Proud to win, Humbled to serve – F5 wins APAC Awards
In recent weeks, the award bells have been ringing for F5 in Asia Pacific. We’ve bagged not one, but four awards, showing a clear testament to our continued market and technological leadership. F5 has always been committed to delivering a holistic customer experience and we are humbled to be accredited by various industry experts and analysts for our work. These awards belong to every F5ers in Asia Pacific. The dedication in empowering our partners and delivering solutions and services to our customers, has taken F5 from humble beginnings to now a trusted partner in optimizing and securing thousands of Apps in Enterprise Hybrid Environments. This year F5 bagged award highlighting our leadership in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) from Frost & Sullivan. It is a very special accolade for F5, as this marks the 7th year we are named the ADC Vendor of the Year at Frost & Sullivan’s Asia Pacific ICT Awards – an achievement we hold dear and do not take lightly. The winners of the awards are determined via in-depth interviews, analysis and extensive secondary research conducted by analysts and companies are evaluated based on revenue, market share, capabilities and overall contribution to the industry. F5 has grown beyond our data center roots to include a robust Hybrid offering from purpose-built hardware to as-a-service offerings. At Network World Asia’s Information Management Awards 2015, F5 is honoured to be conferred the Application Delivery Controller of the year. Apps are taking center stage in most business transactions, and enterprises are challenged to extend management of their IT infrastructure to include Apps hosted in the cloud. We are positioned in a sweet spot more than ever, to reduce complexity and embrace hybrid infrastructure deployments without forsaking the benefits our customers have seen in data center. Significantly this year, we announced our entrance into the cloud service delivery space with the introduction of F5 Silverline platform. Security runs in F5’s DNA. This year, our awards from Computerworld Malaysia and Network World Asia reflect on our rock-solid technology in DDoS Protection. Regional CIOs and IT heads of end-user organisations were invited to vote for both awards. It is the industry’s stamp of approval on F5’s capabilities and track record in keeping enterprises safe from vulnerabilities and threats in the cyberspace. These awards recognise the care we take in each step of product creation, from the drawing board to the end-user experience and support. Once the furore is over, we will continue to partner with enterprises and help businesses achieve their objectives with the best-in-class solutions. For now, we’ll pop the champagne and have a cheers to our wins!237Views0likes0CommentsHal Terpenting Dalam BYOD
Please find the English language post from which this was adapted here. Fokuslah ke Applikasi, Bukan ke Perangkatnya! Kini, perangkat mobile seperti smartphone dan tablet sudah dapat membantu karyawan perusahaan untuk bekerja. Dengan modal perangkat yang kian canggih tersebut, mereka dapat melakukan pekerjaan seperti halnya menggunakan perangkat yang disediakan kantor. Akibatnya, kini banyak para pekerja tersebut yang mulai menggunakan perangkat mobile pribadi untuk urusan pekerjaan seperti menjawab e-mail penting, menerima serta mengirimkan data-data milik perusahaan, atau bahkan menyelesaikan proyek. Untungnya, berkat kebijakan BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) yang diterapkan oleh beberapa perusahaan, mereka bisa mengakses dan juga mengirimkan data-data perusahaan melalui perangkat pribadinya. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, memastikan keamanan data-data perusahaan merupakan sebuah tantangan bagi departemen IT. Data rahasia perusahaan berseliweran di jaringan internal serta eksternal melalui berbagai perangkat. Memastikan keamanan data sangatlah penting, tetapi apakah Anda tahu cara terbaik untuk melindungi data tersebut? Jika dilihat secara menyeluruh, sebenarnya perangkat yang digunakan tidaklah begitu penting. Hal yang sebenarnya paling penting adalah data itu sendiri. Jika data dan applikasi terlindungi dengan benar, maka kedua hal tersebut akan tetap terlindungi meskipun perangkat yang digunakan hilang karena dicuri. Karena alasan tersebut, menurut saya, aplikasi merupakan kunci utama dalam menyediakan pengalaman BYOD yang aman. Dengan lebih berfokus pada aplikasi dibandingkan dengan perangkat, maka data akan selalu terlindungi, contohnya : jika perangkat yang digunakan hilang ataupun dicuri, data-data yang tersimpan dapat dihapus secara remote / dari jarak jauh, atau setidaknya perusahaan mampu mengunci perangkat tersebut dan menjadikan perangkat tersebut beserta data-data didalamnya tidak lagi dapat digunakan. Untuk mengatasi tantangan ini, F5, penyedia solusi bagi ekosistem aplikasi di banyak perusahaan, memiliki berbagai solusi untuk membantu mereka dalam menyediakan layanan-layanan aplikasi kepada siapapun, kapanpun dan di manapun karyawan mereka berada. Sangatlah