3 TopicsCopy a branch of Per-request Policy
hi all! is there a way to copy a branch in a per request policy then paste it to another branch? i think that this can be done if the branch is already configured as a macro but in our scenario, all branches are configured manually. is there a way to do this or the only way is to configure it manually? Thank you.271Views0likes1CommentCustom branch rule expression not working as expected
I am trying to create a custom branch in an APM policy. I have a custom session variable that has been set in a prior "Variable Assign" step, but the policy never follows my custom always goes to fallback. The branch rule is expression is: expr {[string match "webmail*" [mget {session.custom.hostname}]] } Basically, what I want is the user to get directed to our webmail service if the hostname they used to connect started with "webmail". If not, they should get the webtop with a selection of services. Can you seen anything wrong with my expression above? I have also tried simpler versions that I think should work, like expr {string match "webmail*" [mget session.custom.hostname] }235Views0likes1CommentAPM AD Query Branch Rules
Hi, We're attempting to setup APM AD query branch rules using OU. Our details looks like this (sanitized a little): CN=username,OU=IT,OU=Departments,OU=Office,DC=domain,DC=com The default string provided is: CN=MY_GROUP, CN=Users, DC=MY_DOMAIN Is there an issue with using OUs? As we can't seem to get it to work. Also we've created the AAA AD server object and supplied it with credentials. However, is there anyway to actually verify this piece is working standalone?302Views0likes2Comments