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1 TopicSend Post/GET to all nodes regarless of status
I am trying to send a POST or a GET to all nodes in a pool regardless of the node status. I pieced together the following code. The issue is that the website is not ready yet so I am working with 404 and checking IIS logs. We want the request to be sent to each node once regardless of the return code. Then we want to display a page to the user with some status. I use curl to send data it post to each node. But I get "curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer" If I visit the page in a browser (GET) it sends 250 request to each node. works but creates a 250 request when page is visited in browser send 1 POST to each node if curl is used to post data curl --data "cacheclear=1" when HTTP_REQUEST { set variables set pool [LB::server pool] set memberslist {} set members [members -list [LB::server pool]] set posturl "http://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" save original request set req [HTTP::request] set reqcount to the total number of servers in assigned pool set reqcount [active_members [LB::server pool]] look for the trigger in the URL/URi if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] eq "/clear" } { send request to the vip default pool pool $pool } } http retry only works in http_response when HTTP_RESPONSE { since no test page existing working with 404 status. we can change this later and add error checking if { [HTTP::status] equals 404 } { if request count is greater than 0, decrement variable and retry request if { $reqcount > 0 } { incr reqcount -1 HTTP::retry $req } respond to user set response "URL: $posturl Pool: $pool Members List: $memberslist Current Member: [LB::server addr] Reguest Info: $req Active Members:" HTTP::respond 200 content $response "Content-Type" "text/html" } }365Views0likes2Comments