penting, bagi tim IT sebuah perusahaan, untuk memastikan bahwa data-data yang tersimpan di (maupun diakses oleh) perangkat mobile mendapat pengamanan yang sama seperti halnya data tersebut diakses dari kantor. Karena itu, seharusnya kebijakan-kebijakan keamanan yang sudah ada juga dapat diterapkan dalam perangkat mobile baik milik perusahaan maupun millik pribadi. Dengan menerapkan pengamanan seperti ini, perusahaan akan memiliki kontrol secara penuh terhadap data-data mereka. Perusahaan dapat mengontrol siapa saja yang bisa mengakses suatu data, hingga mengontrol dari perangkat dan lokasi mana saja data tersebut dapat diakses. Kemampuan dalam menciptakan kebijakan kontrol akses yang terperinci ini akan membatasi akses karyawan Anda, sehingga mereka hanya dapat mengakses data-data yang dibutuhkan. Karena itulah, data-data rahasia perusahaan lebih terlindungi. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang tepat, karyawan yang menggunakan perangkat mobile miliknya sendiri akan mampu memisahkan aktifitas bisnis dan personal meskipun keduanya dilakukan melalui satu perangkat. Ini tentu saja menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak (pihak departemen IT perusahaan dan juga karyawan perusahaan tersebut). Departemen IT bisa mengelola data, aplikasi, kebijakan, serta mengontrol akses seperti halnya yang mereka lakukan pada perangkat milik perusahaan. Di lain sisi, pemilik perangkat memiliki kebebasan untuk melakukan aktifitas personal apapun yang mereka inginkan tanpa mempengaruhi data-data perusahaan yang tersimpan di dalam perangkat tersebut. Jangan merasa terbebani dengan berbagai tantangan keamanan yang dihadapi dalam menerapkan kebijakan BYOD. Mulailah dengan memahami data serta aplikasi apa saja yang karyawan Anda butuhkan, serta bagaimana mereka akan mengaksesnya. Pemahaman ini akan membantu Anda untuk mengembangkan solusi-solusi yang tepat bagi perusahaan. Tidak cukup dari sisi perusahaan saja, sebaiknya, karyawan Anda juga diberikan pelatihan agar memahami berbagai resiko dalam mengakses data-data perusahaan menggunakan perangkat mobile milik pribadi dan juga cara yang benar dalam melakukannya. Bertepatan dengan liburan, maka akan lebih banyak karyawan yang mengakses data-data perusahaan di luar jaringan perusahaan menggunakan perangkat mobile milik pribadi. Tetapi dengan menerapkan kebijakan keamanan yang sama baiknya seperti yang diterapkan di dalam lingkungan kantor, maka keamanan data-data perusahaan akan tetap terlindungi. Dengan menggunakan F5 Synthesis, sebuah visi arsitektur yang dibangun berdasarkan solusi-solusi yang lengkap dari F5, maka perusahaan akan mampu mengatasi tantangan ini. Untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut tentang F5, ikuti @F5NetworksAPJ di Twitter, atau kunjungi Driving Attention
The mobile platform, meaning tablets and smartphones, now account for 60% of total digital media time spent according to comScore. This is a 10 point jump from 50% just a year ago. On top of that, mobile apps accounted for 51% of all digital media time spent in May 2014. Many of the content categories like radio, photos and maps are becoming almost exclusively mobile. Digital radio and photos both generate 96% of their engagement from mobile while maps and instant messaging get 90% of interaction from mobile devices. You might be wondering, like I did, where do social networks come in since it seem like almost everyone updates their social feeds through mobile. Social is actually the #1 category for overall digital engagement taking about 20% of overall digital time spent and gets 71% of it's activity from mobile. It, social media engagement on mobile, has grown 55% over the last year and has accounted for 31% of all growth of internet engagements. So who is driving the mobile app explosion? Teenagers. About 60% of 12 to 17 year olds had a smartphone in 2013, topping even the 45+ crowd for smartphone ownership, according to Arbitron and Edison Research. The app money makers are not the initial charge for the program but all the in-app purchases along with the ads attached to the app. Mobile is clearly the new way we consume digital content and continues to grow. We are also interacting with specific apps rather than browsing and those apps are growing at an amazing pace. Today's infrastructure needs to be even more flexible, intelligent and resilient to handle the surge. And ultimately, the apps and the content/experience they provide need to be highly available and delivered quickly and securely to the person...just like any other typical application. ps Related: Major Mobile Milestones in May: Apps Now Drive Half of All Time Spent on Digital Who's driving the mobile app economy? Our kids Invasion of Privacy - Mobile App Infographic Style The Applications of Our Lives What's in Your Smartphone? Technorati Tags: mobile,apps,tablet,smartphone,social media,humans,society,silva,security Connect with Peter: Connect with F5:216Views0likes0CommentsSuccess in an app-defined world
