2 TopicsShellshock – The SIP Proxy Edition
The recent Shellshock and Heartbleed vulnerabilities have something in common – they both affect very infrastructural services. That is the reason their magnitude is much bigger than any other ol’ vulnerability out there. “Everyone” uses bash, “everyone” uses OpenSSL. Shock the shell However, one of the differences is that bash isn’t a public facing service like OpenSSL. Bash is simply the shell service of the underlying operating system. To be able to get to bash and exploit the vulnerability – one has to find a way to remotely “talk” with and feed it their evil commands via environment variables. Arguably, the most common path to reach bash is through a web server that makes use of the CGI technology. By default, CGI creates user-controlled environment variables, which are then parsed by bash, for every HTTP request the server accepts. This means that exploiting bash on such a system is as easy as sending an HTTP request to a CGI controlled page. However, CGI isn’t the only service that uses bash “behind the scenes”. DHCP services are affected, SSH and Telnet are affected, FTP services are affected. Some SIP proxies are also affected, we will learn why and how to mitigate them. SIP Express Router and friends Popular open source SIP proxies, such as Kamailio, have been found vulnerable to Shellshock. The author of a POC tool called sipshock has written a very clear explanation on the matter: The exec module in Kamailio, Opensips and probably every other SER fork passes the received SIP headers as environment variables to the invoking shell. This makes these SIP proxies vulnerable to CVE-2014-6271 (Bash Shellshock). If a proxy is using any of the exec functions and has the 'setvars' parameter set to the default value '1' then by sending SIP messages containing a specially crafted header we can run arbitrary code on the proxy machine. This means that if you have a public facing SIP proxy running a SIP Express Router implementation, you should patch your bash immediately. If you have an F5 LTM doing load balancing for that SIP server – a simple iRule will save you the headache of patching the operating system, and give you breathing room to do so properly. Mitigate Shellshock SIP with BIG-IP iRules The following iRule will detect SIP requests which contain the Shellshock pattern in one of the headers: when CLIENT_DATA { set sCVEPattern "*: () \{*" set bCVEFound 0 if { [string match $sCVEPattern [UDP::payload]] } { set bCVEFound 1 } } when SIP_REQUEST { if { $bCVEFound } { log local0. "Detected CVE-2014-6271 Shellshock attack! IP: '[IP::client_addr]' From: [SIP::from] To: [SIP::to]" reject } } Create a new iRule and attach it to your SIP proxy virtual server. Make sure the Virtual Server has “UDP” set as protocol, and is assigned with a SIP profile.999Views0likes1CommentBash Shellshock Mitigation Using ASM Signatures
Update: The signature mentioned in this article have been released as part of an Attack Signature Update. You may head to to download the file manually, or use the automatic update feature in ASM. This week we've seen new vulnerabilities with massive damage potential come to light – CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-6277 and CVE-2014-7169 - named quite appropriately "Shellshock". Background You can find details regarding this bash vulnerability on the Red Hat security blog: In a typical exploit, the payload is sent through a header (typically Cookie, Referrer or User-Agent) and takes advantage of the way the web server saves the data in that request to environment variables. A malicious request will attempt to fool the bash parser by sending a payload that will invoke a system command, for instance: GET /home.php HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: () { :;}; /bin/bash -c "ls" The string "() { :;};" means it is a function declaration. The string is followed by various shell commands – in our case it is execution of the "ls" command. Mitigation using F5 ASM Attack Signatures The following signature will catch attempts to exploit this CVE: headercontent:"() {"; This signature is compatible with all BIG-IP versions. To prevent any other potential exploitation attempts via the URL or a parameter, two additional signatures can be used: uricontent:"() {"; objonly; valuecontent:"() {"; norm; Note: The signatures have been updated to catch exploit attempts in all their variations. It is important to note, that all attempts to exploit this vulnerability via HTTP parameters and several known exploits via the HTTP header are already mitigated using existing "command execution" and "predictable resource location" signatures. Exploits via the Cookie header will encounter the "Cookie not RFC-compliant" violation. You need to make sure they are enabled and are not in staging. To protect your application, create those user-defined signatures and associate them with the relevant security policy. Make sure that the signatures are not in staging.901Views0likes5Comments