path of the attack. In the case that it is not, or if organizations desire a more proactive approach to mitigation, there are two additional options: 1. SSL renegotiation, which is in part the basis for the attack (it’s what allows a relatively few clients to force the server to consume more and more resources), can be disabled in BIG-IP v11 and v10.2.3. This may break some applications and/or clients so this option may want to be left as a “last resort” or the risks carefully weighed before deploying such a configuration. 2. An iRule that drops connections over which a client attempts to renegotiate more than five times in a given 60-second interval can be deployed. As noted by David Holmes and the iRule author, Jason Rahm, “By silently dropping the client connection, the iRule causes the attack tool to stall for long periods of time, fully negating the attack. There should be no false-positives dropped, either, as there are very few valid use cases for renegotiating more than once a minute.” The full details and code for the iRule can be found in the DevCentral article “SSL Renegotiation DOS attack – an iRule Countermeasure” UPDATE 11/1/2011: David Holmes has included an optimized version of the iRule in his latest blog, "The SSL Renegotation Attack is Back." His version uses the normal flow key (instead of a random key), adds a log message, and optimizes memory consumption. Regardless of the mitigating technique used, BIG-IP can provide the operational security necessary to prevent such consumption-leeching attacks from negatively impacting applications by defeating the attack before it reaches application infrastructure. Stay safe!497Views0likes1CommentCloud Brokers: The eHarmony of Cloud Infrastructure?
A long-lived match made in the cloud will require more detail than providers and brokers are currently offering Buried in blogs around the Internets are references to a research survey conducted by research firm ESG earlier this year on behalf of VMware. While obtaining the full contents require more than my meager pockets contain, the summary data held several nuggets of gold, among them this one on compatibility across cloud and on-premise infrastructure: Importance of compatibility: 78% of respondents reported that it was also important that their cloud service providers’ infrastructure technologies were compatible with their internal private cloud/virtualized datacenter. -- New Study Shows Growth of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Adoption I'm guessing that if they'd used a term more common to networking / infrastructure domains, say interoperability, they may have gotten more ping on this statistic. And yet, I don't think interoperability is exactly what this statistic refers to. Interoperability and compatibility imply some subtle differences. Compatibility implies a level of mutual understanding at the data level which, for infrastructure, means control-plane compatibility. Policy sharing, as an example. Interoperability implies a lower-level of exchange at the data plane, protocol processing and such. Assuming that what these 614 global respondents – all IT managers with budget responsibility – were considering important is really mobility of infrastructure service application, i.e. operational consistency, across infrastructure, this leads to an interesting question. How does one know whether a cloud offers such compatibility or not? Cloud Brokers: Catalogs Most discussions on cloud brokers today continue to focus on establishing matches between consumers of cloud and providers via characteristics like price and location and sometimes performance. But rarely do we see a requirement for matching infrastructure service capabilities (and thus compatibility) across environments. Most cloud providers do offer catalogs of a sort from which services can be selected and provisioned, but these are not very shareable, if you will. They aren't in a neat, publicly accessible list that can be compared against other providers' lists. Much in the same way registries were central to the notion of enabling the success of service-oriented architectures, cloud catalogs will be central to the success of cloud broker services' ability to compare and contrast offerings. Like profiles in on-line match making services, cloud catalogs will enable the process of matching consumers with providers based not only on simple characteristics like price and performance, but on deeper more critical capabilities like security and data integrity services, acceleration and optimization, and application-layer networking. But it's not just about listing out services. To really get to the heart of compatibility, if what we're desiring is operational consistency, we need not only a more standard method of describing infrastructure policies (rule sets, processing directives, etc…) but the means to determine whether a given infrastructure service is capable of not only accepting but creating such a policy. Such policies must be abstract, they cannot be specific to any given environment. We need a way to describe the rules used to configure Amazon Security Groups, for example, such that they can be consumed and implemented by Rackspace, or BlueLock or an OpenStack-based private cloud framework. While there are certainly efforts around describing aspects of cloud – virtual machines, applications, and even layer 2-3 networking – in a standards-based format, there's very little in the way of efforts to do so at the infrastructure service layers. Organizations for whom infrastructure compatibility is an important factor in the provider decision making process need exactly this kind of information to aid in their transition from private to hybrid and public architectures. Cloud brokers could provide this level of metadata, if providers recognize the importance of disseminating that information in a way that's easily consumable and are willing to offer the data organizations need to make their decisions. Making a compatible match between two people requires a lot more detail than just age, gender, and hobbies. It's also going to take a lot more detail than just price and location to make a compatible match between cloud consumers and providers when critical business functions are on the line.228Views0likes0Comments