1 TopicBIGIP OAUTH : Transmit "Application id" to backend server after a successful atuthentication
Hello @ all 🙂 I took over the management of a bigip (15.1.1) on which APM is configured, in particular to do OAUTH for partner applications. I'd like to know if it is possible to transmit used application id (from "Access ›› Federation : OAuth Authorization Server : Client Application " ) to backend server. Here is what I had understood about how it works (currently functionnal): External form, when "Authentication button" is clicked, redirect to a form hosted and managed with APM on our F5. An Access policy is used and when user is authenticated, the brower redirect to the external application using one of the defined url for the current Application ("Access ›› Federation : OAuth Authorization Server : Client Application " : Security settings/Redirect URL(s) ). Then, the next requests are authenticated. I'd like to know if it is possible (and how) add an information that could be transmitted to backend server to identify the used application. Little precision : we can't change the current behavior of the external app : it means that the solution should be on the BigIP. Thank you for your helpSolved1.2KViews0likes10Comments