23 TopicsExport GTM/DNS Virtual Servers Configuration in CSV - tmsh cli script
Problem this snippet solves: This is a simple cli script used to collect all the virtual-servers name, its destination created in a server or ltm server. A sample output would be like below, How to use this snippet: This is similar to my other share - https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/Export-GTM-DNS-Configuration-in-CSV-tmsh-cli-script Login to the GTM/DNS, create your script by running the below commands and paste the code provided in snippet, tmsh create cli script gtm-vs Delete the proc blocks, so it looks something like below, create script gtm-vs { ## PASTE THE CODE HERE ## } and paste the code provided in the snippet. Note: When you paste it, the indentation may be realigned, it shouldn't cause any errors, but the list output would show improperly aligned. Feel free to delete the tab spaces in the code snippet & paste it while creating, so indentation is aligned properly. And you can run the script like below, tmsh run cli script gtm-vs > /var/tmp/gtm-vs-output.csv And get the output from the saved file, open it on excel. Format it & use it for audit & reporting. cat /var/tmp/gtm-vs-output.csv Feel free to add more elements as per your requirements. Code : proc script::run {} { puts "Server,Virtual-Server,Destination" foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config gtm server] { set server [tmsh::get_name $obj] foreach { vss } [tmsh::get_config gtm server $server virtual-servers] { set vs_set [tmsh::get_field_value $vss virtual-servers] foreach vs $vs_set { set vs_name [tmsh::get_name $vs] puts $server,$vs_name,[tmsh::get_field_value $vs destination] } } } } Tested this on version: 13.11.5KViews3likes2CommentsExport GTM/DNS Configuration in CSV - tmsh cli script
Problem this snippet solves: This is a simple cli script used to collect all the WideIP, LB Method, Status, State, Pool Name, Pool LB, Pool Members, Pool Fall back, Last Resort pool info in CSV format. A sample output would be like below, One can customize the code to extract other fields available too. Check out my other codeshare of LTM report. Note: The codeshare may get multiple version, use the latest version alone. The reason to keep the other versions is for end users to understand & compare, thus helping them to modify to their own requirements. Hope it helps. How to use this snippet: Login to the GTM/DNS, create your script by running the below commands and paste the code provided in snippet, tmsh create cli script gtm-config-parser Delete the proc blocks, so it looks something like below, create script gtm-config-parser { ## PASTE THE CODE HERE ## } and paste the code provided in the snippet. Note: When you paste it, the indentation may be realigned, it shouldn't cause any errors, but the list output would show improperly aligned. Feel free to delete the tab spaces in the code snippet & paste it while creating, so indentation is aligned properly. And you can run the script like below, tmsh run cli script gtm-config-parser > /var/tmp/gtm-config-parser-output.csv And get the output from the saved file, open it on excel. Format it & use it for audit & reporting. cat /var/tmp/gtm-config-parser-output.csv Feel free to add more elements as per your requirements. For version 13.x & higher, there requires a small change in the code. Refer the comments section. Thanks to @azblaster Code : proc script::run {} { puts "WIP,LB-MODE,WIP-STATUS,WIP-STATE,POOL-NAME,POOL-LB,POOL-MEMBERS,POOL-FB,LASTRESORT-POOL" foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config gtm wideip all-properties] { set wipname [tmsh::get_name $obj] set wippools [tmsh::get_field_value $obj pools] set lbmode [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool-lb-mode"] set lastresort [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "last-resort-pool"] foreach { status } [tmsh::get_status gtm wideip $wipname] { set wipstatus [tmsh::get_field_value $status "status.availability-state"] set wipstate [tmsh::get_field_value $status "status.enabled-state"] } foreach wippool $wippools { set pool_name [tmsh::get_name $wippool] set pool_configs [tmsh::get_config /gtm pool $pool_name all-properties] foreach pool_config $pool_configs { set pool_lb [tmsh::get_field_value $pool_config "load-balancing-mode"] set pool_fb [tmsh::get_field_value $pool_config "fallback-mode"] if { [catch { set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $pool_config "members" ]} err] } { set pool_member $err } else { set pool_member "" set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $pool_config "members"] foreach member $member_name { append pool_member "[lindex $member 1] " } } puts "$wipname,$lbmode,$wipstatus,$wipstate,$pool_name,$pool_lb,$pool_member,$pool_fb,$lastresort" } } } } Tested this on version: 11.63.7KViews2likes6CommentsDNS Request and Response Filtering using URL DB and IPI subscriptions
