Browser Cookie Support Required iRule Using Modernizr
Problem this snippet solves: Validates (using JavaScript) that the client browser supports cookies before continuing. It's a good idea to back up the Modernizr script libraries and store them locally in case something happens to them. There is an exception for OPTIONS HTTP requests. This was a requirement in our environment, because there was an inbound application that could not accept cookies. The saving grace is that they told me they were using OPTIONS instead of GET, so I was able to create an exception to bypass the iRule. You'll want to keep this in mind in case you run into similar scenarios. Feedback or suggestions are welcome. How to use this snippet: The iRule MUST be in last position of order. For some reason it doesn't work otherwise. This site was damaging the code. You can download it as or retrieve it from my first comment. Shoutout to my webdev coworker for supplying the JavaScript portion, which I tweaked a bit and added the alert to. "If only there was some way to force the client to reload the page," I mused. Doh! Code : 69783 Tested this on version: 11.5556Views0likes5Comments