3 Topicsirule apology page logo/image not working
I have deployed apololgy pages a bunch of times and never had any issues, but I'm running into one now. The issue is simple, the image isn't displaying, and I can't figure out why. I have a *.htm file that has img src="/apology.jpg" width="737" height="79" alt="" title="" / I then have an irule that says: if {[HTTP::header referer] eq ""} { switch [HTTP::uri] { "/apology.jpg" { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get "apology.jpg"] } default { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get "access_denied.htm"] } } } } The users gets redirected to the apology page but the logo just shows a big red "x" in it. The strange thing is that if I look at the properties it shows the logo url as And if I navigate to that URL the logo displays just fine...it just doesn't display on the apology page. I've used this exact same logic for numerous apology pages and never had an issue...i'm sure it's something simple that i'm overlooking but i've been overlooking it for two days at this point so any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance241Views0likes1CommentSimple Logout redirect irule
I have some sites that I need to redirect to an external URL. I have figured that out with an irule when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect "https://OTHERSITE.com[HTTP::uri]" } On the external sites there is a "logout" button and that needs to hit a static web page that I have set up on the BIG-IP. So if a user goes to www.example.com they get redirected to www.othersite.com. While on www.othersite.com if they click logout it sends them back to www.example.com/Logout.html. I setup an irule and applied it to the same virtual server above the first redirect iRule. My thought is that the "www.example.com/Logout.html" is a specific URL so if the F5 sees that then to redirect it to the apology page, but if it sees anything else to just send it to the "OTHERSITE.COM" url. I'm sure I'm missing something but here's my other irule. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([HTTP::host] equals "http://example.com/Logout.html") } { "/generic_apology_pic.jpg" { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get "generic_apology_pic.jpg"] } default { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get "generic_apology.htm"] } } } } I probably wrote this as confusing as possible, but very simply I need to redirect all traffic to www.example.com to www.othersite.com, unless it's going to www.example.com/Logout.html, at which point I need to display a page that is hosted on the F5. Thanks in advance, David2.2KViews0likes2CommentsIndividual Apology page with DataGroup
Hey, I'm trying to present many different apology pages based on the incoming host header. I have about 100 different hosts, and all hosts would need a different 301 redirect if the pool is unavailable. I'm having some problems with my irule: when HTTP_REQUEST { set artifactid [class match -value [string tolower [HTTP::host]] contains my_apology_dg ] if {( $artifactid ne "") and ([active_members my_web_pool] < 1) }{ HTTP::redirect $artifactid event disable } } Here is my DG: ltm data-group internal /DMZ/my_apology_dg { records { mysite { data https://www.myapologyurl.com } } type string } Requets to: https://mysite.com should redirect to https://www.myapologyurl.com when all members of my_web_pool is offline. I will add many more sites to the datagroup once i get the logic working. Any input would be much appreciated.270Views0likes1Comment