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule solution is applied to a DNS resolver or a catch all ( DNS virtual server where the BIG-IP is a default gateway. It allows the BIG-IP to explicitly or transparently intercept all DNS Requests and Responses from the client and apply security filtering controls. This solution is suited to almost any outbound DNS scenario where you need to protect the client from accessing malicious threats or undesirable content intentionally or unintentionally. One example where you may find this solution handy, is on a Guest or BYOD network where you need a transparent method of adding security when you don’t have control of the client. How to use this snippet: DNS Interception: Protecting the Client Code : # Author: Brett Smith @f5.com # # This iRule is applied to a DNS resolver (DNS Profile required) or a catch all ( DNS virtual server where the BIG-IP is a default GW. # # Configurable Parameters for DNS_REQUEST filtering: # 1. DNS Request Filtering On or Off - Enable or Disable all DNS_REQUEST filtering. # 2. URL Categories e.g. Adult_Content, Hacking. If the DNS Question (FQDN - e.g. playboy.com) matches a category in the data group (default: dns_request_url_categories_dg), # NXDOMAIN will be returned in the response. To obtain a list of possible URL Categories and their descriptions, run: tmsh list sys url-db url-category { description } # 3. DNS Question Type e.g. A, AAAA, ANY etc. Only the Question Types configured in the data group (default: dns_request_question_type_dg) will be filtered. # 4. FQDN/TLD Whitelist e.g. f5.com or .gov. Any FQDN/Domain in the whitelist data group will bypass DNS_REQUEST filtering regardless of the Question Type or URL Category. # # Configurable Parameters for DNS_RESPONSE filtering: # 1. DNS Response Filtering On or Off - Enable or Disable all DNS_RESPONSE filtering. # 2. IP/Subnet Whitelist e.g or Any IP or IP Subnet in the whitelist data group will bypass DNS_RESPONSE filtering. # 3. IPI Threat Categories e.g. Spam Sources, Phishing. If the DNS RDATA (A & AAAA only) matches a category in the data group, NXDOMAIN will be returned in the response. # # Global Parameters # 1. Logging Control - Off, Level 1 (NXDOMAIN and Whitelist Matching) and Level 2 (All DNS Requests & Responses) when RULE_INIT { # DNS Request filtering - URL DB control. # 0 = DNS Request filter off, 1 = DNS Request filter on. set static::dns_request_filter 1 # URL categories data group. Any categories (Bot_Networks, etc) in this DG will be blocked based on the DNS question name. set static::dns_request_url_categories_dg "dns_request_url_categories_dg" # DNS request questions type data group. Question types (A,AAAA,etc) in the DNS request that match the DG will be sent for URL category filtering. set static::dns_request_question_type_dg "dns_request_question_type_dg" # FQDN whitelist data group. Any FQDN/Domain in this DG will bypass DNS request URL category filtering. set static::dns_request_fqdn_whitelist_dg "dns_request_fqdn_whitelist_dg" # DNS Response filtering - IP intelligence (reputation) control. # 0 = DNS Response filter off, 1 = DNS Response filter on. set static::dns_response_filter 1 # IP address whitelist data group. Any IP or IP Subnet in this DG will bypass DNS response filtering regardless of the IP intelligence (reputation) value. # If a AAAA record is contained in the Resource Record (RR), it is also returned in the DNS response. set static::dns_response_ip4_whitelist_dg "dns_response_ip_whitelist_dg" # IP intelligence categories data group. If the DNS RDATA (A & AAAA only) matches a category in the data group, NXDOMAIN will be returned in the response. set static::dns_response_ipi_categories_dg "dns_response_ipi_categories_dg" # Debug logging control. # 0 = logging off, 1 = informational logging, 2 = debug logging set static::debug_dns 2 } when DNS_REQUEST { if { $static::debug_dns >= 2 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Question: [DNS::question name], Type: [DNS::question type]" } # If DNS Request filtering is enabled, filter the request. if { $static::dns_request_filter } { # If the Question Name (eg. f5.com) is in the Whitelist, bypass URL filtering. if { ![class match [DNS::question name] ends_with $static::dns_request_fqdn_whitelist_dg] } { # If the Question Type matches, filter the request. if { [class match [DNS::question type] equals $static::dns_request_question_type_dg] } { # Determine the URL Category for the Question Name. set url_category [lindex [CATEGORY::lookup http://[DNS::question name]] 0] # If the URL Category is matched, return NXDOMAIN to the client. if { [class match $url_category ends_with $static::dns_request_url_categories_dg] } { # URL Category matched - Log. if { $static::debug_dns >= 1 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Question: [DNS::question name], Type: [DNS::question type], URL Category: $url_category - Respond with NXDOMAIN" } # Return NXDOMAIN to the client. DNS::answer clear DNS::header opcode QUERY DNS::header rcode NXDOMAIN DNS::return } } } else { # FQDN/TLD Whitelist matched - Log. if { $static::debug_dns >= 1 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Question: [DNS::question name], Type: [DNS::question type], FQDN/TLD Whitelist: Match Found - Bypass Request Filtering" } } } } when DNS_RESPONSE { # If Response Filter is enabled, filter the response. if { $static::dns_response_filter } { set threat_categories "" if { [DNS::ptype] eq "ANSWER" } { # Loop through each Resource Record(s). foreach rr [DNS::answer] { switch [DNS::type $rr] { "A" { # If the IP is not in the whitelist, filter the response. if { ![class match [DNS::rdata $rr] equals $static::dns_response_ip4_whitelist_dg] } { set threat_categories [IP::reputation [DNS::rdata $rr]] # If a Threat Category is returned and matches, filter the request. if { [class match $threat_categories contains $static::dns_response_ipi_categories_dg] } { # Threat Category matched - Log. if { $static::debug_dns >= 1 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Question: [DNS::question name], Type: A, Threat Category: $threat_categories - Respond with NXDOMAIN" } # Return NXDOMAIN to the client. DNS::answer clear DNS::header opcode QUERY DNS::header rcode NXDOMAIN } } else { # IP Whitelist matched - Log. if { $static::debug_dns >= 1 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Question: [DNS::question name], Type: [DNS::question type], IP Whitelist: Match Found - Bypass Response Filtering" } } } "AAAA" { # As IP::reputation doesn't support IPv6, use the Threat Category response from the A record. i.e. If the A record is bad assume the AAAA record is also bad. if { [class match $threat_categories contains $static::dns_response_ipi_categories_dg] } { # Threat Category matched - Log. if { $static::debug_dns >= 1 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Question: [DNS::question name], Type: AAAA, Threat Category: $threat_categories - Respond with NXDOMAIN" } # Return NXDOMAIN to the client. DNS::answer clear DNS::header opcode QUERY DNS::header rcode NXDOMAIN } } } } } } # Log the DNS response if { $static::debug_dns >= 2 } { log local0. "Client IP: [IP::client_addr], Answer: [DNS::answer], RCODE: [DNS::header rcode]" } } #Data Groups: create ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg type string modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Adult_Content"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Advanced_Malware_Command_and_Control"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Advanced_Malware_Payloads"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Bot_Networks"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Compromised_Websites"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Elevated_Exposure"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Emerging_Exploits"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Files_Containing_Passwords"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Hacking"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Keyloggers"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Malicious_Embedded_Link"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Malicious_Embedded_iFrame"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Malicious_Web_Sites"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Militancy_and_Extremist"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Mobile_Malware"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Newly_Registered_Websites"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Nudity"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Peer-to-Peer_File_Sharing"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Phishing_and_Other_Frauds"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Proxy_Avoidance"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Sex"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Spyware"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Tasteless"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_url_categories_dg records add {"Web_and_Email_Spam"} create ltm data-group internal dns_request_question_type_dg type string modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_question_type_dg records add {"A"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_question_type_dg records add {"AAAA"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_question_type_dg records add {"ANY"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_question_type_dg records add {"CNAME"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_question_type_dg records add {"MX"} create ltm data-group internal dns_request_fqdn_whitelist_dg type string modify ltm data-group internal dns_request_fqdn_whitelist_dg records add {"f5.com"} create ltm data-group internal dns_response_ip_whitelist_dg type ip modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ip_whitelist_dg records add {""} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ip_whitelist_dg records add {""} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ip_whitelist_dg records add {""} create ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg type string modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"BotNets"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Networks"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Denial of Service"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Illegal"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Infected Sources"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Phishing"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Proxy"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Scanners"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Spam Sources"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Web Attacks"} modify ltm data-group internal dns_response_ipi_categories_dg records add {"Windows Exploits"} Tested this on version: 11.51KViews1like2Comments