2 TopicsF5 Archiver Ansible Playbook
Problem this snippet solves: Centralized scheduled archiving (backups) on F5 BIG-IP devices are a pain however, in the new world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Super-NetOps tools like Ansible can provide the answer. I have a playbook I have been working on to allow me to backup off box quickly, UCS files are saves to a folder names tmp under the local project folder, this can be changed by editing the following line in the f5Archiver.yml file: dest: "tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ date['stdout'] }}.ucs" The playbook can be run from a laptop on demand or via some scheduler (like cron ) or as part of a CI/CD pipelines. How to use this snippet: F5 Archiver Ansible Playbook Gitlab: StrataLabs: AnsibleF5Archiver Overview This Ansible playbook takes a list of F5 devices from a hosts file located within the inventory directory, creates a UCS archive and copies locally into the 'tmp' direcotry. Requirements This Ansible playbook requires the following: * ansible >= 2.5 * python module f5-sdk * F5 BIG-IP running TMOS >= 12 Usage Run using the ansible-playbook command using the inventory -i option to use the invertory directory instead of the default inventory host file. NOTE: F5 username and password are not set in the playbook and so need to be passed into the playbook as extra variables using the --extra-vars option, the variables are f5User for the username and f5Pwd for the password. The below examples use the default admin:admin . To check the playbook before using run the following commands ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml --syntax-check ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml --check Once happy run the following to execute the playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml Tested this on version: 12.11.8KViews2likes1CommentDownload a BIG-IP UCS archive with "curl".
Problem this snippet solves: Download a BIG-IP UCS archive using the program "curl" and verifies the output file's signature. Tested on 13.1.1. How to use this snippet: Edit the code to input the hostname of your F5 UI, admin credentials, source UCS file name (defaults to config.ucs), and the output file name. Code : #!/bin/bash # # Download a UCS archive (across a stable network) with curl. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- F5_HOST='' CREDENTIALS='admin:admin' FINAL_FILE='/tmp/config.ucs' ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER='config.ucs' DEBUG='' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Get the md5 checksum for the archive. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM=$(curl -sku $CREDENTIALS -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d "{\"command\":\"run\", \"utilCmdArgs\": \"-c '/usr/bin/md5sum /var/local/ucs/$ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER'\"}" \ https://$F5_HOST/mgmt/tm/util/bash | awk -F':' '{print $NF}' | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' | awk '{print $1}') [ -z "$ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" ] && echo "Failed to get archive signature. Aborting." && exit 1 [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Archive checksum: $ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Find out the size of the archive and the size of the data packet. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content_Range=$(curl -I -kv -u $CREDENTIALS -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET "https://$F5_HOST/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/ucs-downloads/$ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER" 2>/dev/null | grep "Content-Range: " | cut -d ' ' -f 2) FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE=$(echo -n $Content_Range | cut -d '/' -f 1 | tr -d '\r') [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE=$(echo -n $FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE | cut -d '-' -f 2) [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE INITIAL_CONTENT_LENGTH=$NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE CONTENT_LENGTH=$(($NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE+1)) [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "CONTENT_LENGTH: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $CONTENT_LENGTH DFILE_SIZE=$(echo -n $Content_Range | cut -d '/' -f 2 | tr -d '\r' ) [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo -n "DFILE_SIZE: " [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $DFILE_SIZE LAST_END_BYTE=$((DFILE_SIZE-1)) CUMULATIVE_NO=0 [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "CUMULATIVE_NO: $CUMULATIVE_NO" SEQ=0 LAST=0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Clean up: Remove the previous output file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- /bin/rm $FINAL_FILE 2>/dev/null #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Get the archive file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- while true do if [ $LAST -gt 0 ]; then [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo 'End of run reached.' break fi if [ $SEQ -eq 0 ]; then NEXT_RANGE=$FIRST_CONTENT_RANGE CUMULATIVE_NO=$NUMBER_OF_LAST_BYTE CONTENT_LENGTH=$INITIAL_CONTENT_LENGTH else START_BYTE=$(($CUMULATIVE_NO+1)) END_BYTE=$(($START_BYTE + $CONTENT_LENGTH)) if [ $END_BYTE -gt $LAST_END_BYTE ]; then [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "END_BYTE greater than LAST_END_BYTE: $END_BYTE:$LAST_END_BYTE" LAST=1 let END_BYTE=$LAST_END_BYTE [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Getting the last data packet." fi NEXT_RANGE="${START_BYTE}-${END_BYTE}" CUMULATIVE_NO=$END_BYTE fi [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "NEXT_RANGE: $NEXT_RANGE" let SEQ+=1 [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "SEQ: $SEQ" OUTPUT_FILE_NAME="/tmp/$$_downloaded_ucs_archive_file_part_$SEQ"; curl -H "Content-Range: ${NEXT_RANGE}/${DFILE_SIZE}" -s -k -u $CREDENTIALS -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET "https://$F5_HOST/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/ucs-downloads/$ARCHIVE_NAME_ON_SERVER" -o $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME cat $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME >> $FINAL_FILE /bin/rm $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo "End of loop $SEQ" done #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Verify downloaded file. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL_FILE_CHECKSUM=$(/usr/bin/md5sum $FINAL_FILE | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$FINAL_FILE_CHECKSUM" == "$ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM" ]; then echo "Download completed and verified." else echo "Downloaded file has incorrect checksum." exit 1 fi # END -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tested this on version: 13.01.5KViews2likes5Comments