citrix bundles
1 Topiccitrix bundles
I'm need to clarify how to configure the citrix bundle for my citrix iapp. The documentation is confusing me. Basically I would like to upload the exe to install the citrix receiver on the BigIP and kick that off if the BigIP detects the client does not have it installed. The documentation seems to do the opposite. Per support: "In the Download URL field, accept the default location or type the location from which the user can download a Citrix Receiver client. If Access Policy Manager detects that the user's computer is running Windows Citrix Receiver at or above the minimum version that you specify, instead of redirecting the user to this URL, APM performs an action based on the Source setting." So it's only using the package source information if the user alredy has the client installed? That doesn't make any sense. Any help is appreciated. -GR207Views0likes2Comments