We live in an app-defined world. Businesses run on applications and it is critical that applications are accessible on any device, everywhere in the world. At F5, we recognise the importance of this. This is why we are delighted that F5 has been named Application Delivery Controller Vendor of the Year by Frost & Sullivan, for the sixth consecutive year. I’m glad F5 has continued to exceed expectations of our users and partners. This award is a testimony of our promise to them to invest in R&D and undertake continuous development. As it grows, the application environment is becoming more complex. Aside from residing in a data centre, applications exist in the cloud and on mobile devices. Today, millions of apps define the way we work and play. The ability to deliver these applications smoothly to users —both on premise as well as mobile users — greatly impacts employee productivity as well as customer experience. This evolving environment demands increasingly intelligent solutions. And this is where F5 fits in. Having been a player in the application delivery field for decades, F5 understands the complexities of managing and securing applications. In fact, F5 delivers enterprise apps for numerous Fortune 500 companies. Last year, F5 announced its new architectural vision, F5 Synthesis, which promotes the delivery and orchestration of software defined application throughout data center, cloud, and hybrid environments. Powered by a high performance intelligent fabric, F5 Synthesis promises customers rapid and cost effective delivery of application services at any time. The world runs on applications. And apps should just work. In other words, they should always be available, accessible from anywhere and any device, protected from security threats and perform without fail. F5 promises to leave no application behind.219Views0likes0CommentsThe Applications of Our Lives
The Internet of Things will soon become The Internet of Nouns There are a few 'The ______ of Our Lives' out there: Days. Time. Moments. Love. They define who we are, where we've been and where we are going. And today, many of those days, times, moments and loves interact with applications. Both the apps we tap and the back end applications used to chronicle these events have become as much a part of our lives as the happenings themselves. The app, Life. As reported on umpteen outlets yesterday, Twitter went down for about an hour. As news broke, there were also some fun headlines like, Twitter goes down, chaos and productivity ensue, Twitter is down. NFL free agency should be postponed, Twitter is down, let the freak-out commence and Twitter goes down, helps man take note it’s his wife’s birthday. It is amazing how much society has come to rely on social media to communicate. Another article, Why Twitter Can’t Keep Crashing, goes right into the fact that it is globally distributed, real-time information delivery system and how the world has come to depend on it, not just to share links and silly jokes but how it affects lives in real ways. Whenever Facebook crashes for any amount of time people also go crazy. Headlines for that usually read something like, 'Facebook down, birthdays/anniversaries/parties cease to exist!' Apparently since people can't tell, post, like, share or otherwise bullhorn their important events, it doesn't actually occur. 'OMG! How am I gonna invite people to my bash in two weeks without social media?!? My life is over!' Um, paper, envelopes, stamps anyone? We have connected wrist bracelets keeping track of our body movements, connected glasses recording every move, connected thermostats measuring home environments and pretty much any other 'thing' that you want to monitor, keep track of or measure. From banking to buying, to educating to learning, to connecting to sharing and everything in between, our lives now rely on applications so much so, that when an application is unavailable, our lives get jolted. Or, we pause our lives for the moment until we can access that application. As if we couldn't go on without it. My, how application availability has become critical to our daily lives. I think The Internet of Things will soon become The Internet of Nouns since every person, place or thing will be connected. I like that. I call 'The Internet of Nouns' as our next frontier! Sorry adverbs, love ya but you're not connected. ps Related Does Social Media Reflect Society? The Icebox Cometh The Top 10, Top 10 Predictions for 2014 The Internet of Things and DNS Delivering the Internet of Things Technorati Tags: apps,applications,social media,life,availability,twitter,facebook,society,humans,people,silva,f5,iot Connect with Peter: Connect with F5:358Views0likes0CommentsAPAC market research points to WAF being integrated with application delivery
