certificate import
3 TopicsCannot overwrite existing certificate/key using iControl certificate/key import_from_pem calls
I have been testing importing SSL certificate or key from PEM using iControl calls https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iControl.Management__KeyCertificate__certificate_import_from_pem.ashx (and key_import_from_pem). The two calls accept a boolean overwrite parameter which supposedly should allow overwriting of existing certificate/key. But this doesn't seem to work, my test Perl script (the actual API call part) looks like this: $soapResponse = $KeyCert->certificate_import_from_pem ( SOAP::Data->name(mode => MANAGEMENT_MODE_DEFAULT), SOAP::Data->name(cert_ids => [$sCert]), SOAP::Data->name(pem_data => [$CertPEM]), SOAP::Data->name(overwrite => 1) ); I've also tried "true" instead of 1 for the overwrite parameter, neither works, I'm getting errors like this: 01020066:3: The requested Certificate File (/Common/test-cert.crt) already exists in partition Common. My target is an F5 VM running BigIP v12.1.0, the script works fine when the cert/key didn't already exist on the F5.358Views0likes1CommentImporting RSA Certificate & key
Hi, I'm browsing SSL certificate list, and there are different types of Contents. I'm particularly in "RSA Certificate & key" since this is the method I'd like to import two of the newly received CA certificates. The problem is I have no idea how. I can easily import certificate and key in separate entries, but this seems to clutter the list. I'm also having difficulties in finding a proper instruction on the web. Please help or direct me to one, that just assumes me being a F5 first-timer :) thanks1.1KViews0likes2Commentssetting 'overwrite' to true in KeyCertificate::certificate_import_from_pem throws an exception when a cert exists
suppose I am uploading a certificate, foo.crt that already exists on the F5 when I set overwrite to false, I would get 'Would overwrite file' exception as expected when I set overwrite to true, I get the Exception: 'The requested Certificate File (/Common/foo.crt) already exists in partition Common' correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the latter exception defeats the purpose that is implied in 'overwrite'194Views0likes0Comments