We entered 2014 on a fillip. Frost & Sullivan had just named us the vendor leading WAF market in Asia Pacific and Japan. The Frost Industry Quotient, put F5 and nine other companies under their analytical magnifying glass, examining our market performance for CY 2012 as well as key business strategies. They left no strategy unturned it would seem. Product and service strategy, people and skills strategy, business and even the ecosystem strategy were all held up to scrutiny. But the real scoop wasn’t that we were No 1 but that Frost IQ had discerned developments in the market that point towards WAF being integrated with application delivery. The researchers noted that the convergence would lead to a more intelligent and holistic way for organizations to protect their web applications. The market is validating what we said a year ago when we launched BIG-IP Advanced firewall Manager, the first in the industry to unify a network firewall with traffic management, application security, user access management and DNS security capabilities within an intelligent services framework. Every day, publicly known or otherwise, organizations grapple with attacks that target their applications in addition to those that threaten the network. Because F5 solutions occupy strategic points of control within the infrastructure, they are ideally suited to combine traditional application delivery with firewall capabilities and other advanced security services. The bell tolls for the traditional firewall. Eventually it will be replaced by intelligent security. F5’s integrated approach to security is key in mitigating DDoS attacks, helping to identify malicious actions, prioritize how requests from specific locations are handled and focus on addressing properly qualified requests. Enabling security services on our ADCs makes it possible to consolidate multiple security appliances into one single device. This consolidation includes a WAF that analyses traffic and can propose rules to automatically protect the enterprise. I caught up quickly with Christian Hentschel, SVP Asia Pacific and Japan, on his views of the new accolade. Aside from being very proud to be recognized as the leading WAF vendor in APJ, a testimony of our strategy and the team’s focus, he noted that customers view traditional firewall less relevant with the sophistication in cyber-attacks on layer 4-7 today.250Views0likes0CommentsAre You Ready For Some...Technology!!
Every year around this time football fans are drafting their fantasy leagues, wearing their favorite team's jerseys, stocking tailgate items and experiencing the new technologies that have become part of the game. From Second Screen apps to Catapult, technology is not only changing the game but also how fans experience the contest. As more fans engage with mobile devices, the TV broadcast is being regulated as the Second Screen. Usually the mobile device is used to access information that compliments the program but with NFL fans, particularly those who play fantasy leagues, it is the reverse. They are locked in to their mobile app, following multiple games, tracking stats, clicking on-demand videos and even watching teams not associated with their local market. The NFL sees a huge opportunity to reach and engage fans even more. Australia-based Catapult is being used by many NFL teams to track athlete performance among other metrics. A 3.5-ounce monitor situated between the player's shoulder blades monitors player movements within 15 centimeters and gives coaches acceleration, distance covered, speed, explosion times, exertion, hitting force and every other imaginable piece of data on a player's specific movements. It is changing the manner in which teams practice, recover from injuries and even plan for games. The San Francisco 49ers’ new Levi’s Stadium is touted as the most technologically advanced stadium in the league. With their stadium app, fans can check bathroom, food and beer lines along with streaming replays (with your choice of camera angle) and streaming NFL Redzone. There is plenty of WiFi capacity, which is actually uncommon at NFL stadiums. There is only a handful of teams with WiFi service in their football stadiums but Roger Goodell (NFL commissioner) wants to make wireless internet a standard in NFL stadiums in the coming years. There are many other advances like safer helmets with a chip that monitors the force of a hit, 2100-inch HDTVs, retractable grass and sustainable stadiums all making an impact. The best place to watch football is in the comfort of your own living room and teams are looking at ways of creating a living room atmosphere for 80,000 fans. And as you're waiting for tonight's kickoff, check out what this dad did for his kids. ps Related: NFL Tries to Capitalize on Rabid Fans Who See TV as the 'Second Screen' To the NFL, second-screen content isn't a team sport Second-screen audiences continue to grow Sports And Technology: How Catapult is revolutionizing the NFL The NFL's Technology Cornucopia The 49ers’ New Levi’s Stadium Is Going To Be The Most Technologically Advanced Building In Sports 5 Coolest New Technologies About to Tackle the NFL Top 5 Technologies in NFL Stadiums NFL lagging on stadium Wi-Fi Florida fan impressively turns his backyard into a football field CloudFucius Is: Ready for Some Football Technorati Tags: nfl,technology,sports,football,mobile,apps,stadiums,silva,catapult,f5,infrastructure,application delivery Connect with Peter: Connect with F5:250Views0likes0Comments